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EU Programmes in Finland EU Commission DG Regio/ERDF DG Employment/ESF DG Agri/EAGGF, FIFG Ministry of the Interior ERDF Objective.

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1 EU Programmes in Finland EU Commission DG Regio/ERDF DG Employment/ESF DG Agri/EAGGF, FIFG Ministry of the Interior ERDF Objective 1 and 2 Interreg, Urban Ministry of Labour ESF Objective 3 Equal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry EAGGF, FIFG ALMA (regional development programme for agriculture) Leader+ Managing and paying authorities Intermediary bodies Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Education Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Transport and Communications Regional units Regional Councils (19) State Provincial Offices (6) Regional Environment Centres (13) Finnish Road Administration (9) R E G I O N A L M A N A G E M E N T C O M M I T T E E S TekesFinnvera plc T&E Centres (15)

2 Finnish Obj. 1 & 2 SF-Programmes 2000 – 2006 Direct Business Aids - investment - development - operational environment Technology Development (Tekes) - R&D-measures Finnvera Plcs Soft Loans - micro loans - entrepreneur loans - investment loans - (guarantee option) Business Develop- ment Other priorities

3 Leverage Effect General Regulation, preamble (40) order to strengthen the leverage effect of Community resources... the forms of the Structural Funds should be diversified... GR, art 29 (contribution of the funds) paragraph 4 indent (b) (iii): In the case of investments in SME´s, these rates may be increased by an amount for forms of finance other than directs assistance, provided that this increase does not exceed 10 % of the total eligible cost.

4 Leverage Effect Direct investment aid in Finnish Obj. 1&2 Programmes 2001 – 2002 Finnvera Plcs investment loans in Finnish Obj. 1&2 2001 – 2002 Private finance = leverage Finnvera loan and private finance = leverage Aid, in average 19.7 % Aid, in average 6.3 %

5 Finnveras ERDF-Loans During the 2000 – 2006 SF-Programming Period 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 in average 7 years loan period 31.12.2006 End of Commitments 31.12.2008 End of Payments

6 Programme Closure (2009) Eligible Expenditure in Outstanding Finnvera Loans 31.12.2008 End of Payments 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Blocked Account of the Financial Institution (Finnvera) Subsidies falling due after 31.12.2008 - interest subsidies - credit loss compensations Estimate of Remaining Subsidies - underestimate: Finnvera Plc covers - overestimate: to be used for SME development in the same region 2009 2010 2011 2012

7 Finnvera Plc´s ERDF Actions in the Strategy of Finnish EU-Programmes General economic strategy of Obj. 1 & 2 programmes: Strengthening of regional industrial and technological structures, promoting entrepreneurship, creating new jobs. General economic strategy of Obj. 1 & 2 programmes: Strengthening of regional industrial and technological structures, promoting entrepreneurship, creating new jobs. Finnvera´s ERDF-cofinanced instruments: Growth scheme = investment and working capital loans improving competitiveness of existing SMEs providing risk finance Micro loans scheme = women entrepreneur loans and micro loans establishing new entreprises Entrepreneur loan scheme promoting business transfers especially transitions of firm ownership from one generation to another Option for a scheme of guarantee premium aid providing risk finance for SMEs Finnvera´s ERDF-cofinanced instruments: Growth scheme = investment and working capital loans improving competitiveness of existing SMEs providing risk finance Micro loans scheme = women entrepreneur loans and micro loans establishing new entreprises Entrepreneur loan scheme promoting business transfers especially transitions of firm ownership from one generation to another Option for a scheme of guarantee premium aid providing risk finance for SMEs

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