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How to make a relevant representation online. The Infrastructure Planning Commission  The Infrastructure Planning Commission is the independent body.

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Presentation on theme: "How to make a relevant representation online. The Infrastructure Planning Commission  The Infrastructure Planning Commission is the independent body."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make a relevant representation online

2 The Infrastructure Planning Commission  The Infrastructure Planning Commission is the independent body that examines applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects  Created through Planning Act 2008  Discuss process not merits  Soon to become part of the Planning Inspectorate

3 How to make a relevant representation online The Stages in the Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pre- Application (Unlimited) IPC Acceptance (28 Days) Pre- Examination (3-4 months) Examination (6 months) Decision (3+3 months) Post Decision (6 weeks)

4 How to make a relevant representation online The IPC had 28 days to decide whether the application meets the standards to proceed to examination IPC issued a decision on 24 th November 2011 to accept the Hinkley Point C application for further examination Primarily a technical phase in the process Stage 1 Pre-app Stage 2 Acceptance Stage 3 Pre-exam Stage 4 Examination Stage 5 Decision Stage 6 Post decision Acceptance

5 How to make a relevant representation online This is the time you tell the IPC your views To do this you must make a “relevant representation” as this will register you as an “interested party”. This guarantees your views will be put before the Examining Authority, ensures you are informed of all stages and will be invited to make further written representations at a later stage if you wish to do so The deadline to register as an interested party is 23 rd January 2012 Preliminary meeting – procedural meeting Stage 1 Pre-app Stage 2 Acceptance Stage 3 Pre-exam Stage 4 Examination Stage 5 Decision Stage 6 Post decision Pre-examination

6 How to make a relevant representation online Inquisitorial rather than adversarial; invitation for written representations Primarily undertaken by written representations Examination by hearings: open floor, issue-specific and compulsory acquisition Stage 1 Pre-app Stage 2 Acceptance Stage 3 Pre-exam Stage 4 Examination Stage 5 Decision Stage 6 Post decision Examination

7 How to make a relevant representation online Decision/Recommendation Examining Authority recommendation within 3 months Secretary of State decision within 3 months You will be informed of the decision by the IPC Stage 1 Pre-app Stage 2 Acceptance Stage 3 Pre-exam Stage 5 Decision Stage 6 Post decision Stage 4 Examination

8 How to make a relevant representation online Step 1: Navigate to the project page Visit the project web page on the IPC website: Internet search – “IPC Hinkley” Navigate to the page from the ‘Projects’ section. - ‘Projects’ - ‘South West’ - ‘Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Power Station’.

9 How to make a relevant representation online Step 2: Navigate to the form On the project page, click on the ‘Register online’ link at the top of the page. This opens up the registration form

10 How to make a relevant representation online Step 3: Completing the form The registration form contains important information at the top, ensure that you read and understand it. Please note that progress on the form can’t be saved.

11 How to make a relevant representation online Step 4: Completing the form Tell us who is making the representation and preferred means of contact. About the representation

12 How to make a relevant representation online Step 5: Completing the form If you are a tenant, owner, lessee or occupier of any land which will be affected by the application, make the appropriate selection in this section. You may also be eligible to make an oral representation at a compulsory acquisition hearing. Interest in land

13 How to make a relevant representation online Step 6: Completing the form Make your comments in this section. Ensure that you read the information carefully before adding your comments. You may also wish to notify us if you would like to make a further written representation at a later stage. Representation

14 How to make a relevant representation online Step 7: Completing the form Please let us know if you wish to attend the Preliminary Meeting. The Preliminary Meeting is held to discuss how the examination will be conducted. Interested parties may raise points about procedural matters at the meeting. Please note that merits of the application will not be discussed. Preliminary Meeting

15 How to make a relevant representation online Step 8: Completing the form Let us know if you wish to make an oral representation at an open- floor hearing. Oral submissions must be based on your relevant and/or written representation. Open-floor hearings

16 How to make a relevant representation online Step 9: Completing the form Let us know if you wish to make an oral representation at an issue specific hearing. Issue specific hearings

17 How to make a relevant representation online Step 10: Submitting the form Complete the ‘captcha’ by entering the two words that appear in the image. This helps to ensure that we only receive authentic and individual submissions. Click ‘Send Form’ to make your submission, afterwards you will receive a confirmation email.

18 How to make a relevant representation online Get involved now by registering as an interested party using the IPC registration form Register by the deadline of 23 rd January 2012 We are here to help: see our website, call the enquiries line or email us if you need any advice about our process and how and when to get involved Helpdesk 0303 444 5000 Summary

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