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Soil of Russia in Global Programs

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1 Soil of Russia in Global Programs
Vladimir Stolbovoy1 Luca Montanarella1 Freddy Nachtergaele2 1European Soil Bureau, EC Joint Research Center, Ispra; 2United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Conference: ““Scientific Session on Fundamental Soil Science” ” Moscow State University, 30 November-2 December, 2004

2 Outline Need for Russia to be seen globally.
Soil of Russia in global projects: Global (revised FAO); Intercontinental (Circumpolar Soil database); European and Northern Eurasia (SOVEUR; ESDB). Land resources of Russia. What is next?

3 Shortcomings in global estimates
IIASA on ground Land Cover (1X1 km) c. IIASA on ground NPP Кг углерода м2 в год 0.1 – 0.21 < 0.1 Source: CD-ROM “Land Resources of Russia”, 2002. 0.21 – 0.28 0.28 – 0.4 0.61 – 0.87 0.4 – 0.61 Source: CD-ROM “Land Resources of Russia”, 2002. IGBP space-derived Land Cover (1Х1km) Воды > 0.87 Model-derived Global NPP Cropland&pastures Forests Wetlands Grasses and shrubs Foley et al., 1996 b. Comparison of areas d. Comparison of areas 200 400 600 800 1000 Пашня и пастбища Леса Болота Травы и кустарники 106 га IIASA CD-ROM IGBP 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 > .7 IIASA Global

4 Mosaic of changes in temperature and precipitations (source: IPCC, 2001)
Patterns of warming Patterns of wetting Changes have great spatial diversity and do not following climate zones in Russia

5 Russia representation in global soil collections
Global soil sampling (Batjes et al, 1996) New EU Soil Database (Stolbovoi et al., 2001)

6 Underestimate of carbon reserves in soils of Russia
Soil carbon pool (based on Stolbovoi, 2002)

7 International Programs
IUSSS International. Union of Soils Science Societies ESB European Soil Bureau FAO UN Food & Agriculture Organization ISRIC Internat. Soil Reference Information Center EURASIA Global Land&Environment Resource Analysis Customers: International Agencies and programs Product: CD-ROM Circumpolar Soil Database Collaboration: Canada, USA, Northern Europe, and Russia Applications: Arctic Monitoring, Carbon mitigation strategy in permafrost zone IIASA International. Inst. for Applied Systems Analysis Soil Vulnerability in Central&Eastern Europe Collaboration: FAO, Netherlands and Central&East European Countries Customers: FAO, UNEP, EEA European Soil Database Collaboration: ESB, Belorus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine Applications: European Crop Growth Monitoring, Carbon sequestration potentials, Land&Environment analysis

8 Reproduction of national soil typological units (STU) in International systems
49% new 39 % same FAO, 1988 12 % renamed * 1:2.5 M soil map **1:5 M soil map

9 World soils 1995 FAO produces a CD ROM with a global vector map and derived soil properties with a 5’ x 5’ resolution as raster. 1998 FAO-UNESCO re-issues the digital version with derived soil properties More information on this product is available at

10 Eurasian soils More information on this product is available at

11 Central and Eastern European soils
More information on this product is available at

12 Circumpolar soils

13 Soils of Europe and Northern Asia
More information on this product is available at

14 Soil Regions of Europe R. Hartwich - BGR

15 Обложка СД-РОМа содержит название, эмблемы Международного Института Прикладных Системных Исследований и Российской Академии Наук


17 Source: Stolbovoi, 2001. In CD-Rom “Land Resources of Russia”, Laxenburg, Austria.

18 Source: Stolbovoi, 2001. In CD-Rom “Land Resources of Russia”, Laxenburg, Austria.

19 Source: Stolbovoi, 2001. In CD-Rom “Land Resources of Russia”, Laxenburg, Austria.

20 Correlation as a tool to transfer soil information
Reclassification Conversion Reclassification WRB Database Re-association ST Database Conversion

21 What is next: Soil Atlas of Europe

22 What is next: EU-SOIL COMMUNICATION 2002 (COM(2002)179)
“Towards a Thematic strategy for Soil Protection” Definition of: - 5 Soil Functions Food and other biomass production Storing, filtering and transformation Habitat and gene pool Physical and cultural environment for humankind Source of raw materials - 8 Main Threats to Soil Erosion Decline in organic matter Soil contamination (local and diffuse) Soil sealing Soil compaction Decline in soil biodiversity Salinisation Floods and landslides

23 Thank you

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