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Cysticercus cellulosae

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1 Cysticercus cellulosae
猪囊尾蚴 Cysticercus cellulosae 组员:杨滨 袁镜乐 杨童周 张迪

2 Introduction Adult:Taenia solium(猪带绦虫) Taeniidae (带科) Taenia(带属)
Final hosts: humans Intermediate hosts:pigs,wild pigs(野猪),dogs,camels,cats etc. Sites: skeletal muscles(横纹肌), heart(心),brain(脑),eye(眼)etc.

3 Morphology Cysticercus cellulosae oval,as big as soy bean
semitransparent cyst(半透明包囊) filled with liquid nodule(小结):a scolex inside,4 suckers and many hooks on the scolex

4 Morphology Adult length:2~5m 700-1000 proglottids
scolex:sphericity,25~50hooks,4suckers mature proglottid: without digestive system(无消化系统),a reproductive system in each(每个成节均有1套雌雄生殖器官) gravid proglottid:full of eggs

5 Life cycle A taperworm larval cyst is ingested by human through poorly cooked infected meat. The larval escapes the cyst and passes to the small intestine(小肠)where it attaches to the mucosa by the scolex suckers.

6 Life cycle The proglottids develop as the worm matures in 3~4 months.
The adult may live in the small intestine for as long as 25 years and pass gravid proglottids with the feces. Eggs extruded from the proglottid contaminate and persist on vegetation for several days and are consumed by pigs in which they hatch and form cysticerci in muscle.

7 Life cycle

8 Epidemiology Pigs can be infected by ingestion of eggs in feed contaminated with human feces Human may become infected with cysticercus by eating raw or improperly cookd infected pork No obvious seasonality,but rise in warm seasons Sporadicity(散发性) Susceptible animal:3~5 years in pigs

9 Signs no obvious signs in a general way under serious infection
malnutrition(营养不良),growthretardation,anaemia(贫血),muscle edema(水肿) “drunkenness(醉酒状)"

10 Lesions(病变) Pork is pale and moist
Cysticercus can be found in muscle as well as brains,eyes,livers,spleens,lungs and even in lymph bodes and fat Cell infiltration then fibrosis and become calcification after death about half year

11 Diagnosis 1.experience of the public Contour(外形) Eyelid(眼皮)
Eye ground(眼底) Lingual root (舌根) Inner thighs(大腿里)

12 Diagnosis 2.Sanitary inspection of the pork
cardiac muscle(心肌) masseter(咬肌) lingual muscle(舌肌) limbs(四肢) A definite diagnosis can be made with finding cysticercus in those sites.

13 Diagnosis

14 Control Periodic inspection, deworming : Praziquantel(吡喹酮) , Albendazole(丙硫苯咪唑) ,Flubendazole(氟苯咪唑) Positive census of cysticercus cellulosae patients Enhance excrement management Ban no inspection of pork listed Change your diet

15 References 李国清.兽医寄生虫学(双语版).北京:中国农业大学出版社,2006 internet

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