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PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
PM Master Data 2 Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Course Objective Understand the concepts of Bills Of Material (BOM) Work Center Task List Above tasks are divided in to three parts from Part 1 to Part 3 Bill of Materials
Part 1 – BOM Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 1 – BOM Course titles Bill of Material Equipment BOM Functional Location BOM Material BOM Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
BOM Course Objectives Describe the concepts and criteria for: Functional Location BOM Equipment BOM Material BOM Understand BOM usage for the planning of maintenance activities Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
A Bill of Material (BOM) is a structured list of components that make up an object. A BOM is used to represent the structure of an object during spare part planning. Bill of Materials
Assignment of Bill of Material
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Assignment of Bill of Material Two ways of assigning BOM to a technical object are: Direct assignment or Indirect assignment Direct assignment is done through the creation of an Equipment or Functional location BOM. The BOM is created specifically for that technical object. Indirect assignment is done through the creation of a Material BOM that is entered into the Construction type field in the technical object record. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Part 1 – Course titles Bill of Material Equipment BOM Functional Location BOM Material BOM Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Equipment BOM Direct assignment of the bill of materials to the equipment record. List of components (stock and non-stock) that are regularly used during the maintenance of the equipment. Will be created when: A new equipment record is created. An existing equipment record requires a spare parts list. Bill of Materials
Creating Equipment BOM
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Creating Equipment BOM The BOM is created with reference to an individual piece of equipment. Components are specific for the individual piece of equipment. Enables material planning in maintenance orders and task lists to be performed more effectively. Multiple BOM for an equipment can be created. Bill of Materials
Maintaining Equipment BOM
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Maintaining Equipment BOM Updating equipment BOM ensure data integrity Equipment BOM are changed when: Additional component required Existing component needs to be removed or substituted or quantities changed BOM header description needs to be changed Equipment BOM are deleted when: Equipment master record flagged for deletion Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Part 1 – Course titles Bill of Material Equipment BOM Functional Location BOM Material BOM Bill of Materials
Functional Location BOM
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Functional Location BOM Direct assignment of the bill of materials to the functional location. List of components (stock and non-stock) that are regularly used during the maintenance of the functional location. A functional location BOM is used in the following situations: When identical equipments are installed. Where common spares used for more than one equipment (Coupling used by motor and gearbox). Bill of Materials
Creating Functional Location BOM
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Creating Functional Location BOM The BOM is created with reference to an individual functional location. Components are specific for the individual functional location or equipment installed at the location. Enables material planning in maintenance orders and task lists to be performed more effectively. A functional location BOM can contain material BOM. Bill of Materials
Maintaining Functional Location BOM
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Maintaining Functional Location BOM Functional location BOM are changed when: New component required Existing component needs to be removed or substituted or quantities changed Functional location BOM are deleted when: Functional location master record flagged for deletion Functional location BOM created incorrectly Updating functional location BOM ensures that accurate information is available for planning Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Part 1 – Course titles Bill of Material Equipment BOM Functional Location BOM Material BOM Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Material BOM A material BOM is created with a direct link to a material master record. Contains a list of stock or non-stock components Can be used by multiple technical objects. A material BOM is used in the following situations: For assemblies For identical equipment that have a material number. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Material BOM cont.. Enables material planning in maintenance orders and task lists to be performed more effectively. A material BOM can contain other material BOM. Can be created with reference to another material BOM. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Transaction code tips IB01 – Create Equipment BOM IB02 – Change Equipment BOM IE02 – Link Material BOM to Equipment IB11 – Create Functional Location BOM IB12 – Change Functional Location BOM MMP1 – Create PM Assembly CS01 – Create Material BOM CS02 – Change Material BOM Bill of Materials
Part 2 – Work center Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 2 – Work center Course titles Work center over view Work center Maintenance Work center hierarchy Bill of Materials
Course Objectives Work Centers
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Course Objectives Work Centers Discuss the concepts of work centers Understand the different work center categories and its usage. Discuss the concepts of a work center hierarchy Create and manage work centers Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Work Centers A labor work center is a grouping of craftsmen that perform maintenance work. A work center can also represent a piece of equipment used in maintenance operations The work center is used to plan maintenance activities in task lists and maintenance orders. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Work Centers Data Default values maintained in the work center data are copied to the PM order. Costing information used to determine the activity cost. Capacity details are used to schedule the operation. Operation can be scheduled using scheduling information Bill of Materials
Part 2 – Work center Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 2 – Work center Course titles Work center over view Work center Maintenance Work center hierarchy Bill of Materials
Creating Maintenance Work Centers
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Creating Maintenance Work Centers When creating a work center, the work center category must be specified. Work center can be created by copying from existing work center. The information from the existing work center is copied into the new work center and can be changed as required. Work center can be renamed Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Main Work Center A main work center will be used in the main work center field for the following objects: Task lists Maintenance orders Maintenance notifications Equipment Functional locations Used within capacity evaluation to aggregate operational work centers. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
PM Machine Work Center Represent fixed machines and fleet objects that need to be scheduled and costed in maintenance orders. PM Machine work centers are used to assign against operations in maintenance task lists and orders. Used within capacity evaluation. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Work Center Capacity The capacity of a work center is the total number of hours per day a work center can perform maintenance activities. Commonly used three work center capacity categories are: 001 Machines 002 Labor 022 Pooled capacity For categories 001 & 002 the capacity is defined within the work center. Pooled capacity is created outside the work center and assigned to the work center. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Pooled Capacity Allows you to assign multi-skilled technicians to more than one work center. The capacity of the multi-skilled technicians is created as a pooled capacity separate to the work centers. The pooled capacity is then allocated to all relevant work centers. When maintenance activities are assigned to the work centers the pool capacity is used in capacity evaluation and leveling reports. If a change is made to the pool capacity it is reflected in all relevant work centers’ available capacity. Bill of Materials
Part 2 – Work center Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 2 – Work center Course titles Work center over view Work center Maintenance Work center hierarchy Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Work Center Hierarchy Work centers are grouped together into a work center hierarchy. Each level within the hierarchy will be represented by a work center(s). Can consists of 3 levels. Hierarchies are used in capacity planning to cumulate available capacity and capacity requirements. Can consist of 3 levels. The lowest level of the hierarchy will consists of operational work centers. The second lowest level of the hierarchy will consists of main work centers. Hierarchy work centers are used in the first level of the hierarchy. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Transaction code tips IR01 – Create Work Center IR02 – Change Work Center CR11 – Create Capacity CR22 – Change Hierarchy Bill of Materials
Part 3 – Task List Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 3 – Task List Course titles Task List over view Equipment Task List Functional Location Task List General Task List Bill of Materials
Course Objectives Task Lists
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Course Objectives Task Lists Describe the concepts and criteria for: General Task Lists Equipment Task Lists Functional location Task Lists Understand usage of maintenance task lists for the planning of maintenance activities. Understand usage of maintenance task lists are used within preventive maintenance. Bill of Materials
Maintenance Task Lists
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Maintenance Task Lists A maintenance task list is a pre-defined sequence of maintenance events that are performed repeatedly within a company. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Maintenance Task List Task lists are used for preventive and corrective maintenance Task lists are copied into the Maintenance order Bill of Materials
Maintenance Task List Structure
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Maintenance Task List Structure Task List Header Description General data Task List operation Operation sequence Standard expected hours Component / PRT assignment Required components can be assigned PRT can be assigned to an operation Bill of Materials
Task List Header Detail
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Task List Header Detail Task list are created for each plant. Each task list will belong to a task list group and will have its own counter number. Statuses are used to control the creation and use of the task lists. A maintenance strategy is entered if the task list is created for use within a strategy controlled maintenance plan. The profile is used when creating a task list to default details into the task list. Bill of Materials
Task List Operation Detail
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Task List Operation Detail The operations of the task list detail the activities to be performed within the task list. A task list can contain multiple operations. There are two types of operations: Internal Processing Operations External Processing Operations Depending on the operation control key the operation is planned differently. Bill of Materials
Internal Processing Operations
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Internal Processing Operations Following are the required details to create an internal processing operation: Work center Control key Operation description Work effort Number of people An operation can only have one work center assigned. Additional work centers can be added to add additional operations. Bill of Materials
External Processing Operation
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials External Processing Operation To plan maintenance activities for external processing use: Defined Control key indicating it as external operation. This control key will allow you to specify services using service master records for work agreed between the vendor and SABIC. (e.g. motor overhaul, motor rewiring) or using text services Purchasing information containing following info must be entered. Planned delivery time Cost element Material group Vendor Purchasing Group Purchasing Organization Bill of Materials
Service Specification
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Service Specification Against the external operation the individual services are planned. Service master records or text services are used to plan the required activities. For each service the quantity, unit of measure and price is required. Bill of Materials
Task List Operation Detail (Cont.)
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Task List Operation Detail (Cont.) It is possible to assign the following items for an operation: Components Production Resource Tools Maintenance Packages Relationships Inspection Characteristics Additional text to describe the operation can be entered using long text for an operation. Bill of Materials
Production Resource & Tools
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Production Resource & Tools If a PRT is required to complete an operation the PRT is planned against the operation. The required usage and PRT control key are entered for each PRT assigned to the operation. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Maintenance Packages If the task list is used for a strategy based preventive maintenance plan, the strategy is entered on the task list header. One or more maintenance packages are assigned to the individual operations. The maintenance package defines when the operation is to be performed i.e the frequency. When the maintenance package falls due, the operations assigned to the package will be included in the maintenance order. Bill of Materials
Part 3 – Task List Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 3 – Task List Course titles Task List over view Equipment Task List Functional Location Task List General Task List Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Equipment Task Lists Created specifically for a piece of equipment and is unique for that piece of equipment. It is possible for an equipment to have more than one task list created. Each task list is given a counter number to identify it. Equipment task list can be created by copying and required data can be changed. Bill of Materials
Part 3 – Task List Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 3 – Task List Course titles Task List over view Equipment Task List Functional Location Task List General Task List Bill of Materials
Functional Location Task Lists
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Functional Location Task Lists Created specifically for a functional location and can only be used for that functional location. It is possible to have more than one task list created for a functional location. Each task list is given a counter number to identify it. When creating a functional location task list is possible to copy from an existing task list and make the necessary changes. Bill of Materials
Part 3 – Task List Course titles
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials Part 3 – Task List Course titles Task List over view Equipment Task List Functional Location Task List General Task List Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
General Task Lists Used as a common task list for equipment or functional locations. Not specific to any equipment and functional location Logical naming conventions are given to general task list group names. Can also be identified with group name and counter Each task list within a general task list group has a unique counter. Used for preventive, corrective and refurbishment maintenance. Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Transaction code tips IA01 – Create Equipment Task List IA02 – Change Equipment Task List IA11 – Create Functional Location Task List IA12 – Change Functional Location Task List IA05 – Create General Task List IA06 – Change General Task List Bill of Materials
PM MD03 – Bill of Materials
Summary You should have understood the concept of BOM – Bill Of Material Work Center Task List Bill of Materials
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
PM Technical Objects Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Objectives Understand the concepts of following: Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools Serial Numbering Warranties Counters and Measuring points Create Technical objects hierarchy Manage technical objects. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
Structure of Technical Object
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Structure of Technical Object Maintenance Plant A maintenance plant is a place where operational systems of a company are installed which requires periodic maintenance. Each manufacturing or maintenance setup will form a separate maintenance plant. Planning Plant A maintenance planning plant is the organizational unit where the planning for maintenance are performed. Each manufacturing or maintenance setup will form as maintenance planning plant. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Functional Locations Functional location A functional location is a position within the hierarchical structure and represents a location where technical objects can be installed. Functional Location Structure (FLS) A logical break down of a plant or section of a plant that allows both operations and maintenance personnel to easily find the correct area of the plant and specific pieces of equipment that require maintenance. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Structure of IND6 (FLS) Plant structure is broken into four parts: AAZZ-NN-ZZZZZ-ZZZZZ Level 1: Plant & Processing Area Level 2: Processing Lines / Facilities Level 3: Major Processes / Facilities Level 4: Sub-Processes / Facilities It is suggested to use standard abbreviations for the naming convention for each level. Plant Maintenance
Structure Example (FLS)
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Structure Example (FLS) Level 1 IND6 Production of Product A IND6-01 Line 1 IND6-02 Line 2 IND6-03 Line 3 Level 2 Level 3 IND6-01-PPS01 Piping System IND6-01-FPS01 Fire Prevention Systems IND6-01-PTS01 Production system IND6-01-PTS01-MAC01 Machine 1 IND6-01-PTS01-MAC02 Machine 2 Level 4 Plant Maintenance
Functional Location Master
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Functional Location Master Functional Location Master data contains General Data – reference data and manufacturer data Location -- Location data, address Account data -- Cost center, company code Structure -- Functional location structure info. Data links -- Data link to master records. E.g. Measuring point Plant Maintenance
Functional Location Category
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Functional Location Category Initially functional locations and structures are part of PM master data. The functional location category controls the layout of the functional location master record. The functional locations can be broken up into the different categories: Plant Maintenance
Creating Functional Locations
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Creating Functional Locations New functional locations are created when: A new plant is built An existing plant is expanded Functional location can be created by copying from an existing functional location. Copied details from the existing functional location into the new functional location can be changed. Plant Maintenance
Functional Location Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Functional Location Maintenance A functional location will need to be maintained when: Functional location is activated Maintenance responsibility changes Financial responsibility changes Functional location is no longer required When several functional locations are to be changed, the Change Functional Locations Using List Editing transaction(IL05) can be used. If a functional location is no longer required it should be deactivated. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction code tips IH01 - Display Functional Location Structure IL01 – Create Functional Location IL04 –Create Functional Location using List Editing IL02 – Change Functional Location IL05 – Change Functional Location using Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Equipment is an individual physical object. It is maintained as an independent unit to track maintenance costs and technical history. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Record Equipment record represents physical object in the plant. Equipment can be installed and dismantled from functional locations. Maintenance is planned and executed with equipment Maintenance records are kept against each equipment Plant Maintenance
Installing & Dismantling of Equipment
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Installing & Dismantling of Equipment Equipment can be installed in the functional location at right level Equipment can be installed only at ONE location at a time Installing and dismantling indicates the physical movement of equipment Measuring point and counter transfers are broken during installation or dismantling Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Record info Master record contains following information Equipment general data Equipment location Equipment usage Equipment classification Serial number data Classification Measuring points and counters Warranties Equipment record can be linked to an asset number Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Category Equipment records can be broken up into the categories. Example of equipment categories B for Safety K for Electrical F for Fleet E for Instrument M for Mechanical P for Production Resources & Tools The equipment category controls the layout of the equipment record. The equipment numbering can be internal generated numbering. Plant Maintenance
Equipment Classification
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Equipment Classification Helps to organize equipment master records and describe them in a structured way. A class hierarchy will help to assist in the search for equipment classes. Only required equipment can be classified. The class can be used to search for equipment master records. Each class will contain several characteristics. The characteristics are used to store specific information against the equipment master records. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Characteristics Each class will contain a required characteristics: Example Data Sheet Code Drawing code Instrument Drawing code Additional characteristics can also be included in the class. A value should be entered for each of the characteristics. The characteristic data can be viewed from within the equipment master record. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Statuses User status and system status helps to manage equipment System status is always attached to the equipment User status can be attached to an equipment as optional E.g. Available status of equipment system status will allow it to install Plant Maintenance
Equipment Dismantling
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Equipment Dismantling Equipment can be dismantled from the functional location when it is required. E.g. removed from the functional location. Upon dismantling the equipment the following step should be taken into account: Update the account assignment (i.e. cost center) Update the user status (if applicable) Deactivate maintenance plans (if applicable) A usage period will be created upon dismantling. The system status will change to AVLB for ‘Available’. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Installing An equipment can be installed at a functional location or a superior equipment. Upon installing the equipment the following step should be taken into account: Update the account assignment (i.e. cost center) Update the user status (if applicable) Activate maintenance plans (if applicable) The system status changes to INST for ‘Installed’. A usage period is created for the equipment record. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Equipment Scraping When scrapping an equipment the following steps should be performed. Delete any task lists, BOM and measuring points. De-activate maintenance plans (if applicable) Equipment dismantled Update the account assignment (i.e. cost center) Update the user status to SCRP for ‘Scrapped’ All serialized equipment that are to be scrapped should be returned to the warehouse. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction code tips IE01 – Create Equipment IE02 – Install Equipment IE02 – Change Equipment IE05 – Change Equipment using List Editing IE02 – Dismantle Equipment Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Fleet Objects A fleet object is an equipment that moves from one location to another to perform maintenance functions. Example: Forklifts Trucks Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Fleet Objects A fleet object is a special category of equipment. It has the same functionality as a normal piece of equipment. Includes additional tabs to record fleet information: Identification details Dimensions Weight specifications Load specifications Engine details Fuel and lubricant details Need not be installed at a functional location. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Fleet Object A fleet object can also be created as a PRT and a work center. To create a PRT record for a Fleet object, maintain entries in the PRT tab of the Fleet object record. A fleet object as a work center allows: Scheduling of fleet object Costing A fleet object as a PRT allows the fleet object to be assigned to an operation within the order. Plant Maintenance
Creating Fleet Objects
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Creating Fleet Objects A fleet object master record is created to represent a mobile device that requires maintenance history to be recorded. A new fleet object master record is created when; A new fleet object is purchased or An existing fleet object replaced. During the creation of the fleet object it is possible to: Create measuring points and counters Assign warranties Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Fleet Object Counters Counters can be used for fleet objects to assist in: Calculating fuel and oil consumption Determining replacement or maintenance of object For each individual fleet object counters can be created using measurement positions. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction code tips IE31 – Create Fleet Object IE02 – Change Fleet Object Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
Production Resource & Tool
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Production Resource & Tool A PRT is a special resource required by a crew to perform a maintenance task. A PRT could be a special tool. Plant Maintenance
Production Resource & Tool
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Production Resource & Tool A PRT equipment is a special category of equipment. It has the same functionality as a normal piece of equipment. Includes an additional tab for PRT information: Usage details Default values Ability to lock An equipment PRT can be planned as a requirement against an operation within a maintenance order. Maintenance can be performed and history recorded for a PRT equipment. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Creating PRTs A PRT equipment is created for an object when it needs to be planned within a maintenance order. PRT not installed at a functional location. During the creation of the PRT equipment it is possible to: Create measuring points and counters Assign warranties Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction tips IE25 – Create PRT Equipment IE02 – Change PRT Equipment Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Serial Number Serialization is the assignment of a unique SAP serial number to a Material and Equipment master record. The Serial number is the common link between Material number and Equipment number. Serial number is used to track the item within the SAP system Plant Maintenance
Equipment Serialization
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Equipment Serialization New serial number will be given by warehouse for new material. Equipment record is created automatically. The serial number will always stay unique to the equipment Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction code tips IE02 – Maintain Serialization for Equipment IQ09 – Display Serial Numbers using List Editing MMBE – Display Serial Numbers from Stock Overview Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Warranties A warranty is given to the customer by a vendor or manufacturer. This assures to the customer that the product is reliable and free from known defects. It also assures customer to undertake the responsibility for any defect within stipulated period Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Warranties Two types of warranties available: Inbound -- Vendor / Manufacturer Outbound -- Customer Both a Vendor/Manufacturer and a Customer warranty can be assigned to an equipment. A warranty can be assigned to the equipment by: Entering the warranty start or finish dates directly in the technical object record or Assigning a master warranty Warranties that are maintained without a master warranty on the equipment record can only be time based. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Master Warranty To define more complex warranties for an equipment a master warranty can be used. A master warranty is broken into three parts. Header Item Counter Plant Maintenance
Master Warranty Counters
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Master Warranty Counters Warranty counters are used to define the conditions and requirements for the master warranty. Warranty counters can be: Time based Performance based counters Combination of both If the master warranty contains more than one warranty counter an “and/or” relationship must be entered. If performance based counters are used within the warranty master the corresponding counters must be first created for the technical object. Plant Maintenance
Master Warranty (Cont.)
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Master Warranty (Cont.) When assigning a master warranty to an equipment a warranty start date must be entered. Once a master warranty is assigned to an equipment record a warranty check is performed each time a maintenance notification or order is created against the equipment. The user can then investigate if the maintenance activities are covered by the warranty and take the necessary actions. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction code tips IE02 – Maintain Time Based Warranty for Equipment BGM1 – Create Master Warranty BGM2 – Change Master Warranty IE02 – Assign Master Warranty to Equipment Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Course Direction Technical Objects Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools (PRT) Serial Numbering Warranties Measuring Point Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Measuring Points A measuring point is a physical or logical position for a technical object (Equipment) where a condition can be recorded. A counter is a kind of measuring point that accumulates performance based readings. A Technical object (equipment) can have multiple measuring point Example, the run time hours for a crane or the outflow pressure of a vessel. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Measuring Points Measuring points and counters are created for technical objects to record a condition for the technical object at a given point in time. Examples of the type of conditions: Temperature as measurement points Flow rate as counters Operating hours as counters The measuring point or counter defines the location and the specific condition to be recorded for the technical object. Each measuring point or counter will have its own ID number. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Measuring Points A technical object can have multiple measuring points and counters. Plant Maintenance
Use of Measuring points
Measuring points can be used for condition monitoring of a piece of equipment. Upper and lower limits can be set for a measuring point. corrective maintenance notification is automatically created, If a measurement reading is outside the tolerance limit.
Counter Measuring Points
PM MD01 – Technical Objects Counter Measuring Points A counter is used to record continuous values. (e.g accumulative values, run time hours) Counters can be used in maintenance plans to schedule preventive maintenance. An annual estimate is entered for a counter. Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Transaction code tips IK04 – Create Measuring Point for Object IK05 – Change Measuring Point for Object IK08 – Change Measuring Points using List Editing IK31 – Create Measurement Reading Entry List Plant Maintenance
PM MD01 – Technical Objects
Summary Understood the concepts of following: Functional Locations Equipment Fleet Objects Production Resource Tools Serial Numbering Warranties Counters and Measuring points Should be able to create Technical objects hierarchy and Manage Technical Objects Plant Maintenance
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