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Mrs. McCarthy 5 th Grade Back to School Night 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. McCarthy 5 th Grade Back to School Night 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. McCarthy 5 th Grade Back to School Night 2015-2016

2 Agenda for the Evening ●Introduction of myself ●School Rules, 7 Habits of Happy Kids, 21 Century Learners ●Website navigation ●Curriculum ●Volunteers/Parent Contact Info ●Questions/Concerns

3 Introduction of Myself Married with two children, 7th and 9th grade Bachelor’s Degree from University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana in Elementary Education, minor in Art Cross Cultural, Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with a supplement in Art Education Specialist, Level II Credential (K-12) from California State University San Marcos & GATE Certified Working on Master’s Degree in K-8 Mathematics Education at San Diego State University 10 th year teaching fifth grade (18th year teaching total)

4 Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions. Raise your hand before speaking and leaving your seat. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Respect your classmates and your teacher.

5 7 Habits of Happy Kids ●Be proactive ●Begin with the end in mind ●Put first things first ●Think win-win ●Seek first to understand, then to be understood ●Synergize ●Sharpen the saw

6 21 st Century Learners The Four Cs: Critical Thinking Creativity Collaboration Communication

7 Electronics School Policy 1)Cell phones need to remain off during the duration of the school day. Students are responsible for safekeeping. 2)Permission slips to use personal e-readers and word processing devices are in your child’s classroom. 3)Students may connect to wifi using student access code given by the teacher. 4)Again, students are responsible for safekeeping.

8 Website Navigation My website

9 Overview of Standards Reading 1)Literature & Informational Text - Response and analysis -Determine themes, text structure, formulate and justify opinions 2) Vocabulary: ●Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes ●Content specific words in other curricular areas

10 Overview of Standards Writing 1)Opinion - Using evidence from multiple sources 1)Informative/Explanatory - Using details from text 3) Narrative

11 Overview of Standards Speaking & Listening 1)Be prepared to participate in collaborative discussions across content areas. 2)Present ideas orally to the class.

12 Overview of Standards Main Areas of Focus for Mathematics 1)Developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions; developing understanding of the multiplication and division of fractions. 2)Extending division to 2-digit divisors, integrating decimal fractions into the place value system and operating with decimals. 3)Geometry and Graphing

13 Overview of Standards Social Studies and U.S. History ●The U.S. States and Capitals & Geographical Regions ●Early Explorations & their influence on indigenous people ●Colonization ●American Revolution: causes, path, and consequences ●Development of the Constitution ●Westward Movement

14 Overview of Standards Science 1)Physical Science (elements, chemical reactions, matter, atoms, periodic table, and identify compounds) 2)Life Science (respiration, digestion, transportation of materials) 3)Earth Science (processes of evaporation and condensation) 4)Investigation and Experimentation(students should develop their own questions and perform investigations)

15 How Can Parents Help? 1)Don’t prevent your child from understanding mathematics by saying: “Well I really didn’t get math when I was in school.” Instead, say: “We can figure this out together!” And ask, what are you thinking about the problem?” 1)Ask your child to estimate about time, distance, weight, and money situations all of the time in every day life. Notice, and talk about, all kinds of patterns in and around your environment. 3) Encourage your child to enjoy reading each day for at least 15-20 minutes: -When? before or after school, as a break, on the way to practices, before bed -What kind? a book, a magazine, a graphic novel, a Nook, a tablet, a computer, or even audiobooks

16 Homework Policy 1)There will be daily homework assignments. Please check them for completion and quality. Many will involve using a computer. 1)Daily assignments should be written down in their planners (Parents, please check and sign at least once per week… one parent initial at the end of the week is fine). 1)Assignments should take about 45 minutes to complete. If your child is consistently focused, but working beyond 45 minutes, please notify the teacher.

17 Field Trips ●Vallecitos Water District- End of September ●U.S. Midway- End of October ●TBA - Spring Field Trip

18 Wellness Program ●It is board policy that candy and sugary foods not be distributed to children at school. (ie..birthdays, class parties, etc…) ●If you wish to bring something to share on special days, please consider non- food items such as pencils or erasers.

19 Communication It is important to have open communication between teachers, students, and parents. Your child’s teachers know the most about classroom situations and expectations. Therefore, please contact them first as questions or concerns arise. Please understand that other responsibilities before and after school make it difficult to meet with parents on a “drop in” basis. E-mail or call and leave a message. We check our emails and messages daily and will respond as soon as possible. Let’s work together to help your child succeed!

20 Please remember your handouts & see the parent volunteer sheet. ~Volunteers~ Room Parents Art Assistant (Friday 1:15) Science Lab assistant (Alternate Thursdays 11:05-11:45) Basket Coordinator (Country Fair) Country Fair Committee Member Garden Docents Scholastic Book Parent Classroom Copy/Filing assistance

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