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MACROMOLECULES Describe in detail what you see in the diagram. (Minimum 3 sentences) The digestive process is occurring. In order for organisms to live.

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Presentation on theme: "MACROMOLECULES Describe in detail what you see in the diagram. (Minimum 3 sentences) The digestive process is occurring. In order for organisms to live."— Presentation transcript:

1 MACROMOLECULES Describe in detail what you see in the diagram. (Minimum 3 sentences) The digestive process is occurring. In order for organisms to live and function they require energy. Eating and digesting food provides the body with chemical energy in the form of ATP.

2 Biomolecules You are what you eat!

3 Agenda Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Comparing biomolecues
Constructing glucose molecules

4 CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates

5 Carbohydrates aka… Sugar Starch Carbs

6 How does our body break down this bread?

7 Breaks down into microscopic molecules
Loaf of bread Bread crumbs Polysaccharide Monosaccharide Disaccharide

8 Structure Polysaccharide Many Sugar

9 Structure Di saccharide Two Sugar

10 Structure Monosaccharide One Sugar

11 Function Provide QUICK energy to the body!

12 Challenge: Explain what you think is happening here. (at least 3 sentences) Loaf of bread Bread crumbs Polysaccharide Disaccharide Monosaccharide The diagram shows a picture of bread (starch). It also maps out the break down of carbohydrates from their most complex form (polysaccharide) to their least complex (monosaccharide). This process is called hydrolysis.


14 Breaks down into microscopic molecules
Fats, oils, waxes, steroids

15 LOOK FOR THE “E” Monomer: 3 fatty acids + glycerol

16 Function Made mainly of carbon and hydrogen (few oxygen)
Fat best method of STORING forms cell membranes Insulates nerve cells (myelin) Insulates body (maintains homeostasis)

17 How are complex carbohydrates formed and broken down?

18 Dehydration Synthesis
Combining single compounds into a complex one by removing water monosaccharide + monosaccharide ----> disaccharide + water C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 ----> C12H22O11 + H2O (Process forms disaccharides & polysaccharides)

19 disaccharide + H2O ---> monosaccharide + monosaccharide
Hydrolysis Addition of WATER to a compound SPLITS it disaccharide + H2O ---> monosaccharide + monosaccharide C12H22O11 + H2O ---> C6H12O6 + C6H12O6

20 Challenge: Describe what you see (at least 3 sentences)
This is an amino acid. It is the monomer for a protein. It contains C, H, O and N. It has 3 groups: an amino group, an R-group, and a carboxyl group. The R-group is considered a variant group because it changes.

21 Proteins aka…. Whey Protein Meat Polypeptide Peanut butter

22 Breaks down into microscopic molecules
Polypeptide Meat Amino Acid Monomer: amino acid Polymer: polypeptide

23 Monomer: Amino Acids Contains C, H, O, N 20 types
Has both hydrophobic & hydrophylic ends Differ in R-group R-group can be acidic, basic or neutral Makes polypeptide then makes proteins

24 Polymer: Polypeptide (peptide means bond)
Formed by dehydration synthesis Sequence determined by DNA 3-D and folds to take up less space

25 Function of Proteins Provides us with building blocks for life!
Also regulate most functions in a cell. Glycoproteins (antigens) Combines w/DNA to form chromosomes Turns genes on and off Antibodies (fights disease)

26 Function of Proteins Provides structure & strength (fibers)
Transports molecules in & out cells Hemoglobin (transports O2) Enzymes (speeds up rxns)- has –ase suffix Acts as hormones (insulin)- many proteins have suffix of -in

27 Bellringer: Describe in detail what you see in the diagram
Bellringer: Describe in detail what you see in the diagram. (minimum 3 sentences) This is a picture of ATP. ATP is one type of polymer of a nucleic acid. It is made of adenine, sugar, and 3 phosphate groups.

28 Nucleic Acids Contains C, H, O, N, P Monomer: NUCLEOTIDES
Nucleotides consist of 3 parts: 1. 5-Carbon Sugar 2. Phosphate Group 3. Nitrogenous Base

29 Nucleotide: Nitrogen Bases
5 types Cytosine Guanine Adenine Thymine (in DNA only) Uracil (in RNA only) Purines or pyrimidines In DNA: In RNA: C-G C-G A-T A-U

30 Nucleotides: 5-carbon sugar and phosphate group
2 types of sugars Ribose (in RNA only) Deoxyribose (in DNA only) Phosphate group Contains phosphorus & oxygen Polymer: polynucleotide deoxyribose ribose

31 Function Polypeptide: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
contains the genetic code stores & transmit heredity/genetic information found in the nucleus (mitochondria) Double stranded (double helix)

32 Function Polypeptide: RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Carries info from DNA to cell Helps in protein synthesis found in ribosomes & nucleoli Single stranded

33 Polypeptide: ATP Contains adenine, ribose sugar, 3 phosphates
Stores and releases energy

34 Concept Map Carbon Compounds Section 2-3 include that consist of
which contain which contain which contain which contain

35 Concept Map Carbon Compounds Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids
Section 2-3 Carbon Compounds include Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids Proteins that consist of that consist of that consist of that consist of Sugars and starches Fats and oils Nucleotides Amino Acids which contain which contain which contain which contain Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen Carbon,hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus hydrogen,oxygen, nitrogen,

36 Which biomolecule has the most energy!?

37 C-H bonds Count the number of C-H bonds in your monosaccharide picture. Count the number of C-H bonds in your saturated or unsaturated bond picture Which biomolecule (carbs or fats) have more C-H bonds?

38 The number of C-H bonds = the amount of energy
The more C-H bonds a biomolecule has, the more energy it has! Fats have the most energy because they have the most C-H bonds!

39 Video clips: Burning Marshmallow Oil lamp Cooking Oil Car

40 Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
CHALLENGE! Which popular plant process forms glucose? Photosynthesis Which elements form a glucose molecule? Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen What is the molecular formula for glucose? Create a polymer using dehydration synthesis process. C6H12O6

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