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United Nations. What Is the United Nations (UN)? The UN is an organization of 192 nations The countries work together to: Maintain peace and stability.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations. What Is the United Nations (UN)? The UN is an organization of 192 nations The countries work together to: Maintain peace and stability."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations

2 What Is the United Nations (UN)? The UN is an organization of 192 nations The countries work together to: Maintain peace and stability Protect human rights Fight disease, poverty, drug trafficking and terrorism Protect the environment Maintain communications and transportation United Nations, 2007, “UN in Brief,” UN Web Services Section, Dept. of Public Information,

3 General Assembly One representative from each of the 192 nations meet regularly (annual sessions from September to November) to discuss the most pressing global issues They make decisions that provide moral guidance for the nations of the world (A global conscience of sorts)

4 Security Council Made up of 15 member nations 5 permanent= China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States 10 other rotating nations elected by the General Assembly for 2 year terms. Maintain peace and security Meet anytime peace is threatened Decisions are carried out by all UN members Decisions must have 9 of 15 yes votes Permanent members have veto power (can override votes)

5 The Security Council’s Path to Peace 1. Secure a cease-fire (if fighting exists) 2. Explore peaceful methods of conflict resolution such as but not limited to: a) Mediation b) Economic Sanctions c) Arms embargo 3. Unified military actions by member nations 4. Determine cause of conflict and establish solution for long-term peace

6 Other Components Economic and Social Council—Collaborates with non-governmental organizations to establish economic and social security International Court of Justice– 15 Justices decide independently as arbitrators. Nations must agree to participate but if they do they must comply with decision. Secretariat- Administrative body (7500 people) Trusteeship Council (inconsequential) 5400198684827037740&q=model+un+everyone&total=37&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 5400198684827037740&q=model+un+everyone&total=37&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

7 UN System 13 Independent organizations that work for world peace and stability. Examples: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) World Health Organization (WHO)

8 A set of procedures and rules help keep the UN general assembly meeting orderly Representatives of countries must seek the presiding official’s permission to speak A standard speaking format is followed

9 Conference Elements Formal Debate Speaker list determines order in which you speak Limited Time (can be changed by motion) Amendments and resolutions to issues are proposed and voted (majority to pass) Moderated Caucus Motion to break from formal debate. Place cards are raised in order to speak Helps facilitate discussion

10 Opening Speech 1. First, you should thank the presiding official by saying "Thank you Mr./ Madame/ Honorable Chair/ President…" 2. Then begin by providing a brief history on the issue as it relates to your country. 3. Speak about how the issue is currently affecting your country. 4. Provide your country's position on the issue. Include an explanation for your country’s stance, such as economic or security concerns or political or religious ideology. 5. You may choose to give an explanation of how your country's position relates to the positions of other member states such as the major powers or countries in your regional bloc. 6. You should discuss some of the past actions taken by the UN, member states and NGOs to address the issue. 7. Present ideas for a resolution, stressing your country’s objectives for the resolution. 8. Talk about the role that NGOs or regional organizations have to play in addressing the issue. 9. Indicate to the committee members whether your country is willing to negotiate United Nations Association of the United States of America, 2007, Public Speaking,

11 Speech During a Debate 1. Again, you should thank the presiding official by saying "Thank you Mr./ Madame/ Honorable Chair/ President…" 2. Encourage collaboration among member states by proposing ways that your country would be willing to work with other member states. 3. By referencing what other delegates have said, you can show support for your allies or indicate which proposals your country does not favor. 4. Present ideas for draft resolutions. 5. Explain why your country does or does not support other draft resolutions. United Nations Association of the United States of America, 2007, Public Speaking,

12 Draft Resolutions Written proposals to address issues One long sentence, separated by comas, that contains: Heading (Draft #, Issue and Names of Authors) Preamble and operative section -- establish the issue and proposed resolution (problem and solution)

13 Tips for Success 1. Be informed about your country 2. Be informed about your country 3. Be informed about your country 4. Know the procedures 5. Participate but do not dominate 6. Dress professionally 7. Collaborate

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