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The Global Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament 14 June 2006 V Legislative XML Workshop Towards European Standards for Legislative.

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament 14 June 2006 V Legislative XML Workshop Towards European Standards for Legislative."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament 14 June 2006 V Legislative XML Workshop Towards European Standards for Legislative Documents and Knowledge

2 Background  Consultations undertaken by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy and the Speaker of the People’s Assembly of Egypt on behalf of the United Nations  Launch of the Global Centre at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis on 16 November 2005  Preparatory work by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) and the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) for the establishment of the Global Centre

3 Mission  Strengthen Parliaments’ role as institutions that promote good governance and democratic accountability through the effective use and integration of ICT in parliamentary processes  Strengthen parliaments’ role in contributing to the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the attainment of the internationally agreed development goals

4 The Global Centre intends to promote a structured approach both to technology adoption by Parliaments and to the elaboration of legislation on ICT for development by:  Serving as a clearing house for disseminating information, sharing experiences and identifying good practices  Facilitating dialogue and collaboration and fostering partnerships  Raising awareness on the use of ICT in parliamentary processes  Facilitating project development and technical assistance Objectives

5 How the Global Centre operates  Set up as a technical cooperation initiative of the UN/DESA and administered according to the United Nations financial and administrative rules and regulations  Its work is guided by a Board composed of Speakers/ Presidents of Parliament  The Executive Director of the Global Centre is the Secretary of the Board  Alliance of national and regional assemblies, together with bilateral and multilateral agencies, academia and research centres, the media, the private sector and civil society

6 Areas of work  Information  Analysis and Research  Networking and Coordination  Technical Assistance

7 Global Network of IT experts in Parliaments  A knowledge platform to promote a structured dialogue and exchange of information on the use of ICT to strengthen parliamentary institutional and organizational capabilities  A responsive mechanism aimed to help Parliaments to modernize their information management capabilities and to become more open, participatory and knowledge-based

8 Global Network of IT experts in Parliaments Objectives:  Promoting the sharing of experiences and best practices and enhancing cooperation among parliamentary administrations at the global level  Providing expert advice on available software, applications and information management systems  Facilitating the adoption of common standards and interoperability frameworks  Facilitating the identification of technological solutions to address specific issues and needs

9 Conferences  2006: Conference on ICT-related legislation (initiative led by the Chamber of Deputies of Italy)  2007: World Conference on ICT applications in Parliament

10 Contributing to the Centre’s work  Propose initiatives and activities  Contribute information to be disseminated  Help identify needs and priorities

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