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Safeguarding trends over time 2010 to 2013 The following presentation covers, by quarters, the financial years 2010/2011 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding trends over time 2010 to 2013 The following presentation covers, by quarters, the financial years 2010/2011 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding trends over time 2010 to 2013 The following presentation covers, by quarters, the financial years 2010/2011 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 1

2 Number of Alerts, displayed with a trend line with moving 3 month moving average 2

3 Number of Alerts with linear trend line 3

4 Source of Alerts 4

5 This data can be further broken down Those 5 groups can be broken down into 100 other sub- categories that exist on ESCR. The following are for the 4 quarters in 2012/2013 5 Fiscal Yearqtr. Aire Court Hospital ALMO or BITMOAnonymous Bank or Building Society Chapel Allerton Hospital Chief Execs Department Community Health Nurse 20121112103 11 2110117 3157149 41254118 2012 Total 2492372635

6 Some further examples Fiscal Yearqtr Community Matron Community Psychiatric Nurse Community Support Community Support Ind Community Support LA Continuing Health CareCouncillorCQC 20121521426169 5 24224301452 36415201146 4422526721 2012 Total 1910781024820113 6 Fiscal YearqtrGP Surgery Harrogate Hospital Health Visitor Household Member Intermediate Care Team JCMT Communit y Health Learning Difficulties Health Learning Dis Hospital Learning Disabilities JCMTLGI 2012114 3 116243 2201639124 39112553248 48215426 2012 Total 5141121329126821

7 So what happened to these alerts Decision outcomes 7

8 Safeguarding investigations started. 8

9 Conversion rate; 9

10 Outcome of completed investigations 2012/2013 10

11 Overview 1 Alerts: The number of Alerts though variable is showing a consistent upward trend. When we look at the origin of those alerts we see that Social Care and Health are tending to increase however this may simply be due to us getting better at identifying and recording source as “Other” which is decreasing. 11

12 Overview 2 Investigations: The number of started investigations is also trending to increase, as is the conversion rate. (Note this only reflects the ratio of Investigations to Alerts it does not take into account those alerts that are directed to health or police services, those who then receive a community care assessment, all alerts receive some type of intervention based on the no wrong door approach to accessing Adult Social Care services.) Those actually substantiated or partly substantiated show minimal variation. Greater variation occurs between Not Substantiated and Not Determined/Inconclusive however when taken together this variation largely disappears mirroring the lack of variation in the partly and fully substantiated. One hypothesis to explain this is that the consistency of outcomes investigations substantiated, not substantiated etc., indicates a level of consistency, the number of investigations is increasing but the levels of the different outcome are fairly consistent. 12

13 Q & A Any Questions? 13

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