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Welcome to Curriculum Night Math with Mrs. Howe Wednesday, September 11, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night Math with Mrs. Howe Wednesday, September 11, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night Math with Mrs. Howe Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2 About Mrs. Howe  Completed my masters from Olivet Nazarene University  Graduated from Western Illinois University with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education Middle School Endorsement in Math, Language Arts and Social Sciences  Golden Apple Scholar since 2003  Taught in Chicago, Carthage, and Macomb  Taught Math 099 at Western Illinois University

3 Questions Please record them on a sheet of paper and turn it into the hallway and I will get back to you by the end of the week. Thank you

4 Philosophy of Teaching  ALL CHILDREN CAN and WILL LEARN MATH!  Offer a variety of instruction in an active learning environment  Align the stimulating content with the Common Core Standards

5 Expectation of Parents/Guardians  To be supportive of student and teacher  To monitor student planner, weekly syllabus, notebooks, and homework  To communicate with the teacher

6 What you can do!  Check your child’s planner to make sure their work is completed  Expect open discussion on student progress  Check Power School regularly to ensure accurate grades  Be on the look out for extra-credit tasks, projects, and up coming assessments

7 Communication  If your student misses a homework assignment, they will receive a homework slip that all parents or guardians are expected to sign. Students have until the next class meeting to turn in the completed assignment for 3.5 out of 5 points. Or at the Friday detention they can complete it and earn 2.5 out of 5 points.  If your student’s grade drops to a D or U you will be hearing from me.  If you need anything at all please contact me either through e-mail or phone.

8 Grades  Assessments: 75% of the grade Test – 100 points Section Quizzes – 50 points Projects – points vary  Participation: 25% of the grade Note checks – 25 points Homework - 5 Points per assignment In class activities – points vary

9 Rewrites  All students are allowed to complete rewrites on every quiz Students earn ½ the points back they lost on the quiz Students must have their parent sign the rewrite form The form is available on-line or in the class Rewrites must be submitted before the final assessment for the unit. Be sure to check my website for deadlines.

10 Extra Credit  Students can complete a variety of extra credit tasks for extra credit coupons  Students are responsible for stapling the coupon to a test, quiz, or project before it is graded  Limit of 4 points to be added to a test/project and 2 points to be added to a quiz

11 Study Sessions  When: Wednesday from 3:40–4:15P.M.  Where: Room C104  Why: To reinforce key skills  Who: All students in all classes are invited to all study sessions  Study sessions are to work not to socialize.

12 Where will Algebra 7 go?  Short Term Goals Complete learning about statistics Assessment on Statistics next Thursday and Friday  Long Term Goals Complete Chapters 3 – 7 in the Algebra book Focus on Geometry concepts through Common Core Focus on extended/ short response techniques

13 THANK YOU FOR COMING! It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Theodore Roosevelt

14 Homework  Your student will have homework on average 4 nights a week  Homework must be completed in pencil and all their work must be shown to receive credit  In order for homework to count as completed: Done in pencil All work is shown Homework in class when the bell rings

15 Where will Math 7 go?  Short Term Goals Complete the exciting world of Probability Probability Quiz 1 is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 18 th  Long Term Goals Go into Stastics Complete the other 4 areas of common core Focus on extended/ short response techniques

16 Where will Advance Algebra 7 go?  Short Term Goals Complete learning about statistics Assessment on Statistics next Thursday and Friday  Long Term Goals Complete Chapters 8 – 12 in the Algebra book Focus on Geometry concepts through Common Core Focus on extended/ short response techniques

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