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2012 VP MGA “What I Want us to do This Year” Howard E Michel, Ph.D., SMIEEE (sounds like Michelob) 21 January 2012 Minneapolis, MN.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 VP MGA “What I Want us to do This Year” Howard E Michel, Ph.D., SMIEEE (sounds like Michelob) 21 January 2012 Minneapolis, MN."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 VP MGA “What I Want us to do This Year” Howard E Michel, Ph.D., SMIEEE (sounds like Michelob) 21 January 2012 Minneapolis, MN

2 MGA Mission & Vision Vision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Mission: I nspire, E nable, E mpower and E ngage Members of IEEE For the purpose of… - Fulfilling the mission of IEEE - Enhancing the member’s growth and development through their life cycle -Providing a professional home 2

3 MGA Mission & Vision Vision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Goals Increase member engagement. Improve relationships with and between members. Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Enhance collaboration with other business units. Increase membership. 3

4 The Landscape - 2011 Tactical –Continuity—delivering value in 2011 In between –Conferences Strategic –Re-invigorate and re-invent geo units  Define in 2011  Bring together in 2012  Implement in 2013

5 MGA in 2011 How Did We Do? 10/4/20155

6 Tactical/Continuity—delivering value in 2011 Solidify the Membership Message – Membership growth—400K+ –415,989 Center for Leadership Excellence –How many have used it? vTools –How many have used it? SC11

7 How the Member Experiences IEEE 10/4/20157

8 IEEE Region 10 – India Industry Day March 2011 10/4/20158

9 Region 1-6 Metro Area Workshops Austin TX – Oct 21-22 Huntsville AL – Nov 4-5  One component of a larger strategy to look at Region 1-6  Collaborative event with societies, councils, region, sections & IEEE USA  Members regard IEEE membership as an investment in their career

10 IEEE Day Celebrated Worldwide IEEE Engaging members everywhere in a single day! 7-8 October 2010 75 units participating 6 October 2011 Start your plan to participate now!

11 The IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) develops the member as a volunteer and future leader Officer Training Best Practices Leadership Training 4-Oct-1511

12 10/4/201512 Student Branches Affinity Groups Section Society Volunteering  Local leaders efficiently interact and communicate with their members  Gives back time to the volunteer to focus on their activities and members  Collaborative effort by volunteers and IEEE Professional Core to build solutions to more easily perform their roles  Supports voting, meeting registration, reporting, web conferencing, section website construction and more  Providing better data and higher level of member engagement

13 SC 2011 – The Numbers 1,133 attendees –139 Professional Core –84 Presenters 92 Countries 60% attending for the first time 17% of attendees are GOLD Members 13% of GOLD members attending SC2011 for first time 294 Sections/88% represented 41 Technical Societies/Councils 13

14 SC 2011 – The Program 33 Breakout Topics – 84 speakers 32 Breakout topics recorded for inclusion in IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence 3 Sessions recorded for 2 Breakout Session broadcasted live via Breakout Session averaged 45 attendees per session – 50 total sessions 10/4/201514

15 Pre-University Long Term Strategy Recommendation #1: IEEE to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy to increase the number of next generation youth pursuing science and engineering careers. MGA Board Member: Vice Chair Member Development Professional Partner Member: Jamie Moesch 15

16 Global Fidelity Program Recommendation #2: As members maintain their IEEE membership over their years, IEEE must reward them for their loyalty. Rewards ought to be tangible and useful and can be done simply and inexpensively. Create Global Fidelity Programs including: (a) Continue membership Recognition 5-10-15- 20 years of membership (b) Bonus for specific Benefits (e.g., reduced fee, IEEE merchandise, etc). MGA Board Member: Treasurer Professional Core Member: Bill Cook/Larry Bolsch 16

17 Bundled Society Membership Recommendation #3: IEEE membership (including e-Membership) should include a Society membership as part of the basic membership fee. MGA Board Member: MGA Chair Professional Core Member: Jamie Moesch 17

18 Student Grants Recommendation #4: Increased support to students in technical activities with grants to attend conferences and organization of technical competitions. MGA Board Member: Treasurer Professional Core Member: Larry Bolsch 18

19 Pre-University Periodical Recommendation #5: To encourage interest in pre-university students in engineering careers, IEEE to publish a subscription periodical (paper or electronic) targeted to high school students that highlights engineering activities of interest to those students. The periodical should also have articles promoting the benefits of an engineering career and what the students can do in college to get involved with IEEE. MGA Board Member: Vice Chair Member Development Professional Core Member: Jamie Moesch 19

20 In Between -- Conference Tiger Team Develop mutually supportive relationships with other IEEE OUs Strategies to grow and broaden the conference program –conferences relevant to geographic units and working professions –emerging cross-disciplinary fields of interest. Provide input on an MGA conference business strategy 20

21 Strategic Member is important, and now… Re-Invigorate and Re-Invent Geo Units Agree on a set of functions and processes, & empower geo units to achieve them

22 Central Thought Define Success Reward Good Behavior Empower Innovation

23 Define Success – 2011 Develop a comprehensive set of Region and Section functions – that support the new paradigm Establish a baseline at the Region level VC Geographic Units Operational Support Committee to take the lead

24 Reward Good Behavior – 2011 Look at all the money coming into MGA, what type of activities generate income, and where it goes Region Finance ad hoc committee to take the lead

25 Empower Innovation – 2011 Operationalize Regional Geographic Strategy that empowers innovation and collaboration – that supports the new paradigm VC Strategic Development and Environmental Assessment Committee to take the lead

26 MGA in 2012 Continue the progress 10/4/201526

27 MGA in 2012 Continue the progress –Implement Membership Planning and Strategy—work collaboratively with other OU’s and departments –Building on MGA strengths for integration into IEEE Conferences business strategy 10/4/201527

28 MGA in 2012 Continue the progress –Geounit Vitality –Establish financial planning that will enable MGA (board, volunteer leaders and professional core) to prioritize use of resources to successfully achieve annual goals and long term objectives 10/4/201528

29 Together We Can Create the Future Engaged Members Future Vision Improve Member satisfaction which will result in increased membership Higher volunteer recruitment, training and satisfaction Measured successes in regions, sections, chapters, and affinity groups is rewarded Members can easily engage and communicate with one another Members regard IEEE membership as an investment in their career

30 Together We Can Create the Future Engaged Members IEEE Support Local Leadership Future Vision Ensures the right services, tools, products, and programs are provided. Creates the member experience and engagement opportunities in the local area

31 Getting There: IEEE Support IEEE Support is provided at every touch point of the member experience Goal: Ensure that the member and volunteer have quick and easy access to current information & data to remain continuously engaged with IEEE 10/4/201531 IEEE Support

32 Getting There: Local Leadership Local Leadership create a personalized experience for members through local activities Goal: Support local volunteers to become effective leaders in their local units and take steps to improve the vitality of their local units 10/4/201532 Local Leadership

33 Getting There: Engaged Members IEEE is the professional home for the engaged member throughout their life cycle. Goal: Create a meaningful IEEE member experience that is personally engaging and enhances their technical profession and interests during each life stage they enter. 10/4/201533 Engaged Members

34 What will Success Look Like? Improve Member satisfaction which will result in increased membership Higher volunteer recruitment, training and satisfaction Measured successes in regions, sections, chapters, and affinity groups is rewarded Members regard IEEE membership as an investment in their career Members can easily engage and communicate with one another 10/4/201534

35 Questions? 10/4/201535

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