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Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 1 One stop shop for companies Teja Batagelj, MSc Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia.

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Presentation on theme: "Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 1 One stop shop for companies Teja Batagelj, MSc Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 1 One stop shop for companies Teja Batagelj, MSc Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia

2 2 Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 One stop shop project goals Enable fast (in 4 days), simple and free of charge registration of a company Perform all other obligatory procedures for start up at one stop shop contact point or online Support other - most frequent - services for businesses at one stop shop contact point or online BETTERPUBLICADMINISTRATIONBETTERPUBLICADMINISTRATION

3 3 Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014

4 4 Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 IMPACTS AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES Services are not limited by time or geographical factor (24*7*365) Companies can use online services or services at One stop shop contact points A portal is a single point for e-services and life events for businesses 19 % more registered companies in average per month 7.250 new existing private limited companies since February 2008 – 13% more of all companies in Slovenia Registration of a company in 3 days Savings for companies amount at 10,2 MIO EURO per a year All services at the portal are free of charge 80% of companies in Slovenia can be registered free of charge Companies can perform more than 1.600.000 procedures per a year online (2 million inhabitants in Slovenia) SAVINGS USER SATISFACTION POSITIVE REGISTRATION TREND High satisfaction of companies with services at One stop shop contact points: Kindness of civil servants: 4,8 General estimation of service: 4,6


6 6 Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 Further development: To improve existing services and add service with high added value for users To enable civil servants easy and quality work Training of civil servants: Civil servants at One stop shop contact points Employees at Governmental contact centre Employees at institutions offering substantive support to users

7 7 Ministry of Public Administration 16.2.2014 Public services for companies have never been so close!

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