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Greeting Morning Meeting Focus on developing listening skills and eye contact.

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2 Greeting

3 Morning Meeting

4 Focus on developing listening skills and eye contact

5 Leader News of the Day Special Classes School Events Mystery Word of the Day/Daily Edit

6 PRINCIPLES Community of Learners Teaching kids to care Do your personal best Develop our own rules – achieve hopes and dreams for first grade

7 Use of classroom and supplies Develop work habits

8 Word Study PROGRAM GOALS Use high frequency words for writing Understand use of word families in spelling Developmentally appropriate spelling vocabulary and personal choice words

9 Writing Workshop CHART 1.Focus 2.Content 3.Organization 4.Style 5.Conventions * Free Write (journal writing) *Writing Process (1 st try– good copy) *Portfolio Collection *Young Author Story

10 SHARING Writing and projects Morning Meeting Star of the Week

11 LITERACY STATIONS Creation Station (story responses) Making words Magnetic letters, words and sentences Read/Write around the room Book browsing Puzzle Mania I Spy words

12 Houghton Mifflin Publishing Company Invitations to Literacy Book Box, Big Books, and thematic hardcover books

13 Four Reading Blocks 1.Story vocabulary, word skills, and reading comprehension 2.Guided reading and small group instruction 3.Read Aloud 4.Self-selection

14 Self-Selection Choice based on interest Books on level Book browsing

15 Read Aloud Poetry Chapter books Stories related to themes

16 Lunch tickets made payable to CRSD Cafeteria Account. Questions? Call Mrs. Roller in cafeteria Money must be sent in envelope with name or kept in purse or bag. Recess is before lunchtime.

17 Daily schedule of times and subjects (in packet) Homework (establish routine at home-need guidance-not returned unless corrections needed) CLASS SCHEDULE

18 Scott Foresman – Addison Wesley Publishers Problem of the Day Homework Practice page (see notes to parents) Chapter Review - Test

19 Investigations-TERC (focus on thinking skills) Hands on materials for problem solving

20 HARCOURT HORIZONS About My World The World around Us Mapping Seasons and Holidays Other cultures Key Questions Social Studies

21 Weather (Earth and sky) Organisms –living and non-living (aquariums and terrariums) Balance and Motion *Kits *Inquiry based approach and discovery learning)

22 Health Health and safety (home and school) Nutrition and food groups Fire Prevention Dental Health

23 SPECIAL CLASSES SPECIAL SUBJECT SCHEDULE MS. MCCOLLUM-FIRST GRADE MONDAY LIBRARY (send back books) TUESDAY COMPUTER (sign up-volunteers) *instruction-January (Humanities-extension activity program) WEDNESDAY GYM (sneakers) THURSDAY MUSIC FRIDAY ART (comfortable clothes)

24 1 st Grade Upcoming Events First Grade Bear Show- Wed. Oct. 26th Spring trips to Howell Farm (4/20)and Keswick Theatre(5/11) Planetarium?

25 Star of the Week –note sent home-parents and siblings welcome to attend presentation –ME bag and Pet Journal Absences – excuse note required - missed schoolwork will be sent home Birthdays – may send in a treat (class only) Communication-newsletters and message book (please check and initial nightly) Folders – School, Homework, and Weekly Keep Home (empty and return on Monday)


27 *Remember to sign up for November conference. Thank you for coming to Back to School Night!

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