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Published byRonald Stewart Modified over 9 years ago
Wikinomija Stanko Blatnik, IPAK Inštitut eFest Velenje, oktober 2008
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Izraza wiki in WikiWiki označujeta poseben tip zbirke hipertekstovnih spisov ali skupinskega programja, s katerim je izdelana. Wiki je strežniški program, ki uporabnikom omogoča prosto ustvarjanje in urejanje spletnih strani s spletnim brskalnikom. Wiki podpira nadbesedilne povezave ter s preprosto skladnjo omogoča ustvarjanje novih strani in sprotne povezave med stranmi v sistemu Wiki.WikiWikihipertekstovnihskupinskega programjastrežniškispletnim brskalnikom Wiki (izgovor »viki«) je tudi splošno osebno ime maorskih žensk na Novi Zelandiji. V havajščini wikiwiki pomeni »res hitro«.osebno ime maorskihNovi Zelandijihavajščini
Kaj je wikinomija Primer Goldcorp Challenge spletno mesto, nagrado za podatke o nahajališčih zlata. Zahvaljujoč tehnologiji in predvsem Web 2.0 storitvam lahko posamezniki sodelujejo v gospodarstvu kot nikoli prej, Wikipedia 5 zaposlenih, 10 x večja od Encyclopedia Britannica in približno enako natančna v 92 jezikih. Velenje???
Sodelovanje Stara slika sodelovanje – tim, ki sedi v istem prostoru, se pogovarja dela skupaj Tehnologija danes omogoča drugo sodelovanje- integracija talentiranih posameznikov, ki so razpršeni v prostoru in času. Ta način proizvodnje bo popolnoma spreminil tradicionalno hierarhično strukturo podjetij.
Primer eFest Tell me more info, what parts of web 2.0 do you look to see us talk about. What is festival of ICT. jeff Dear Stanko, No problem, I'm very happy because we finished on time. This is more than just a simple work. We are introducing a new production philosophy and people is doing a great job. I have other approaches to create interactive courses mixing interactive contents with flash technology that I believe it is really exciting (next time!) best regards Miguel
Primer eFest Dear Stanko, thank you for your email and for your invitation to "speak" and promote the project. Yes, I can make a short video about storytelling. In order to be sure I'll touch all the aspects presented in the send application, could you send me again the project application? I think it is better to speak after I'll read it again, in order to discuss what shall I introduce and present, besides the base of the educational storytelling issues. I think you have my number: 0040744952853. Have a nice day, cheers, Laura
Primer eFest Dear Stanko, many thanks for your invitation to the eFest - ICT Festival. We have already another meeting abroad in that week and thus won't be able to come to Velenje, but we could make a short video (mpg or avi format) for you about storytelling / History activities in Italy, or a PPT presentation and send it to you, if you think this could be nice. Kind regards,Sibylle
Primer eFest Stanko, you can have this video here: its five Minutes and I can make english subtitles and a short introduction if you want Franz
Primer eFest Stanko Below is a transcript, and details of the Mobiblog partnership. If there is an external link to the eFest site please let me know? Best wishes Shirley
Primer eFest Dear Stanko, Apologies for the delay in writing back, due to a big rush of activity here, and with a lot to do, I probably won't manage to come to Slovenia before the start of the new year. I'm sorry about this, as some Slovenian sunshine would be very good for me! But I can certainly make a video for the eFest event. How long should it be, and on what subject? And when would you need it for? Maarten has a video camera which I am sure he will let me use - I will check if it is electronic format. Howie
Primer eFest Dear Stanko, I'm very sorry to say that we didn't find the time to produce a video for the eFest (work is hell these days). But Amitié produced a small video with a storytelling senior which is very nice and will be uploaded to the weblog today. I hope this helps a little bit :-) Best regards, Renate
Primer eFest Dear Stanko, I'm sorry, I do read your e-mail just now, 'cause i'm quite busy by a lot of mails regarding history, and i sorted your email as an history one : to be open, when i'm ready to it! Nevertheless, regarding what you asked, I couldn't not have been of much help : History is the only ICT project we have ; and we have no videocamera ! Also, we have, already made, two little films of presentation of some of our activities : if you want, i can't send it to you by (normal) mail; if you give me an adress. (but it will be now without translation...) Probably next time, good evening, Pieter
Tehnologija Web 2.0 services Stari Web spletna mesta. Klikanje Novi web - skupnosti, sodelovanje, peering Dinamične nove storitve od video telefona do kirurgije na daljavo Ta trenutek je kritična tačka preobrata v gospodarski in družbeni zgodovini Nastajajo nova načela, svetovni nazori in poslovni modeli.
Na č ela wikinomije Odprtost Peering Porazdelitev Delovati globalno.
Primeri BMW
Primeri Innocentive
Primeri Podjetje Merck je že v devetdesetih letih na internetu odprlo dostop do svoje podatkovne baze o genetskih sekvencah človeka, Novartis je omogočil dostop do materialov, ki jih je zbral za zdravljenje diabetesa 2. Zakaj, ker želijo izkoristiti kolektivno inteligenco, ki jo tvorijo razpršeni posamezniki. Wisdom of Masses.
Omrežna Generacija Generacija, ki se rodi po tehnologiji jo enostavno sprejme. Starejše generacije težje sprejemajo ali pa nikoli ne sprejmejo novo tehnologijo. Wikinomija je za mlade. Upajmo, da bo mlada generacija dobila priložnost.
Na č ela wikinomije Odprtost Peering Porazdelitev Delovati globalno.
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