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COMENIUS CONTEST Joel Ossorio y Alejandro Álvarez.

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2 COMENIUS CONTEST Joel Ossorio y Alejandro Álvarez

3 "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in."

4 ZA B C D E F G H I J K L Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M

5 What is the capital city of Turkey? a)Astanbul c) Antalya b) Ankara



8 Which river divides Istambul in Europe and Asia? b) Brownie c)Bosphorous a) Bur

9 Which sea doesn’t surround Spain? b) Cantabrian Sea a) Mediterranean Sea c) Black Sea

10 Which is the European organism which is in charge to defend the rights of children? a) The European Government b) The European Council c) The European Parliament

11 Where is the Colosseum? b) In Florence c) In Rome a) In Venice

12 Who is the founder of Turkish Republic? c) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk b) Mezarfen Ahmet Çelebi a)Miri Reis

13 Which countries are bordering Slovenia? c) Croatia, Italy, Germany, Hungary b) Croatia, Italy, Serbia, France a) Croatia, Italy, Hungary, Austria

14 An important right for children is: a) To play videogames c) To have a mobile phone b) To receive food and education

15 Who wrote the “Divina Commedia”? c) Dante Alighieri b) Doccaccio a) Diuseppe Verdi

16 What are the colours of the Spanish flag? c) Yellow and red b) Yellow and green a) Yellow, Green and red

17 What colours can you find on the Slovak flag? c) white, blue, red b) white, blue, green a) white, yellow, red

18 Tell the Name of the capital city of Slovenia c) Loper b) Ljubljana a) Laribor

19 What are the colours of the Italian flag? c) Green, white and red b) Green, blue and red a) Green, white and orange

20 Who wrote the Slovenian national anthem? c) Fina Turner b) Favarotti a) France Prešeren

21 What is the highest mountain in Slovakia? a) High Tatras b) Hualca Hualca c) Haramosh

22 Which one of those is typical Spanish Food? c) Paella b) Pizza a)Potaje de berroPotaje de berro

23 Which of these three dogs is Slovak national breed? a) b) c)

24 Which of this cities is Slovak? a) Košice b) Klagenfurt c) Klaipieda

25 Which of this vulcanos is in Italy? a) Vostochnaya b) Vesubio c) Veleta

26 Which famous football player is playing in Real Madrid this season? a) Ronaldinho b) Robben c) Ronaldo

27 Which product is typical in Valencia? a) Orange c) Onion b) Oyster

28 Which of this cities is Italian? a) Naples b) Navarre c) Nitra

29 In which century did Cervantes write The Quijote? a) XVI b) XVII c) XVIII

30 What book did Cervantes write? a) El Quijote b) El quisco de Ramón Ramírez c) El queso envenenado

31 Which of this countries limit whit Slovakia? a) Uzbekistan b) Ukraine c) United Kingdom

32 Which of this cities isn´t a Spanish city? a) Zamora b) Zaragoza c) Zagreb

33 Which of these mountains are between Italia and Slovenia? b) Julian Alps a) Jannu c) Juncadella

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