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City Laws & Land Workshop – April 9, 2014 Becky Lundberg Witt, Staff Attorney.

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Presentation on theme: "City Laws & Land Workshop – April 9, 2014 Becky Lundberg Witt, Staff Attorney."— Presentation transcript:

1 City Laws & Land Workshop – April 9, 2014 Becky Lundberg Witt, Staff Attorney

2 Community Law Center’s Legal Services We provide legal services to community and nonprofit organizations throughout Maryland to promote stronger and more vibrant neighborhoods.


4 CHOICE OF ENTITY  Sole proprietorship or partnership Easy! No paperwork! Liability. For-profit corporation (including B-corp) Liability protection. $$ & time. Nonprofit corporation Tax exempt. Liability protection. $$ & time. Lack of control.

5 Finding Property Owners SDAT Real Property Search: (or just Google “MD SDAT”) SDAT Business Entity Information Search: charter/CharterSearch_f.aspx







12 Privately-owned Land Land ownership = “bundle of rights.” Right to convey, devise, use. Right to exclude. Entry onto land belonging to another person without permission is a trespass.

13 Self-Help Nuisance Abatement Do you have standing? NOTICE, aka: THE LETTER (not just any letter). Using the community’s voice.

14 City-Owned Land (Adopt-A-Lot) Adopt-A-Lot agreement = license, not a lease. License: Permission to use for a particular purpose. Revocable (w/30 days’ notice). City can use discretion to let a group finish its growing season (not required to do so).

15 Step 3: Other Legal Considerations for Greening Zoning Agricultural laws and regulations (e.g., nutrient management) Liability concerns Limitations of self-help nuisance abatement, adopt-a-lot license – Risks of owner returning at any time – Understand that you do not own the property

16 Community Law Center, Inc. 3355 Keswick Road, Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21211 410.366.0922 phone 410.366.7763 fax www.facebook/CommunityLawCenter Twitter: @CommunityLawCen To apply for legal assistance contact Becky Witt

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