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One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, look… I’m dancing

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Presentation on theme: "One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, look… I’m dancing"— Presentation transcript:

1 One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, look… I’m dancing
One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, look… I’m dancing! Quote by Cornelius Hackel from Hello Dolly!

2 The Frame Ladies- right arm out, left hand rests on his shoulder
Gentlemen- left arm out, right hand under her shoulder blade, fingertips near her spine Shoulders back, head up, don’t look down!

3 Box Waltz Steps for Guys
L forward R side L close R back L side R close Box                                                 

4 Box Waltz for Ladies The opposite of the men’s step. R back L side
R close L front R side L close

5 Dancing out of the box- progressive movement
You just don’t do the reverses, keep moving forward Gents- Left forward, right side, left close, then start with the right foot. Ladies are opposite

6 Box Turn

7 Picky Reminders 1. You and your partner should not be directly facing each other; you should be offset by about 1/2 a body with your right foot in between your partner's feet Men, your right arm is your partner's main support. Make sure it is pointed at a 90 degree angle away from your body and your hand is cupped under your partner's shoulder blade. 3. The woman's right hand should rest in the man's left hand between his thumb and forefinger. These hands should not really do anything - all leading is done through the man's right hand. 4. The best place to look is over your partner's right shoulder - you can converse but still keep an eye out for potential collisions.

8 Box turn step by step Woman’s Part Man’s Part
Step forward with your left foot and turn it 1/4 turn to the left, stepping In between the woman's feet. right foot side left foot close With your right foot step backward and turn 1/4 turn. left foot side right foot close Woman’s Part With your right foot step backward and1/4 turn to the left. left foot side right foot close With your left foot, step forward and turn 1/4 turn to the left, stepping In between your partner's feet. right foot side left foot close

9 Foxtrot- the waltz, just faster
The pace is slow-slow, quick-quick                                             Man's Part: Lady's Part

10 Basic Salsa Step ~ Man's Timing
Start with both of you feet together. 1.) Shift your weight on to your Right Foot 2.) Step forward with your Left Foot 3.) Rock back onto your Right Foot 4 ) Step back with your Left Foot 5.) Shift your weight on to your Left Foot 6.) Step back with the Right Foot 7.) Rock forward onto your Left Foot 8 ) Step forward with your Right Foot Repeat Step 1

11 Texas Two-Step Men’s Steps
The Texas two-step is danced with two quick steps and two slow steps. STEP 6: On the first beat, step forward quickly with your left foot. STEP 7: On the second beat, step forward quickly with your right foot. STEP 8: On the third beat, step forward again with your left foot, but slowly. STEP 9: Pause through the fourth beat. STEP 10: On the fifth beat, step forward slowly with your right foot. STEP 11: Pause through the sixth beat, then pull your left foot even with your right.

12 Ladies Steps Don't pick up your feet much. You want your feet to glide across the floor. The rhythm is quick-quick, slow-slow STEP 3: Do the opposite of what your partner does. Move your right foot back when the leader moves his left foot forward on the first beat. STEP 4: Continue following the directions for the leader, but in reverse - stepping back with your left foot when he steps forward with his right.

13 Texas Two Step Beat Step back right. Step forward right.
Partner One Partner Two 1 Step forward left. Step back right. 2 Step forward right. Step back left. 3 4 Hold 5 Step left back. 6

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