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Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Learning- Focused Interactions Probes and Prompts.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Learning- Focused Interactions Probes and Prompts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Learning- Focused Interactions Probes and Prompts Tuesday 11 October 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM)

2 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Learning Intentions & Success Criteria We are learning to…  Pose well-structured mediational probes and prompts. We are successful when we can…  Formulate probes and prompts in a variety of situations that support the thinking of others.

3 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Agenda  Conversation/coaching skills  Homework discussion  Probes and prompts  Gallery Walk

4 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Why Use Coaching Skills “In the past, I put on the ‘expert’ hat whenever a colleague approached me with a problem. I am now more comfortable stepping back, taking a breath, and empowering my colleagues to make their own decisions and arrive at their own solutions.”

5 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Skills…..  Effective/Active listening  Pausing/Wait time  Paraphrasing  Prompts & Probes  Nonverbals … Approachable voice … Exploratory Language (inquiry)… Plural Forms…. Positive Presuppositions…

6 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Thinking Potential ??  How are you doing with the new curriculum and pacing guides we just started using this year? Open up Thinking Focus Thinking Close Off Thinking In thinking about the new curriculum and pacing guides, reflect on some of the potential strengths for student learning.


8 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Homework: Pose Well-Structured Probes Table Discussion: As you examined the transformed probes, describe an insight related to struggles you had as you did the homework. Pass homework to the left Read probes and identify the invitation, cognition, topic

9 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Let’s Practice  As a table group, formulate two well-structured mediational probes with all three components.  General Topic: Common Core State Standards  Resource: Mentoring Matters pp. 58-60  Write on separate sentence strips using different colors for invitation, cognition, topic.  Post your probes in the hallway.

10 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011- 2012 School Year Gallery Walk  Bring your notebook with you to the Gallery so that you can copy down ideas for probes.  In groups of 3, read and discuss the posted probes.  Does it open up or focus thinking?  Evaluate openness, plurals, dichotomy, presupposition, inquiry/interrogation…..  Identify other “cognition verbs” that could be used.

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