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© 2007. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved Siemens PLM Software © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software.

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1 © 2007. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved Siemens PLM Software © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. NX 6 Modeling Derek England NX Product Manager – Design

2 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2 Intuitive tools for creating highly reusable data with rich data content Part Modeling Vision Directions  Usable and efficient design tools for all design expertise levels  Flexible tools that enable customers the freedom to design  Easily reuse and adapt existing data  Design in context  Design elements  High-definition designs  Embedded product & process knowledge  Embedded validation  Documented designs

3 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. DESIGN USABILITY

4 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. NX 6 Modeling Usability Enhancements Benefits  More features/commands enhanced with improved ease of use & new functionality  Improved consistency achieved by enhancing another 15% of the modeling dialogs with standard block based UI  Enhanced display of work plane and grid enables better design in context  Full Screen mode enables users to maximize the graphics area to see more model detail Enhanced Dialogs & Interaction Enhanced Work Plane

5 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dialog Enhancements Project Detail Capability in NX 6  An additional 15% of feature & 65% of freeform modeling dialogs will be enhanced with the standard block based UI Customer value  Improved ease of use & new functionality increases user efficiency & capability  Improves user discoverability & capability  Simplified and efficient data organization Enhanced Dialogs & Interaction  File-Exit/Close  Format – Layers  Edit - Move/Rotate  Edit-Paste  Point Set  Sketch-Ellipse/Conic  Curve – Combined Projection  Mirror Curve  Wrap/Unwrap Curve  Bounded Plane  Emboss Sheet  Block, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere  Promote Body  Replace Feature  Remove Parameters  Deviation Checking

6 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Layer Enhancement Project Detail Capability  Layer dialog enhanced with standard block based UI  Integrate Layer Categories functionality within the Layer dialog  New Category display mode  Drag and Drop Layers into Categories  Move to layer and Copy to layer available in MB3  Columns are configurable (e.g. visibility, order, etc.) Benefit  Simplified and efficient data organization  Ability to customize layer dialog display Category Display Mode Flat Display Mode

7 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. File – Exit / Close Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Option to save modified parts at Exit & Close Customer value  Streamlines the Exit & Close workflow by enabling users apply corrective actions when warnings are presented  Consistent Exit and Close operation compared with other software applications  Avoids mistakes and losing data during close and exit Intuitive & User Friendly

8 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Grid Display and Spacing Enhancements Project Detail Capability in NX 6  One parameter for spacing  Grid show-through  Grid labeling, grid snapping Customer value  Grid becomes an integral part of the design process  Available when and where you want it  Eliminates multiple repetitive steps making design more efficient

9 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Full screen mode Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Maximize graphics space by removing toolbars, resource bar, etc.  Full access to NX functionality through toolbar manager  Access to workflow commands via TAPS (Toolbar Access PanelS) Customer value  Maximizes the design space providing a clutter free design & review environment  Enhances NX to become an efficient design review tool  Access workflow functions without the overhead of menus, toolbars, etc.

10 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. DESIGN EFFICIENCY

11 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Design Efficiency NX 6 Benefits  Design in Assembly Context – Interpart Referencing simplifies the process of copying reference geometry from other parts  WAVE & Extract is enhanced with Selection Intent  Hole enhanced with many new options and hole types and improved positioning  Datum, Datum CSYS and Sketch on Path enhancements enables improve interaction and greater flexibility for feature definition  New customizable Radial Pop ups accelerates design and reduces mouse travel

12 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Design in Assembly Context - Interpart Referencing Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Associative and non-associative copying of geometry from another part during feature / command operation  WAVE links are inferred and automatically created during feature definition  Non-associative constructor geometry (e.g. points, vectors, datums, etc.) can reference inter-part geometry without creating WAVE links Customer value  Efficient, uninterrupted design in context workflow  Intuitive and consistent interaction  Leverages the benefits of existing WAVE technology and functionality Select & WAVE link geometry outside the Work Part Reference this face that is in another part during Extrude

13 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. WAVE & Extract with Selection Intent Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Selection Intent for extracting & WAVE geometry linking for faces  Change face ↔ region ↔ face chain ↔ body  Option to propagate color from the parent geometry  Inherit feature name from parent  Customer Default for Time Stamp option  Benefit  Common methods for inter and intra-part design  Flexibility adapt designs and remap edges and faces Extract with Selection Intent

14 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Hole Feature Enhancements Project Detail Capability in NX 5.0.2  Multiple Holes in one feature  Positioning using Sketcher  Placement on non-planar face  English or Metric option  Thread, Chamfers and Relief options Capability in NX 6  Create a hole series through multiple bodies/parts  New hole types (e.g. alignment, tapered)  Customer hole classification and validation Benefit  More intuitive interaction improves users ability to learn and use NX features  Dynamic and consistent interaction when creating and editing features Holes on Non-planar Face Hole through multiple parts/bodies

15 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Datum and Sketch on Path Enhancements Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Datum on Curve enhanced with selection intent and additional orientation control  Datum CSYS enhanced with a normal or tangent to geometry type  Datum CSYS improved with a relative offset type and dynamic preview  Improved plane and sketch orientation control for Sketch on Path Customer value  Consistent functionality & options for common features  Features using datums and sketches benefit from the improved orientation control Improved Orientation Control for Sketch on Path Orient sketch to adjoining faces or any other face DCSYS normal to surface

16 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Point Set Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Associative result when creating points relative to curves and faces  Enhanced with Selection Intent  New user interface  Dynamic Preview Customer value  Create multiple associative points in one operation  More intuitive user interface and user interaction Multiple Points in One Feature Pattern of points on a face 20 points equally spaced along a path

17 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. TAPS (Toolbar Access PanelS) Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Rapid access to commands within the graphics window  Functions available at the cursor location  Quick access via control key shortcuts to functions specific to your workflow  Enabled in standard and full screen mode Customer value  Brings the commands to you instead of you having to look for the commands  Speeds all design workflows not just specific ones  Makes accessing functionality 50% more efficient (e.g. 14,400 TAPS commands x 2 seconds = 8 hrs/wk)

18 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. DESIGN CHANGE

19 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Design Change NX 6 Benefits  Replacement Assistant’s and Replace Feature have been enhanced to better automate and simplify the process of remapping downstream dependencies  Associative Trimming of Projected Curves enables clear & concise definition of intent  Feature Update Performance  Synchronous Design innovation enables dramatic change of model geometry regardless of feature history Organized Data Move/Rotate

20 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Model Editing NX 6 Benefits  Boolean Enhancements enable associative splitting of bodies and improved editing of Boolean features  History Replay enables users to quickly and easily review model history to improve understanding of model construction for editing  Additional REDO coverage improves model editing and design exploration  Layers have been simplified to enable an efficient data organization process  Key features have been optimized for performance efficiency during creation and update  Move Object tool enables geometry to easily be repositioned Organized Data Move Object

21 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Replacement Assistant Enhancement Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Synchronization of view operations in mapping  Improved automated mapping of faces and edges  Manual mapping enhanced with Selection Intent  Option to emphasize all unmapped objects or only unmapped objects with downstream dependencies Customer value  Efficient replacement process  Effort needed to map most bodies is minimized  Better control over change propagation during design change View Synchronization Define Selection Intent Infer From Selected Matching

22 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Replace Feature Enhancements Project Detail Capability in NX 6  A single dialog enhanced with standard block based UI  Option for automatic geometric mapping  Ability to define the geometric deviation allowance  View Synchronization option (NX 6.0.2) Customer value  Enhanced dialog layout increases usability and user proficiency  Flexible and efficient remapping process  Improves I-DEAS feature data migration repair process Match similar faces/edges when replacing one mounting feature with another

23 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sketch – Trim Projected Curves Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Associative trimming of projected and intersection curves  Point on String constraint enhanced to be more visible, robust and support intersection curves Customer value  Simplify sketch profiles  Capture design intent within the sketch  Expedites the use of sketches for features (no section building) Associative Trimming of Projected Curves Trimmed Projected Curves ↓ One pick for Extrude Untrimmed projected curves requires section building (i.e. 200 picks)

24 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Boolean Enhancement Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Boolean Feature Component  Multi-body Boolean operators  Multiple tool bodies within one Boolean feature  Improved re-parenting of Boolean features Customer value  Product stability by having complete coverage for new architecture  Preserves design intent and data organization for operation with multiple bodies  Greater ability to modify existing designs Multi-body Boolean Split Feature

25 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. History Playback Enhancements Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Ability to step through the history using time interval or selecting features  Replay tool works with the Part Navigator (not a separate tool)  Remembers final display state of the model  Ability to interrupt replay to edit or repair features Customer value  Improved ability to review model history helps with understanding and modifying designs Replay works with the Part Navigator

26 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Redo / Journaling Coverage Project Detail Capability in NX 6  An additional 15% of modeling commands will support Redo  Part Navigator operations (e.g. editing through details window, Hide/Show, reordering features, etc.) will be enhanced with journaling and Redo Customer value  Improved Journaling coverage = greater Redo coverage and automation opportunities  Additional REDO coverage improves model editing and design exploration Undo and Redo

27 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Data Organization – Layers Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Layer dialog enhanced with standard block based UI  Integrate Layer Categories functionality within the Layer dialog  New Category display mode  Drag and Drop Layers into Categories  Move to layer and Copy to layer available in MB3  Columns are configurable (e.g. visibility, order, etc.) Customer value  Simplified and efficient data organization  Ability to customize layer dialog display Category Display Mode Flat Display Mode

28 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Feature Update Performance Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Analyze frequency of use and performance of commonly used features  Analyze features to determine root cause of performance inefficiencies  Enhance features to improve creation and update performance Customer value  Faster model updates enables designers to be more productive Faster updates FeatureImprovement* Trimmed sheet68% Extrude12% V Sweep10% Edge Blend15% Face Blend30% Law Extension68% Through Curve Mesh84% *Average results

29 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Move Object Project Detail Capability in NX 6  Provide an associative move and rotate tool to replace Edit-Transform capabilities  Dynamically move objects by dragging and precise delta movements  Implement the Transformation tool for 2D applications (e.g. sketch and drafting) Customer value  Improved user interaction when moving objects  Common transformation tool in NX  Simplifies moving and copying of 2D profiles in STE and drafting Transform Objects Transform Profiles in STE

30 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Synchronous Design

31 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Design Freedom Benefits Free designers from constraints imposed by parametric systems  Design becomes focus rather than the mechanics of the system Increased capacity for “what if” design studies 50% more efficient design modifications on non NX and non- history based models (multi-cad)

32 © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Design Freedom Commands Move/Rotate Offset Replace Delete Pattern Resize Blend Resize Face Constrain

33 © 2007. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved Siemens PLM Software © 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thank You Derek England Product Manager – NX Modeling

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