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The Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria – a network to foster zero energy buildings and building refurbishment companies & technology | Green Building.

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Presentation on theme: "The Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria – a network to foster zero energy buildings and building refurbishment companies & technology | Green Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria – a network to foster zero energy buildings and building refurbishment companies & technology | Green Building Cluster Speaker: Alois Geisslhofer | Date: 30 November 2011 Partner ecoplus Cluster of Lower Austria Contact: Alois Geisslhofer, Clustermanager Niederösterreichring 2, Haus A A-3100 St.Pölten, Austria P: +43 2742 9000 19650 E: I:

2 2 Lower Austrias Regional Innovation System Technopols Clusters Internationalisation support

3 3 Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria Material neutral: all systems, materials and components (also competing companies) in the green building sector in Lower Austria ~ 200 partners: companies, R&D and qualification facilities Core topics: refurbishment of old buildings to low energy buildings construction of new, multi-story structures to passive house standards healthy ecological interiors, enhanced living comfort Sustainable energy technologies and energy efficiency in companies 343 cooperation projects since 2001 with 1.167 companies involved Cluster team: 5 persons, architects, energy experts, professionals from construction and interior design

4 4 Companies Research Institutes Universities Cluster management: Bridge between policy makers, companies and R&D - Regional technological specializations (collaboration with technopols) - Involvement of SMEs in R&D projects - Education programmes - Favourable framework conditions - Design of financial incentives -Translation policy - business - Sustainable economic policy - Fields of strength Policy makers regional, national, EU Cluster management - Translation SMEs - R&D - Initiating R&D projects - PM in complex collective research projects - Dissemination of R&D results

5 5 Supporting innovation by Green Building Cluster (GBC) Project idea Identification of project partners Project proposal Start of project Ongoing project Dissemination of Results Support : events direct contacts to companies market research GBC helps: Development of proposals for public funding Submission of proposals for public funding Providing project planning tools GBC helps in writing interim reports writing final reports project management accounting for funding institutions GBS makes: press releases press conferences conferences, seminars website, electronic newsletter printed publications Supporting tools: GBC - newsletter GBC - contacts GBC - database GBC provides: WZN meeting rooms catering, organisation equipment

6 6 Walk the talk: ecoplus office building in passive house standard - energy performance*) Maximum to BR:13,6 kWh/m 3 a Heat demand WZN:4,57 kWh/m 3 a 66% lower than BR (Lower Austrians building regulation) CO 2 emission allowed by BR:108,2 to/a CO 2 emission WZN: 11,5 to/a 89% less than BR (Lower Austrians Building Regulation) Maximum cooling demand BO:1,0 kWh/m 3 a Cooling demand WZN :0,13 kWh/m 3 a 87% reduction compared with BO (Lower Austrians building regulation) Total energy demand:77,0 kWh/m²a *) acc. OIB (RL6), related to gross floor area > EU Green Building certificate; best klima:aktiv Dienstleistungsgebäude (climate:active office building certificate) Business Center Lower Austria

7 7 Information for professionals, investors and building authorities How works a heat-recovery ventilation system ? the main important technical requirements 16 criteria for procurement Free-of-charge download (only in German language) at ter-niederoesterreich/bau-energie- umwelt/news/broschuere- komfortlueftung-jetzt-erhaeltli

8 8 aims to create innovative building components and systems that will address the fundamental changes of building industry in the next decade Partners: 20 companies (construction materials, components, equipment industry) + 7 research institutions. Lead: Department for Building and Environment at Danube University Krems Contribution of GBC: initiator, establishing the consortium, financing and supporting the proposal development, monitoring of progress, dissemination of results 3.6 mio budget, 4 years duration, 50% private and 50% public finance Lead project: Competence Centre Future Building 1 st result: A new brick system Ederplan XP 50 Trionic with certificate of Passive House Institute Darmstadt 2 nd result: Completion of a production line on comp. Hartl Haus for prefabricated timber constructed houses in passive house standard 3 rd result: a chimney for fresh air ventilation system comp. Schiedel Kamin Details

9 9 Ways towards zero energy food stores REWE Austria Dienstleistungs GmbH 2355 Wr. Neudorf 4 cooperating partners Sustainability in the supermarket! Goal of this cooperation is to simulate the technical and economic basis for a zero energy-food store" on a prototype 1.000 m² food-store-branche. Zero energy means the energy supply by active and passive elements is sufficient to cover the whole energy demand of the market for heating cooling light and airsupply. Categorie: best Cooperation enterprise with researchinstitute nominated Clusterland Award 2008

10 10 LOPAS- pre-fabricated timber constructed passive house with straw insulation and loam rendering LOPAS AG 3843 Dobersberg 3 cooperating partners The LOPAS Passive House The LOPAS Module Construction Method of erecting long lasting, energy-saving houses in ecological construction is unique worldwide. Unique is above all by the combination of an efficient ecological- biological construction system with uncompromising sustainability. The LOPAS system places above all the application of sustainable resources like clay, straw and wood. The modules are manufactured as floor-to-ceiling elements thus guaranteeing quick assembly on your building site.

11 11 Sonnenplatz Großschönau– Test before you buy First European Passive House Village ( allowing customers to test the house of choice by living in it for several days. Initiative combines technology and tourism promotion in a less developed region Ongoing joint research project of 17 companies to enhance the quality of the indoor environment in residential structures through controlled indoor ventilation: -Visitors will keep a log of their perceptions and experiences in regard to living quality -These subjective impressions will be compared with a wide array of measurable technical data -combined data will form a solid fact base which can be used by architects, builders, mechanical engineers and other professionals to design and build user- friendly ventilation systems

12 12 Targets of the Lower Austrian energy policy Increase the share of renewable energy from about 25% to 50% of the final energy consumption until 2020 Increase the production of the final electricity demand from renewable energy sources to 100% until 2015 (at the moment 89% including large hydro power, wind power, biomass CHP, biogas,..) Increase the production of the final heat demand to 100% until 2030 from renewable energy sources (biomass, solarthermal, geothermal,…) nearly zero emission houses as standard of new buildings (acc. EU building directive) - 2018 With 50% share of klima:aktiv passive houses in new buildings - 2018 High quality low energy standard in the existing building stock by increase the refurbishment rate to 3% /y. (at the moment ~ 2%, < 50 kWh/m².y) Sources : NÖ Energiebericht 2007 und 2008, Press Release of LR Pernkopf

13 13 End energy consumtption in TJ in LA (development / forecast) Erneuer- bare Energien Fossile Energien Kohle Benzin, Diesel, Heizöle,.. Gas E. Fernwärme Strom target: 50% until 2020 from renewables Needed increase of energy efficiency

14 14 Market pull Subsidies and soft loans for the improvement of the performance of energy efficient buildings (e.g. federal government spends for refurbishment up to 5,000 grant/house). Building regulations are in the responsibility of the 9 provinces. The annual refurbishment rate is abt. 2% of the existing building stock, the target is 3% per year. New constructed single familiy houses: the share of passive houses is abt. 12%, increasing every year by more than 10%, the average heat demand is about 40 kWh/m².y decreasing to 15 kWh/m².y! It is expected to achieve the EU building directive nearly zero emissions standard earlier than 2020. The Green Building Cluster acts as hub between the companies, NGOs, the government and the market of building owners to foster green building. Development of passive houses in Austria - ~ 12% in Lower Austria > 25% target 2012 The GHGs of the building sector in Lower Austria decreased by 35 percent compared to 1990 level.

15 15 Contact Alois Geisslhofer Clustermanager ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria In German: Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich Niederösterreichring 2, Haus A A-3100 St.Pölten, Austria Phone: +43 2742 9000 19650 Email: Internet:

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