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The first man to circumnavigate the world. By Elizabeth Johnson

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1 The first man to circumnavigate the world. By Elizabeth Johnson
Ferdinand Magellan The first man to circumnavigate the world. By Elizabeth Johnson

2 Interduction Ferdinand Magellan had a short life, probably because he ventured around the world. Actullay, he was on a mission to concore Melikia, but instead of sailing east, he sailed west.

3 Early Age He was born in Fernao, de Magalhaes in Sabrosa, Potugal on April 27, 1480. He was asigned in the royal court when he was 12 parents died when he was 10.

4 Personal Life Ferdinand Magellan was married to Beatriz Barbosa
had two children both died at young age

5 Sea The first time he was at sea was when he was 25 years old
In 1511, when he was 31 years old, he went on an expidishon to concore Meliaka.

6 Crew More than half of his crew were prisoners, released in order to sail with Ferdinand. He had 5 boats, the Trinidad, Concepcion, Dan Antonio, Victoria, and Santiago.

7 His Route

8 His Route (continued) Ferdinand's route went from Spain, to Spain.
He sailed west, to the Philippines and died there. His crew ,however, made it back to Spain, they concored Meliaka.

9 His Death His Death was in the Phillipeans,1521
, he and eight of his men. He was in a Indian vs Spain was. He was struck in the foot with a poison arrow, and a spear through his heart. His crew burned his two ships and went on to find Meliaka.

10 Melikia was full of riches, such as nutmag or cloves.
Meliaka Melikia was full of riches, such as nutmag or cloves.

11 The Return The crew returned to spain with 18 men, out of 237 men,
1 ship, out of 5 ships.

12 Who he was Serving Ferdinand was servin the King of Portugal, Manuel.
1400s and early 1500s.

13 He was honored by a statue of him in Punta Arenas, Chile.
Conclusion Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to circomnavigate the world, almost. He was honored by a statue of him in Punta Arenas, Chile.

14 Sorces Book Ferdinand Magellan Circumnavigating the World by Katherine Baily wikipiadia Ferdinand Magellan (

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