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1 Maricopa Community Colleges Faculty Association SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT of Membership Long-Term Care Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Maricopa Community Colleges Faculty Association SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT of Membership Long-Term Care Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Maricopa Community Colleges Faculty Association SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT of Membership Long-Term Care Insurance

2 What is long-term care insurance? Provides a funding source for: ❖ Home care services ❖ Respite care for family caregivers ❖ Assisted living apartments ❖ Skilled care/ nursing home ❖ Care in a memory care center ❖ Nursing and therapy services in the home or a facility MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

3 Why would someone use this insurance? ❖ Recovery from a serious accident ❖ Recovery from surgery or an extended illness ❖ Recovery from a stroke ❖ Frailty due to illness or age ❖ Permanent disability from an accident or illness MCCFA BENEFIT LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

4 Who is eligible for this insurance? ❖ Current members of the association ❖ Spouses, partners, and other family members of the association members between 18-79 years of age ❖ Includes: parents, parents-in-law, grandparents; grandparents-in-law, siblings, aunts, uncles, and children MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

5 What discounts are available with this benefit? ❖ 5% discount for members, spouses, partners, and other family members ❖ For married applicants or domestic partners additional discount ❖ 10% with the purchase of one policy ❖ 20% with both spouses, partners purchasing MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

6 Transamerica TransCare II Features: ❖ Daily benefit options--$50--$400 per day ❖ Length of benefit once on claim—2,3,4, or 5 years ❖ Preferred health discount with full underwriting ❖ Calendar day elimination period (deductible)—30, 60, or 90 days ❖ Cash alternative option—33% of daily benefit ❖ Inflation protection—correct age-based inflation imbedded into the plan qualifies for the Arizona Partnership Program ❖ Return of Premium to age 67 ❖ Optional riders available MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

7 7 Members: ❖ Abbreviated Application Process ❖ Full underwriting for preferred rate Spouses, Partners, and other Family Members: ❖ Underwriting requirements obtained by TransAmerica (no cost to you) ❖ Prescription drug report ❖ Phone health interview ❖ Medical records from your physician MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

8 What are my payment options?  You may choose to be billed - ❖ Monthly—EFT out of your bank account ❖ Quarterly ❖ Semi-annually ❖ Annually—does not incur a surcharge MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

9 CONTACT INFORMATION Authorized Agent for Association Discount Mary Ellen Dunn, MA, CLTC Dunn Insurance Services LLC 602-923-4949—office 1-866-380-2169—toll free MCCFA BENEFITLONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE

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