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Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area Tibor Szanto ENQA Rogaska Slatina, 30 November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area Tibor Szanto ENQA Rogaska Slatina, 30 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area Tibor Szanto ENQA Rogaska Slatina, 30 November 2007

2 Overview I. Bologna and beyond II. Convergence in Europe? III. The ESG IV. The situation in Slovenia 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 2

3 I. Bologna and beyond Ministerial meetings (last one in London, May 2007) BFUG meetings European Commission (EC) Developments (as to QA) QA as one of the six objectives (1999) QA as an intermediate priority (2003) European Standards and Guidelines (May 2005)* Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council (February 2006)** European Register (agencies), EQAR (planned: 2008 on) * (Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA) ** 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 3

4 Bologna and beyond 2 Berlin Communiqué (2003) QA: one of the three „intermediate priorities” „The quality of higher education has proven to be at the heart of the setting up of a European Higher Education Area. Ministers commit themselves to supporting further development of quality assurance at institutional, national and European level. They stress the need to develop mutually shared criteria and methodologies on quality assurance.” 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 4

5 Bologna and beyond 3 Berlin Communiqué contd. „…Ministers call upon ENQA through its members, in co-operation with the EUA, EURASHE and ESIB, to develop an agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines on quality assurance, to explore ways of ensuring an adequate peer review system for quality assurance and/or accreditation agencies or bodies…” ESG (see later) 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 5

6 II. Convergence in Europe? What does the title of this presentation involve? („QA in the EHEA”) Common European system? Common framework? Similarities in solutions? Similar problems? Same subject only? c o n v e r g e n c e divergence 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 6

7 The Quality Convergence Study (QCS) ENQA Survey of QA practices (2002)  The Quality Convergence Study (Sept 2003 – Oct 2004) Six agencies (5+1)  six country reports (SADs) Project group Five external experts (reflection on SADs) Final report* * Crozier – Curvale – Hénard: Quality Convergence Study ENQA Occasional Papers 7 (2005) 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 7

8 The Quality Convergence Study 2 “Message”: Prerequisits for understanding convergence/divergence QCS: Theoretical clarification based on a practical exercise (Some of the) Major findings: ▸ no context-free reader ▸ understanding national contexts is fundamental ▸ systemic approach  interactions of actors ▸ actors: partial/particular knowledge of the system ▸ quality is the product of interaction between actors or elements in the system 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 8

9 The Quality Convergence Study 3 Three main trends: a) strengthening of national policies b) integration of stakeholders in QA c) increasing responsibility of HEIs Keyword: Confidence (a process of cultural transformation)  mutual comprehension  capacity for interaction (authorities, HEIs, agencies)  transparency 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 9

10 III. The ESG A possible route for confidence building. 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 10

11 How was the ESG prepared? Berlin ministerial meeting ( 2003): ENQA (+ E4) mandate Implementation: Two ENQA working groups ENQA Board, Presidency, General Assembly E4 partners: EUA, EURASHE, ESIB Joint document Adopted: Bergen, 18-19 May 2005 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 11

12 Principles of ESG Generic standards and guidelines (What?) Actual procedures (How?): national, institutional implementation Central values diversity, subsidiarity, autonomy First step Implementation: No royal way … 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 12

13 Structure of ESG 1. Internal QA of HEIs 2. External QA 3. Operation of QA agencies Standards and guidelines – no procedures! 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 13

14 1. Standards for internal QA at HEIs 1.1 QA policy, strategy, procedures 1.2 Programme approval, monitoring, and review 1.3 Assessment of students (consistency!) 1.4 QA of teaching staff (internal mechanisms!) 1.5 Learning resources and student support 1.6 Internal information system 1.7 Public information on programmes and awards 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 14

15 2.1 Use of internal QA procedures 2.2 Development of external procedures aims, objectives, involvement, publication 2.3 Criteria for decisions (published, consistency) 2.4 Processes fit for purpose experts: selection, training, internat. experts participation of students 2.5 Reporting 2.6 Follow-up procedures (accred.) 2.7 Periodic reviews 2.8 System-wide analyses 2. Standards for external QA 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 15

16 3.1 Use of external QA procedures 3.2 Official status, legal background 3.3 Regular QA activities 3.4 Resources 3.5 Mission statement 3.6 Independence from HEIs and gov. 3.7 Published criteria and processes 3.8 Accountability (internal QA of agency) 3. Standards for agencies 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 16

17 Some advice: needs and purposes of the given HEI QA targets: programmes,  outcomes! information, transparency the quality loop: feedback, follow-up (e.g. PDCA) holistic approach, quality culture (but not necessarily ISO systems) commitment and participation External QA of HEIs 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 17

18 mission, goals, and objectives independence  organisation, composition  operation, standards, procedures  results transparency (standards, procedures, results) accountability (QA of agencies)  quality policy  no-conflict-of-interest mechanism  internal and external feedback  external review of the agency  reflection, the quality loop Standards for agencies 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 18

19 ESG: Convergence in Europe? Common European system?- No Common framework? - Yes Similarities in solutions? - Yes + diff. Similar problems? - Yes + diff. Same subject? - Yes c o n v e r g e n c e divergence 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 19

20 Situation in Slovenia? Berlin Communiqué (2003) by 2005 national quality assurance systems should include: A definition of the responsibilities of the bodies and institutions involved. Evaluation of programmes or institutions, including internal assessment, external review, participation of students and the publication of results. A system of accreditation, certification or comparable procedures. International participation, co-operation and networking. What has been implemented in Slovenia? 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 20

21 Cherish the European principles and values and act according to your local context and needs. 30.11.2007, Rogaska Slatina Tibor Szanto 21 The “message”

22 Thank you for your attention!

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