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1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Subtask 1.2 Sharing Structural Design Data with Manufacturing Systems Presented by: Michael.

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1 1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Subtask 1.2 Sharing Structural Design Data with Manufacturing Systems Presented by: Michael Olson

2 2 Objectives l Tools and Methods for Supporting Next Generation Shipbuilding IPDE (SCIM Evaluation) – –This task will demonstrate the capabilities of the NPDI SCIM as the means for supporting the next generation IPDE l Subtask 1.2 – Sharing Structural Design Data with Manufacturing Systems – –Apply tools and methods developed by ISE team to exchange structural design data between design and manufacturing systems – –Use the NPDI Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) as the basis for the exchange – –Validate and demonstrate the capabilities of the SCIM on a current program – –Recommend updates to SCIM

3 Participants l Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Gulf Coast l Northrop Grumman Technical Services l Product Data Services Corporation 3

4 4 Overview l Address data sharing challenge in multiple shipyard development environment –Exchange of structural design data from prime designer to manufacturing, either in same shipyard or a second shipyard l Use the information requirements of the SCIM to guide the exchange of product data l Identify required structural manufacturing information to the data element level l Export data from the design environment l Import data into the manufacturing environment

5 SCIM l Use SCIM chapter based on STEP AP 218 (Ship Structures) as starting point l Include additional SCIM chapters as necessary, such as Product Data Management (PDM) l Augment SCIM chapters as necessary to include required manufacturing data 5

6 Manufacturing Data l Define required manufacturing data based on DDG 1000 activities to interface with Teamcenter Manufacturing l Analyze manufacturing data from the standpoint of a different manufacturing system, such as Electric Boat Quonset Point facility 6

7 7 Export from Design Environment l A translator will be developed to export structural design data from the DDG 1000 CATIA/Teamcenter Enterprise environment into a SCIM XML file l Data will be mapped to appropriate SCIM entities and attributes l Additional entities and attributes will be included based on analysis of manufacturing data requirements l Data will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy

8 8 Import into Manufacturing Environment l A translator will be developed to import structural design data in SCIM XML into the manufacturing environment –Use DDG 1000 Teamcenter Manufacturing environment as test case –Ensure data and exchange is not tied to specific manufacturing system l Imported data will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy in the manufacturing system

9 9 Validate SCIM l Deficiencies revealed in the SCIM related to Structural Design Data will be noted and corrected as part of Task 2 of the ILE Project l Recommendations will be made for improving SCIM usability, including completeness and clarity of SCIM descriptions l Attempt will be made during Task 2 to improve the format and content of the SCIM chapters to resolve observed issues

10 10 Subtask 1.2 Deliverables and Milestones MonthDeliverable 2Structural Model Import Requirements Report 5SCIM Gap Analysis Report 8SCIM Dataset Results Report 11Final Wrap-up Meeting, Import Results Report, SCIM Deficiencies and Recommendations

11 Report Definitions l Structural Model Import Requirements Report –Define structural design information required by manufacturing system l SCIM Gap Analysis Report –Compare SCIM with structural design information required by manufacturing –Identify and describe gaps in SCIM 11

12 Report Definitions (cont’d) l SCIM Dataset Results Report –Provide a description of the final dataset required for transfer from Design to Manufacturing –Note differences from current SCIM content l Import Results Report –Analyze the results of importing structural design data into manufacturing system using SCIM –Document issues related to SCIM data or structure as it relates to importing into the manufacturing system –Describe system-specific issues that may result from the analysis 12

13 Near-term Activities l Coordinate with DDG 1000 design, manufacturing, and IDE groups as needed l Define data exchange requirements between design and manufacturing systems l Analyze data exchange requirements against the appropriate SCIM chapters to identify gaps l Develop Structural Model Import Requirements Report 13

14 Backup 14

15 15 Generation of Mediator Software Mediator Generator Mapping from Sending IPDE to SCIM Mapping from Receiving IPDE to SCIM The Mediator Generator is a generic piece of software for each application area that reads the mapping tables for any two systems and creates a Mediator between those mappings A Mediator is an XSL stylesheet that reads a compliant XML file from the Sending System and produces an XML file that can be read by the Receiving System (XML Mapping File)

16 16 SCIM-compliant Part 28 File l If both systems support ISO 10303-28 (STEP XML) then a Mediator is not required l The IPDE shall be able to receive product model data in the same SCIM-compliant XML format for each of these application areas

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