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Noelle Shutt Chelsea Dull Gretchen Nicholson Meadowlark Middle School 7 th grade Math Mobile Learning Community with ‘Bring Your Own Devices’

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Presentation on theme: "Noelle Shutt Chelsea Dull Gretchen Nicholson Meadowlark Middle School 7 th grade Math Mobile Learning Community with ‘Bring Your Own Devices’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Noelle Shutt Chelsea Dull Gretchen Nicholson Meadowlark Middle School 7 th grade Math Mobile Learning Community with ‘Bring Your Own Devices’

2 Technology is a tool to enhance learning, it does not DRIVE the learning or replace the teacher. Devices will not be used every day. Procedures will be set in place to let students know when devices will be active in class. October:  Information out to parents  Prepare students  Introduce Program  Go over rules and expectations  Parents and Students homework due by October 30 Roll out date: Start of Second Quarter

3 Students will only be allowed to use the filtered WSFCS Public WIFI and SHOULD NOT be using their data programs. Students will be 100% responsible for their own devices! Smart phones Lap tops Ipads Ipod touch Tablets Kindle Nook (Must have WIFI capability!) What are appropriate devices?

4 PLEASE download these apps/websites in preparation of our roll out date These are free.  Haiku Learning   TENMARKS  Khan Academy  Socrative Learning  Mastery Connect (bubble sheet)  Edmodo APPS to download for use in class:

5 Return the form with your signature stating that you have watched the videos and understand the expectations of the BYOD class. (Form will be sent home) DUE by : October 30 Watch the following videos : L8TjVyuBdsCkw7szIQEW- Q7KdCKKOpBPI&v=4P_gj3oRn8s#t=26 m_V9LX8ts&list=PLtmMYLfQBiFBffH8 tjtdLAjZTaU7eeLbZ _nu26biBY&list=PLtmMYLfQBiFBffH8tj tdLAjZTaU7eeLbZ&index=5 HOMEWORK for Students and Parents:

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