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WMATA BRT Marketing and Branding Presentation Rapid Transit Steering Committee April 30, 2013 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "WMATA BRT Marketing and Branding Presentation Rapid Transit Steering Committee April 30, 2013 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMATA BRT Marketing and Branding Presentation Rapid Transit Steering Committee April 30, 2013 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

2 Purpose To brief Rapid Transit Steering Committee members on the development of a WMATA approach to branding a regional premium transit service 2

3 Premium Transit Bus Brand Attributes and Position Positioning Criteria Different and easily distinguished, trade marked Comply with safety, ADA, high visibility and function Target Audience Commuters, shoppers, tourists, travelers Developers, residents, leaders, staff, media Service Attributes Convenient, frequent, reliable, quick Safe, comfortable Above ground, hip, urban, quality facilities Easily understood service, schedule pathways 3

4 Premium Transit Bus Brand Attributes and Position Station Attributes Grand experience, sized to demand, like rail Significant architecture and unified design Complete signage and information Avant-garde, contributes to community On-Board Attributes Interior design quality, comfort, image, clean Fewer stops and reduced travel time Green technology propulsion No advertising, retain brand image 4

5 Premium Transit Bus Branding Customer Input Joint Project Task Team evaluated service characteristics and brand concepts for testing 3 Focus Groups 3,717 respondents online survey 34% lived in either Alexandria or Arlington 30% DC and 11% Montgomery 5

6 Premium Transit Bus Branding Research Results Four designs tested, two colors each Strong favorite - BLUE Preferred name – MetroWay 6

7 Premium Transit Bus Branding Final Design 7

8 Next Steps Continue to work with Alexandria and Arlington to implement CCPY service in Spring 2014. – Obtain new buses – Develop new line name – Implement marketing and promotion program – Support real time passenger information – Implement fare collection equipment and tactics 8

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