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Integrated Donor Acquisition Alena Malloy, Media Planning Director Will Eriman, Account Supervisor January 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Donor Acquisition Alena Malloy, Media Planning Director Will Eriman, Account Supervisor January 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Donor Acquisition Alena Malloy, Media Planning Director Will Eriman, Account Supervisor January 29, 2015

2 Growth of nonprofits outpaces giving 2 Source: data from Giving USA and the National Center for Charitable Statistics

3 Media landscape has changed dramatically 3 1964 Bulletins Transit

4 Media landscape has changed dramatically 4 1984 Bulletins Transit

5 Media landscape has changed dramatically 5 2014

6 Why is acquisition necessary?

7 Why acquire new donors? Grow your donor file Building the foundation for diversified, reliable income Offset file attrition Build a prospecting pool 7

8 8 The donor pyramid

9 Acquisition: An investment for the future What is the Net Long Term Donor Value? (5-year value) LTDV $233 x 3000 New Donors = $699,000 Cost $79 x 3000 New Donors = $237,000 _________________________________________________ 5 Year LTDV (Net) $154 = $462,000 9

10 First step to acquisition: Set Your Goals Increase funds for the long term at the most efficient cost Move supports to act Educate the community of the need 10

11 11

12 Balancing

13 Key elements Audience – Who are we targeting? And how often? Channels – How will we reach/impact the audience? Flighting / Frequency – When and how often to do communicate? Offer – What are we asking for? Creative – What does the package look like? 13

14 14 Understanding the current footprint Winnipeg covers most of Manitoba Provence

15 15 Exploring expansion opportunities

16 Reaching the right audience for your message 16 Optimistic Give to nonprofit organizations Community Supporter Health Conscious Financially Responsible Becoming internet savvy 55 yrs old+ Median HHI is $99k 83% are Caucasian Full-Time Employed / Retired College educated Married Parents and Grandparents Simmons 2013

17 Donors divide their time across multiple activities 17 Simmons 2013 6-9AM9AM-12N12N-4PM4-8PM8-12M

18 18

19 19 1.1 0.98 0.78 0.51 0.60 Short Term R:C $367 $195 $198 $180 $171 Long Term Value 2014 USM Composite

20 Awareness Channels What are they? What do they do? 20

21 21


23 23

24 Affects of awareness 24 With Traffic: Lancaster, Los Angeles, Norfolk, Portland, Oklahoma City Without Traffic: Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Huntsville, Miami, Winston-Salem

25 Q4 is key to success Blackbaud 25

26 26 Incremental CPD - $53 But don’t ignore other season opportunities 51% of Total Mail Quantity 49%

27 27 Frequency creates top of mind On average a consumer must touch, see or hear a message 3 times prior to reacting Direct Mail SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Pre mail Main Late Thks Xmas Late Xmas Audience29512192631017243171421285121926 Inactives 5x+ multis 4x multis 3x multis 2x multis Uniques

28 Offer: What are we asking for? Need is urgent and solvable Meals-based offer has broad appeal Offer is tangible Organization is credible Funds/donations are used effectively Donor involvement is encouraged 28

29 29 Creative

30 What does the future landscape look like? Integrated Data Modeling / Co-Ops Collection plate measurement vs. whole program measurement Donor volume vs. donor quality

31 Top 3 items to do Goal Check: o What kind of balance do you need? Ensure all your collection plates are up, running and “happy” Usability testing…get grandma to try it out! 31

32 Questions? 32

33 Thank You Alena Malloy Will Eriman

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