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Welcome 9th nEUroBlend project meeting, 30 November and 1 December 2007, Helsinki, Helsinki.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 9th nEUroBlend project meeting, 30 November and 1 December 2007, Helsinki, Helsinki."— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome 9th nEUroBlend project meeting, 30 November and 1 December 2007, Helsinki, Helsinki

2 Who is going to make the minutes?

3 2. Minutes 8 th meeting

4 3. Announcements Marianne gave birth to a boy! 2nd amendment: shift deadline to 31-12 Thesis NeuroBlend Nicolai Payment second term Time forms & reimbursement forms before 31-12 New logo & legal protection as trademark

5 Results WP 1 NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMT DE SE-LSE- O-J UK ECP (May 07) L ELP (June 07)) A/ L MD module description (June 07) FLP Flexible learning Paths (June o7)) EO Organisation of education (Spt 07)) A/ L PPT Plan for increasing professionalisation of teachers (Sep 07)) A /L IMP implementation plan (Sept 07)) QAC Quality assurance accreditation & certification (Sept o7)) BLP Blended Learning Plan (Sept 07) A/ L Fine tuned and piloted curriculum (Sept 07)) A A = ADVICE L = LITERATURE 4. Work packages reports

6 WP 1: Curriculum Development Mikkeli matrix Module Description UK: scenario’s implementation NeuroBlend in different setting Fine tuned and piloted curriculum: Mikkeli? Pilot test curriculum docs and teacher materials via full partners survey Implementation strategy advice tool: NL NeuroBlend navigator

7 Results WP 2 NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMT DE SE-LSE O-J UK Board meetings and curriculum conferences 1 Helsinki (November 05) 2 Helsinki (December 05) 3 Helsinki (March 06) 4 Helsinki (June 06) 5 Helsinki (September 06) 6 Helsinki (December 06) 7 Lund (March 07) 8 Reykjavik (Reykjavik 07) 9 Helsinki (September/December 07 ) Reykjavik congress, presentations & posters (May/June 07) Valorisation, presentations, posters, articles, websites, other valorisation (depending) Newsletter (Monthly from May 2007) Organisation board meetings

8 WP 2: board meetings, valorisation & PR Reports valorisation activities

9 Results WP 3 NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMT DE SE-LSE O-J UK Survey starting situation + report (February 07) A Survey ECP + report (June 07) A Survey monitoring pilot projects and learning objects + report (Oktoberl 07) A Survey ending situation + report (November 07) A Surveys, project evaluation + report (August 07) A Respondent support (see above) Survey new EU member countries preparation (February 07) Survey new EU member countries analysis and reports (November 07)) Peer reviews of learning objects (during project period) List of decisions board meetings and CC (after project board meetings) Info Interim report & amendment to NL (November 06) Information final reports to NL (December 07) Project monitoring log & (December 07) Interim and final reports to LdV (30 November 07) Lessons learned report (Novemberr 07) A = ADVICE L = LITERATURe

10 WP 3 Valorisation, EANN congress Evaluation NeuroBlend presentations & brochure Reykjavik congress Public website: new design Letter update & contacting to 2 nd and 3 rd circle Results ECP survey New member states survey Survey curriculum docs via review book (full partners) Survey curriculum docs (silent partners) Survey patient/ward cases via peer review tool Information Final report to NL

11 Results WP 4 Content oriented NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMT DE SE-LSE O-J UK Classification and metadata specification learning tools (December 05) Design, development and pilot digital repository of learning objects (December 05) Educational design, development and pilot didactical templates (Sept 07) Production patient & ward cases in learning object template (video & text) (Jan-Dec 07) !!!!!!!! Linking materials from 11 area’s to cases (until December 07) !!!!!!!! Operational VLE with ready to use example courses (Sept 07) Operational repository with learning objects, informed consent statements, templates & peer reviews (December 07) Operational community of practise for teachers and content matter experts including wiki (Sept 07)

12 WP 4: collecting & developing learning materials Patient & ward case production (text) Repository Theory & knowlegde Wiki/PDF, copyright issues Interoperability tool for creating reusable learning objects

13 Results WP 5 Technical, pedagogical, communicative NLBEFI-HFI O-M ISMTSE-LSE O-J UK Operational shared workspace for project participants (November 05) Operational shared workspace for neurosciense nurse trainers including wiki’s (Septl 07) Operational questionaire tool (November 05) Operational video conferencing tools (November 05) Operational digital repository of learning objects (December 06) Production video patiënt cases assets (including registration & editing) (cont.) Book (November 07) Operational virtual learning environment (September 06) Content and redaction of the operational software tools (continue)

14 WP 5: developments of E tools Operational shared worckspace for NN trainers Production video patiënt cases Book LAMS

15 5. Deliverables - scenarios National scenarios Scenario’s for different work settings (UK)

16 6. Other Deliverables Presentation Matrix Module description Peer review process Patient cases: numbers, list, 11 areas Ward cases: numbers, translation Example courses

17 7. Leftovers for Nicolai IMS standard Other curriculum docs NeuroBlend navigator

18 8. Transfer NeuroBlend outcomes & deliverables to EANN EANN policy development: strategic plan 2008 > Legal issues: name protection, copyrights Advice NeuroBlend project board to EANN EANN respons Transfer contract

19 9: Final report Results & products Finances Time reports Recent salary slips Calculation of daily salary Completed form building blocks valorisation

20 10: Project Evaluation & lessons learned report Expectations before /after Time management of partners Responsibility taking Cooperation between board members Communication on meetings Communication between meetings Team building Project management: way of leadership, communication etc. Balance between contract & appointments and budget Project management forms Use of moodle for project office purposes Use of moodle for education purposes Quality of results & deliverables Cooperation with EANN

21 10: Project Evaluation & lessons learned report Expectations before /after Possibilities to spend time Cooperation board Communication Project management Cooperation with EANN

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