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OSA After-School Program Training Roger S. Baskin, Sr. Educational Specialist Office of Student Achievement FCPS.

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Presentation on theme: "OSA After-School Program Training Roger S. Baskin, Sr. Educational Specialist Office of Student Achievement FCPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSA After-School Program Training Roger S. Baskin, Sr. Educational Specialist Office of Student Achievement FCPS

2 Overview This presentation is designed to do the following: 1.Provide a brief overview of the redesign plan for the OSA After- School Program 2.Explain specific tasks of After- School Specialists in the success of the program 3.Overview the curriculum

3 Background For more than 10 years, the QUEST Program worked to address the access gap that exists in participation of underrepresented populations in advanced courses—AP, IB, honors, admission to TJHSST. The program met two Saturdays a month and three weeks in July at TJHSST and later at Longfellow Middle School.

4 Background A selection committee identified approximately 130 students in 6 th grade each year. The students who were selected received enrichment in math, science and technology, and language arts through 8 th grade. Students also received preparation for the admissions examination to TJHSST.

5 A New Beginning FCPS leadership has now decided to offer the program at every middle school. The redesigned program will be offered after school to middle school students. Students who participated in QUEST are automatically enrolled. There are available seats for more students--up to an overall total of 30 students per school (including those already in QUEST).

6 How National Board Certified Teachers Helped The OSA After-School Program is a partnership between OSA and NBCTs. Created a curriculum that will focus on project-based learning. Each month, students will focus on a different project that connects, stretches, and prepares.

7 The Concept Connect – to students everyday life, experience, and concerns Stretch – to think about their everyday life, experience, and concerns in new ways through the disciplines they explore Prepare – for life after middle school to inspire students to reach for more challenging courses in the future

8 Target Population All former QUEST Program students Students who demonstrate academic promise but who are not currently enrolled in level four gifted and talented services Students who score at least 400 on math and reading SOLs Students who desire academic challenge

9 Searching for a Teacher? Qualities that make for a good fit in the program include the following: Core knowledge of discipline taught in the unit Able to make connections between lessons and student interests and motivations Can give students practice utilizing lessons in real life applications Insures that the identity of each student is nurtured in the process of learning

10 Teacher Responsibilities Prepare for lessons. Contact appropriate persons for support when needed. E-mail weekly attendance to Complete teacher surveys and student surveys and PONY them to Roger Baskin at Alan Leis Center.

11 Blackboard Provides information about the curriculum Provides information about where to get support Provides a place for students to learn and share their work

12 Exploring the Lessons In teams of two, identify the following in the lesson you are assigned: Three things that students will learn Two things that will connect with student interests One question raised by the lesson

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