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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MLIS Orientation Chad Zahrt Assistant Dean Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MLIS Orientation Chad Zahrt Assistant Dean Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MLIS Orientation Chad Zahrt Assistant Dean Spring 2014

2 PantherLink Always check your PantherLink email All official communication between SOIS/UWM and you will come through PantherLink – your UWM email account We do not use your personal email for School-related communication

3 SOIS-GR email list Automatically a member Email important news and information specifically related to SOIS:  New courses, announcements  Registration news  Events, etc.

4 Stay Connected! Email** Phone Drop-In Chat Skype **Always include your student ID 99X-XX-XXXX in emails Attend events! Not on campus? Check out the SOISistream

5 Your Information If you change your name, address, telephone number, or personal email address: Make changes in PAWS AND Provide SOIS with changes

6 Academic Advisors Sharon Lake: Twyla McGhee Here to help!

7 Academic Advisors Transfer of Credits Course Exemption Requests Exception Requests Registration problems and questions

8 Academic Advisors Contact prior to graduation Audit your transcript to insure degree completion: Core courses (B or better) Total credits (30/36) GPA (3.0)

9 Faculty Mentor / Advisor You should contact your faculty mentor Assists you in setting up an academic plan, selecting appropriate electives, offering career advice

10 Faculty Mentor Who is my Mentor? 1. On your SOIS admission letter 2. In PAWS as your “advisor ”

11 Graduate School Sets Policies & Procedures for all Graduate programs at UWM

12 If you do not enroll in both spring & fall semesters you may have to submit a re-entry application to the MLIS program and the Graduate School If you plan to drop out of the MLIS program, please let us know

13 Core Courses Electives Exam or Thesis Graduation MLIS Degree

14 Core Courses Should take core courses at the beginning of your program Minimum of B required (not B-) If you do not earn a B or better, must retake the course – pay tuition twice!

15 Core Courses 501 Foundations of Library and Information Science 511 Organization of Information 571 Information Access and Retrieval 591 Research in Library and Information Science

16 Electives – Lots to choose from INFOST 714 Metadata INFOST 745 Library Services for Children and Young Adults INFOST 861 Seminar in Intellectual Freedom INFOST 685 E-Publishing and Web Design

17 MLIS Degree Options Transcript-Designated Concentrations Coordinated Degrees Be a Generalist!! Do Fieldwork

18 Schedule of Courses Course Day/Time/Location Course Dates Online/Onsite 0XX= onsite 2XX= online

19 PAWS P anther A ccess to W eb S ervices Sign in using ePanther ID ePanther Password Same ID and Password for your PantherLink account

20 Desire 2 Learn – D2L Online course platform All courses have D2L site

21 Registration Date/time registration appointment in PAWS Sent a reminder/notice PantherLink Snail Mail SOIS – Registration Starts Soon Register at appointment time

22 Semesters/Terms Fall/Spring Terms 15 or 16 Weeks Summer Terms are Variable 6, 8, 10 or 12 Weeks

23 Important Dates Add/Drop/Withdraw Tuition Also at:

24 Important Dates Deadlines and dates for registering, dropping, and withdrawing from semester are your responsibility

25 Full Courses If you cannot register for a course, use the Wait List function in PAWS. If wait list is full, email

26 Wait List Email Subject Header: Closed Course Body of Email: Course number and section And/Or Class ID #

27 Permission Numbers Enrollment in a closed course is by permission number only You will be sent a permission number to your PantherLink email

28 Degree Completion Maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in all coursework taken toward degree program Pass all Core Courses (B or better)

29 Degree Completion Must successfully pass Proficiency Exam OR Thesis

30 Degree Completion Can elect either option at any time, however should choose early to accommodate any additional requirements (thesis)

31 Proficiency Exam Register for exam after fulfilling following criteria: Completed all FOUR core courses If admitted with deficiency, the deficiency has been cleared

32 Thesis Assemble thesis committee as early as possible Additional required course INFOST 890 Research Methods Must take at least three credits of thesis coursework INFOST 898 Master’s Thesis

33 Graduation To apply for graduation, you must be registered for at least one credit hour INFOST 888 Candidate for Degree This course is NOT required for graduation!

34 SOIS Online SOIS Website Graduate Frequently Asked Questions Resources

35 Virtual Lab

36 Student Support Conference Participation Work the SOIS booth! Conference Presentation

37 Study Abroad Austria Korea South AfricaChina Taiwan

38 Mail Lists soisjobs Jobs, Internships, Fieldwork Opportunities soisnews News and Events

39 SOIStech Support for the Virtual Lab Support for SOIS computer labs 414.229.5275

40 Pantherfile Secure online file storage

41 UITS U niversity I nformation T echnology S ervices For general technical issues/help (PantherLink, D2L, etc.): Call: Extension 4040 on campus (414) 229-4040 off campus Email

42 Virtual Lounge SOIS D2L Student Virtual Lounge For use by all SOIS students Participate in discussions Connect with other students Important information and announcements

43 PAWS Tutorials Adding, Dropping, Swapping, Editing, Wait List, Grades, Finances ing#student

44 ePantherid If you don’t have one… Go to Activate new ePanther account & password Change existing ePanther password Reset forgotten ePanther password

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