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Thesis Statements For Autobiographical Essays. Some good examples n Older siblings can help their younger brothers and/or sisters overcome shyness. n.

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Presentation on theme: "Thesis Statements For Autobiographical Essays. Some good examples n Older siblings can help their younger brothers and/or sisters overcome shyness. n."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesis Statements For Autobiographical Essays

2 Some good examples n Older siblings can help their younger brothers and/or sisters overcome shyness. n Faith can keep one from “going too far” in a number of situations. n Parents can discipline their children in a variety of ways. n Older people can forget how to “give it their all.”

3 A good thesis statement is: n Focused -- the direction/purpose is sharply detailed. n Clear -- the language is strong, simple, direct. n Interesting -- the topic is provoking. n “Prove-able” -- you can tell a short anecdote or a relate a series of stories that will demonstrate this idea.

4 Some Bad Examples n Announcements rather than Statements: n The subject of this paper will be my parents. n I want to talk about crime in my life. n The concern of this essay is how the baby boom generation affected my life.

5 Bad Examples n Statements that are too Broad: n My parents have been the most influential people in my life. n Crime is a major concern of everyone in this country. n Baby-boomers have changed history.

6 Bad Examples n Statements that are too narrow: n My parents had only one child. n In the last year there were over twenty robberies in my neighborhood. n Baby boomers make up the largest single age group in the U.S.

7 Bad Examples n Statements that contain more than one idea: n My parents helped me to grow in important ways, although in other respects it was limited. n My brother learned from his time in prison, but prisons are too crowded. n Don’t drink and drive; I think the drinking age should be lowered.

8 Evaluate each other’s thesis statements: n Are they -- –Announcements rather than statements? –Too Broad? –Too Narrow? –Do they contain more than one idea? n Are they focused, clear, interesting and prove-able? n Try re-writing those statements that you find problematic.

9 Titles n Should describe the content of the paper, not the assignment. n Bad Titles: –Career Project Evaluation Essay – First History Paper –Essay #1

10 Titles cont. n Should be professional rather than personal. Should not be statements of fact. Should not leave the reader wondering what the essay is all about. n Bad titles: –Why I choose Nursing – I want to be a Biologist. –My goal: Rocket Scientist. –Why it’s Difficult for me to Decide

11 Titles cont. n Should indicate the tone/approach of the essay. n Good titles: –Nursing: A Financially and Spiritually Rewarding Career –The Time is Worth it: Taking the High Road to the Ph.D. in English –Career Options for Extroverts with Strong Math Skills

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