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Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 1 Partner Logo WP4 report Status, issues and plans

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Presentation on theme: "Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 1 Partner Logo WP4 report Status, issues and plans"— Presentation transcript:

1 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 1 Partner Logo WP4 report Status, issues and plans

2 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 2 Summary u Highlights from WP4 meeting 5/3/2002 u Update of release plan u Issues

3 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 3 Highlights from WP4 meeting 5/3/2002 u Presentations from three WP4 tasks n Configuration management task (Piotr Poznański) s Configuration High Level Definition (HLD) language s Current status and plans n Monitoring task (Sylvain Chapeland) s Status s interface definitions n Installation task (German Cancio) s Outcome from the WP4 installation workshop, February 4-6 2002 s Modified release plan u Release 1.1 integration (Maite Barroso) u Release 1.2 integration (Maite Barroso) u WP4 Architecture discussion and input to ATF meeting (German Cancio)

4 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 4 Configuration task (Piotr) u High Level Definition language n Language to describe, structure, and manipulate configuration of systems n This is what eventually will replace the LCFG templates (*.h files) n Status: s Language defined in an advanced proposal s Core part of the compiler implemented and working s Full compiler will be ready for end of April u Configuration data base (CDB) n The place where all configuration profiles, both high level and low (node) level, are stored n Expect a real data base for the longer term but…. s Not sure if there is enough available effort to deliver this for release 2  s Maybe just a CVS repository to guarantee the version control of the configuration templates u GUI in mind but not for release 2

5 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 5 Monitoring task (Sylvain) u A first fabric monitoring prototype was delivered for release 1.1 n The software was successfully integrated but not deployed to not disturb too much the preparation for the EU Review Demo n The deployed prototype only supports primitive interfaces s Sensor interface to the local monitoring agent is based on a ASCII protocol over UNIX pipes s Repository interface is not at all want we want n Implementation will change up to release 2 s Public and internal interfaces have been defined and will be deployed s A new reliable transport will replace the current UDP implementation s SNMP support s Monitoring repository: flat files  real database s Alarm display

6 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 6 Installation task (German) u In December 2001: the precise scope for the WP4 installation task cause “hot” discussions between three partners u A workshop was scheduled to resolve this issue n Input: list of about 50 issues with the interim installation system (LCFG) n Output: an agreed scope and objective up to release 2 and beyond u LCFG will be the basis for further developments u New development plan has two threads n R&D n Production (for production testbed)

7 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 7 Installation task (German) u R&D thread (don’t expect production quality for release 2): n Use standard tools where possible, e.g. Anaconda/KickStart for base installation. Automatic generation of KickStart files from WP4 configuration mgmt system n Service management: NetBSD, SysV; relationship with software distribution. Currently there is a split of software distribution and service management. Will write a document how this could be automated. n Integration with the CCM (Configuration Cache Manager) and the Node View Access API (NVA-API) from the configuration task

8 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 8 Installation task (German) u Production thread: n LCFG “light” (R1.2) n New LCFG release (R1.3) n Intrusion level library (R1.3) n Integration with the WP4 monitoring system (R1.3, alpha version exists) n Integration with the High Level Definition language (R1.4) u Precise delivery from both threads will be presented in a revised WP4 release plan, which will be delivered in the coming weeks

9 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 9 Update to the release plan u New plan from the installation task u Fault tolerance subsystem public interfaces R1.1  R1.3 u Stand alone WP4 gatekeeper R1.1  R1.2 u HLD definition for the configuration of the monitoring system R1.2  R1.3

10 Olof Bärring – WP4 summary- 6/3/2002 - n° 10 Issues/discussion u WP4 configuration task efforts n Edinburgh University unfortunately had to reduce their contribution to the configuration task n However: PPARC provides new efforts (0.5FTE) from Liverpool u Ease to use of WP4 tools n Deployment of LCFG in an existing environment. “LCFG light” will help but WP4 will only provide best effort support. What’s the meaning of “testbed”? Is the place to fully deploy datagrid m/w or cherry-picking for forming a “grid site”? n Graphical publication of monitoring data (netsaint, PVSS, …) u Accounting: what’s the precise objective for DataGrid u Information publication: R-GMA when/where/how? u RH7.2: deployment and certification (both m/w and application) u Communication between WP4 components n Standardize on common RPC (SOAP, web services)

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