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Www.statistik.atWe provide information Housing topics – CESR 2020 Adelheid Bauer Statistics Austria 23-26 September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Www.statistik.atWe provide information Housing topics – CESR 2020 Adelheid Bauer Statistics Austria 23-26 September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 www.statistik.atWe provide information Housing topics – CESR 2020 Adelheid Bauer Statistics Austria 23-26 September 2014

2 www.statistik.atslide 2 | September 28, 2013 Content of the Presentation  Proposed changes in the CESR 2020  Differences between P&R and CESR

3 www.statistik.atslide 3 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Introduction and Definitions (I, II)  The definitions of the main concepts are highlighted (box)  New para (2) on the building

4 www.statistik.atslide 4 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Introduction and Definitions (I, II)  „Homelessness“ – we removed the definition from the chapter on housing. Homeless remains a category when describing the „housing arrangements“ of the population.

5 www.statistik.atslide 5 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes

6 www.statistik.atslide 6 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Introduction and Definitions (I, II)  Definition of „occupied“, „vacant“ and other dwellings in para 12 to 14;  Adaptations of chart 1 and 2

7 www.statistik.atslide 7 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Introduction and Definitions (I, II)  Introduction of the terms „improvised“ and „informal“ housing for certain categories of other housing units (P&R)  Other housing units not classified in the same level of detail as in the P&R => this should be acceptable

8 www.statistik.atslide 8 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Topics (III)  List of core topics remains unchanged except the proposed move of „location of living quarters“ to the chapter on geographic characteristics (old para 626). However, we should reconsider the text  „Since living quarters other than mobile housing units are permanently located in the area in which they are enumerated, it is possible to classify them to the detailed geographical area, but the extent to which this is done will vary according to each country‘s needs for statistics for localities and the smallest civil divisions relevant. The definitions and classifications set out in paragraph 181-188 above apply equally to this topic as to the place of usual residence core topic.“

9 www.statistik.atslide 9 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Topics (III)  Proposal to drop the non-core topic „Cooking facilities“. It is not very specific and relates to more than one dimension  „…in addition to the topic „kitchen“, some countries may wish to know what kind of equipment is used for cooking (stove, hot plate, fireplace, etc.), what other kinds of equipment are available (for example sink etc.) an whether electricity, gas, oil, coal, wood or some other fuel is used for cooking. Some of these items relate to the dwellings and others to the household.“

10 www.statistik.atslide 10 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Topics (III)  Bathing, toilet facilities, water supply (core topics) – acknowledgement that countries where dwellings are equipped (almost) hundred percent do not feel that it is justified to include the topics in their censuses.

11 www.statistik.atslide 11 | September 28, 2013 Proposed changes Topics (III)  Introduction of a breakdown of „number of rooms“  Introduction of an additional classification of „type of building“ by number of dwellings in the building

12 www.statistik.atslide 12 | September 28, 2013 P&R and CESR Sim  CESR: Living quarters only include units which are the usual residence of one or more persons => concept introduced in the CESR 2010  P&R: dwellings for secondary use, vacant dwellings or dwellings with residents not included in the population base) are also part of the concept of living quarters (see also CESR 2000)

13 www.statistik.atslide 13 | September 28, 2013 P&R and CESR Sim  CESR: Definition of a „permanent building“ (para 11): limit of 10 years  A „permanent building“ is a building that was constructed to be structurally stable for at least ten years. Some countries may prefer to define permanence in terms of the method of construction or in terms of the building materials used.  P&R: the limit is 15 years A permanent building is understood to be a structure not intended to be moved and that may be expected to maintain its stability for 15 years or more, depending on the way countries define durability.

14 www.statistik.atslide 14 | September 28, 2013 Thank you for your attention!

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