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Science and Technology in Society – How do science and technology affect the quality of our lives? 9.9 - Some materials can be recycled, but others accumulate.

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Presentation on theme: "Science and Technology in Society – How do science and technology affect the quality of our lives? 9.9 - Some materials can be recycled, but others accumulate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science and Technology in Society – How do science and technology affect the quality of our lives? 9.9 - Some materials can be recycled, but others accumulate in the environment and may affect the balance of the Earth systems. New technologies and changes in lifestyle can have positive and/or negative effects on the environment.

2 D 25 Explain how land development, transportation options and consumption of resources may affect the environment.

3 New England was once all forests. Deforestation was necessary for living, transportation, and agriculture.

4 People prefer the automobile over mass transportation. Most high-level economic countries use far more than they produce. This creates a lot of waste.

5 D26. Describe human efforts to reduce the consumption of raw materials and improve air and water quality. Ways to have a positive impact on the environment… Can you think of some?




9 Sloan Valve Company Chicago IL

10 Pressing the lever down produces a regular 1.6- gallon flush, while lifting the lever up produces a 1.1 gallon flush

11 Composting: the rotten truth Anne Kolaczyk Purdue University Master Gardener ©2006Anne Kolaczyk

12 Composting Composting is the transformation of organic material (plant matter) through decomposition into a soil-like material called compost. Invertebrates (insects and earthworms), and microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) help in this transformation.

13 Why do it Environmentally responsible Keeps biodegradable waste out of landfills and sewage plants Alternative to burning Gives you a vibrant garden without chemical fertilizers Saves money Learning tool

14 What it involves Adding ingredients Maintaining proper temperature Turning Maintaining moisture Harvesting

15 Homemade Three bins are best One to fill One that’s “cooking” One to turn others into or to draw from

16 What you can compost Yard waste Kitchen scraps Newspaper Cardboard

17 Care of compost Passive Let sit Takes months and months Active Turn often Keep moist (H 2 O 40-60% of weight) Have proper ratio of C:N (30:1) 2-6 weeks (depending on ingredients)

18 Let’s get real ConcernsSolutions I don’t have roomUse commercial bin It takes too long Maintain proper conditions Cut up large pieces It smellsNot if you maintain C:N ratio Temps too low to kill diseases, fungi, weed seeds Use local community composting facility for problem pieces, compost the rest Attracts animalsBury food waste in center

19 Uses Early stages as mulch Keeps weeds from growing Helps retain moisture Beneficial minerals go into soil Later stages for soil amending Enriches soil Helps with moisture retention Removes/reduces need for chemical fertilizers that leach into our ground water




23 66.20% Burned to produce electricity 24.40% Recycled (Does not include Bottle recycling) 6.08% Disposed of Out of State 3.32% Placed in Landfills



26 How do you enforce this?

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