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Mrs. Benovitz Room 27 Background and Interests Cal State San Marcos Graduate Teaching Credential from Cal State Certified to teach GATE SMUSD…1994 Science/Math/Reading/

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2 Mrs. Benovitz Room 27

3 Background and Interests Cal State San Marcos Graduate Teaching Credential from Cal State Certified to teach GATE SMUSD…1994 Science/Math/Reading/ Gardening Camping/Fishing Crafts

4 Schedule 8:45-3:10 8:45-10:55 Language Arts 10:55-11:15 Recess 11:20-11:50 Target Time 11:50-1:00 Math 1:00-1:45 Lunch 1:45-3:10 Science/Social Studies/Cursive Remediation/Review P.E. 1:45-2:25 Library Music

5 Language Arts Text: Houghton Mifflin Homework Packet: Spelling and Writing Sent home Monday and due on Friday Cursive and Seatwork (when not completed in class) Charlotte’s Web Ralph S. Mouse The Mouse and the Motorcycle James and the Giant Peach The Fantastic Mr. Fox STUDENT INTEREST The Great Reading Race

6 Math Text: Houghton Mifflin Basics of addition and subtraction, fractions, place value, geometry, estimation, measurement, probability, algebra, problem solving and the investigation of number. I am interested in students understanding the relationships of numbers (patterns, steps in solving problems). Multiplication and division tables from zero to ten AUTOMATICITY Homework nightly First in Math Homework and daily practice books for the life of the adoption

7 Science Text: Scott Foresman Practice book Some homework Energy and matter Light Adaptations in animal habitats Planets/Moon Introduction to the Scientific Method Question Experiment Observe Communicate Two student experiments each week

8 Social Studies Text: Harcourt Our Communities Geography /Map Skills Luiseno Indians San Marcos Community History National Holidays Movement West Our Government and Patriotic symbols/songs Patriotic Program

9 Discipline Plan Consequences for no homework: Lose recess and do the work! Lose lunch recess and do the work! Discipline Buddies: Mrs. Milazzo and Mrs. Buckley If something comes up and your child cannot finish homework, please write me a note for them to be excused from the assignment date. Homework should still be completed. Be Respectful Solve Our Problems Make Good Decisions REWARDS: Positive phone calls home Marbles in the jar Computer time (Power Point) Teacher’s Assistant Individual tickets for “On Target” behavior Weekly raffle CONSEQUENCES: Warning/Sign in and circle warning on the Behavior Tracking Sheet Circle #2 Circle #3 Phone call home. Lose five recess minutes. Circle #4 Parent conference Circle #5 Severe infraction/Sent to principal Parent conference with assistant principal/principal/student/teacher

10 Homework Schedule Math: Homework goes home daily and is completed and returned the next day. Please check to make sure your child understands the concept being taught. Please write me a note to let me know if your child needs extra help. Spelling: Every Monday, students take a spelling pretest and are assigned a spelling packet that is to be completed and returned on Friday. There is always a writing assignment in each packet that must be completed. Please check to make sure your child has completed the packet by Thursday evening. Students are tested on the spelling words each Friday. Reading Log: Students receive a reading log each week that must be initialed by you. Please make sure your child is reading at least fifteen minutes daily and writing a daily response on the log. The reading log is turned in on Friday with the spelling packet. Science and Social Studies : Assignments will be sent home with special instructions and due dates. Current Social Studies Assignment: Students are to memorize the continents and oceans and know how to draw a compass rose by Friday, September 11 th. We will be practicing and reviewing this skill daily. Please help your child study for the test and remember …spelling is important.

11 Please Communicate with Me! San Marcos Unified School District EMAIL Send a note Leave a message/Phone call See me after school Set up a meeting We are partners in your child’s education!

12 Parent Club Meetings Music Teacher Misc. Fundraisers…Need support, participation, & $$$$ for Knob Hill extras

13 Extra! Garden Club Gloves Salsa Butterfly Pizza Herbs Native American Time for Kids $4.42 28 issues Cash Non-fiction Current Events Builds vocabulary and fluency

14 Wish List Clorox Wipes Tissues Xerox Paper Black Sharpies Magic Markers Electric pencil sharpener Ticonderoga Pencils Large and small zip lock bags Photo paper Paper towels T-Shirts…Let’s Vote! Field trip volunteers Classroom helpers

15 Third Grade Cheer 2009! Homework folder, ruler, scissors, and a clipboard Focus: Exploring literature, mastering multiplication and division, developing cursive writing skills, the introduction of scientific method, historical exploration; both local and national. Don’t forget the Great Reading Race and First in Math! Character Counts at Knob Hill!

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