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Introduction in Linguistics Tongji University November 11 2013 Marjoleine Sloos.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction in Linguistics Tongji University November 11 2013 Marjoleine Sloos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction in Linguistics Tongji University November 11 2013 Marjoleine Sloos

2 What to learn?  Language typology  Language universals  Syntactic typology  Phonological typology  Dialect typology

3 Contents  Language typology  Language Universals  Syntactic typology: Word order  Phonological typology: Segmental inventory  Dialect typology  Chinese dialects: dialect tree  Predictions  Segmental inventory  Syllable structure  Tonal inventory  Syntactic differences

4 The comparison of structural patterns between languages and language varieties. What Is Language Typology?

5 Word order  Which languages do you know?  What is the word-order in terms of SVO?

6 Word order EnglishAnnie drinks teaSVOSVO ChineseAnna he chaSVOSVO FrenchAnne bois téSVOSVO DutchAnne drinkt theeSVOSVO GermanAnne trinkt TeeSVOSVO JapaneseAnna ga cha o nomuSOVSOV

7 Word order EnglishAnnie drinks Chinese teaANAN ChineseAnna he zhong shi chaANAN FrenchAnne bois té ChinoiseNANA DutchAnne drinkt Chinese theeANAN GermanAnne trinkt chinesischen Tee ANAN JapaneseAnna ga chugoku cha o nomu ANAN

8 Language Universals  Joseph Greenberg (1915-2001) supposed there are a number of universals in languages  Basic order SVO? AN?  Others are derived from that?  Or: language samples investigated are biased?  Large database:

9 Universal implications  If a language has X, it also has Y  E.g. If a language has X, it also has Y  "If a language has primarily an SOV order and the genitive follows the noun, then the adjective also follows the noun”  “If a language has gender specification, it must have number specification”

10 Phonological Typology  Segmental inventory  Consonants  Vowels  Tonal inventory  Number of tones  Tonal contours  Syllable construction  C1V C1VC2 C1GV C1GVC2  Possible restrictions on C1 or C2  Co-occurrence restrictions

11 Anhui dialectShaanxi dialectShanghai dialect Mandarin Shanghai dialectFujian Dialect Zhejiang dialect Henan dialect

12 Chinese dialects  Anhui  ShaanxiMandarin  Henan  ZhejiangWu  Shanghai  FujianMin

13 Consonant Chart IPA

14 Vowel chart IPA

15 Chinese dialects: Consonant inventory  Anhui  Shaanxi  Henan  Zhejiang  Shanghai  Fujian

16 Chinese dialects: Vowel inventory  Anhui  Shaanxi  Henan  Zhejiang  Shanghai  Fujian

17 Chinese dialects: Typology of tone  Anhui  Shaanxi  Henan  Zhejiang  Shanghai  Fujian

18 Chinese dialects: Syllable construction  Anhui  Shaanxi  Henan  Zhejiang  Shanghai  Fujian

19 Typological analysis  Segmental inventory  Mandarin  Wu  Min  Between

20 Typological analysis  Segmental inventory  Mandarin  Wu  Min  Between

21 Typological analysis  Tonal  Mandarin  Wu  Min  Between

22 Typological analysis  Syllable Structure  Mandarin  Wu  Min  Between

23 What did we learn?  How to analyse languages and dialects typologically  Main topics in typology  Syntax: Word order  Morphology: Reduplication  Phonology: Segmental inventory, tone, syllable structure

24 Assignment  As a group: finish the typology of the Chinese dialects  Compare the different dialect groups (Mandarin, Wu, Min) with each other; are the differences smaller/larger than within the Wu and Mandarin groups?  Is the difference between Mandarin and Min larger than between Mandarin and Wu/Min and Wu? In which respects (not)?  Is Wu in between Mandarin and Min? In which respects (not)?  Is there a relation between geographical distance and typological difference?

25 Assignment  As a group: finish the typology of the Chinese dialects  Write a paper in which  For each dialects you describe the sound inventory, tonal inventory, syllable structure  You describe the typological differences between the dialects and the dialect groups  You speculate about the relation between geographical distance and typological difference

26 Next week  Language acquisition

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