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XYZ Assisted Living Community Putting the Pieces Together To Develop a Culture of Safety Screening Ergonomics Education Therapy C ontinuum of C aring.

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Presentation on theme: "XYZ Assisted Living Community Putting the Pieces Together To Develop a Culture of Safety Screening Ergonomics Education Therapy C ontinuum of C aring."— Presentation transcript:

1 XYZ Assisted Living Community Putting the Pieces Together To Develop a Culture of Safety Screening Ergonomics Education Therapy C ontinuum of C aring

2 Establishing a Culture of Caring that we are all responsible for at (Name of Community) Culture of Caring

3 Agenda A Review of Falls Statistics The systems of our body that give us balance Reasons for Falls Culture of Safety Education: It’s everyone’s responsibility Screening: Uncovering those who are at greatest risk Treatment: Hitting the causes of falls Now Where Do we Go from here...

4 Falls: Relevant Statistics Falls are not a normal part of agingFalls are not a normal part of aging Annual fall rates:Annual fall rates: 30% of those > 6530% of those > 65 50% of those > 8050% of those > 80

5 Systems Controlling Balance VestibularVestibular SomatosensorySomatosensory VisualVisual Musculo-SkeletalMusculo-Skeletal CognitiveCognitive 70% of our balance is vestibular when our head and body are in motion70% of our balance is vestibular when our head and body are in motion

6 Balance Dynamics

7 Reason for Falls Dizziness is the #1 reason for fallsDizziness is the #1 reason for falls The rate of dizziness in the older population is 30- 61%The rate of dizziness in the older population is 30- 61% 50% of dizziness is caused by BPPV by the age of 8050% of dizziness is caused by BPPV by the age of 80 50% of falls in elderly can be attributed to vestibular dysfunction50% of falls in elderly can be attributed to vestibular dysfunction A person that has episodes of dizziness has a 12 fold increase risk of fallingA person that has episodes of dizziness has a 12 fold increase risk of falling

8 Other Causes Age-related decline Changes in visual and auditory function Nervous and vestibular systems Chronic disease Parkinson’s disease Degenerative joint disease Cognitive impairment Acute illness: non-specific presentations of disease Medication use

9 Culture Of Safety Safety is not a therapy program, It is not a program at all It is a culture that we are all responsible for Every one of us is a part of the answer How can we make __________________ a safer environment for everyone Public areas Your own personal living space Dining Areas Indoors and Outdoors

10 Education We will begin training every associate, every resident and every family member beginning today!! Monthly Inservice Programs for Residents and Family Balance If You Don’t Use It You Lose It How Not To Be the Leaning Tower of Posture...

11 Screening We will begin a free ongoing screening program of every resident who desires to have one performed with the prior approval of your physician Uncovers the subtle causes of losses of balance with increased risk of fall Performed on an ongoing basis, since you may these symptoms may come on at any time in a subtle manner

12 Treatment Integrated Balance Therapy High level evaluative and treatment techniques to get to the root of the problems that are causing balance problems.

13 Discussion and Action Plan Questions and Answers Next Steps Timetable Next Meeting

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