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Guidance and councelling services for adults -national coordination project Project Manager Erno Hyvönen IAEVG June 3.-5.2009 “Learning Doors” – Coordinating.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidance and councelling services for adults -national coordination project Project Manager Erno Hyvönen IAEVG June 3.-5.2009 “Learning Doors” – Coordinating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidance and councelling services for adults -national coordination project Project Manager Erno Hyvönen IAEVG June 3.-5.2009 “Learning Doors” – Coordinating networking in guidance and counselling for adults in Finland

2 Action Programme on information services, advice and guidance for adult education and training projects started in 2008 Funded by ESF, administered by The State Provincial Office of Southern Finland, coordinated by JAMK University of Applied Sciences (w/ the Labour Institution) in Jyväskylä, Finland The whole budget of the Development Program is 26,1 Milj.€ (including all of the projects) not available after 2013-> unique opportunity! Background

3 The Development program consists of four national projects (Guidance and counseling services for adults – national coordination project, two educational projects and one project to develop e-services for guidance and counseling) and 20-25 regional “Learning door” (Opin ovi) -projects. All have the same goal; give more and better career guidance and counseling for adults. Aim for holistic regional strategies where guidance and counceling is seen as an important part of regional development in means of providing enough skilled labour. Background

4 A systemic model for interdisciplinary guidance networks - Development tool for Regional Learning Doors to build their own regional guidance and counceling strategy - … and for the coordination project to build strategy / action plan for the whole development program - developed in the University of Jyväskylä / Finnish Institute for Educational Research

5 Need for transparency Analysis of the services visible for citizens and the mechanisms behind the planning and managing the services not visible for the users Shift from cocooned and isolated guidance providers to interdisciplinary partnerships Need for a model that identifies the components and features of interdisciplinary approach in practical, organisational, regional and national policy levels Need for a tool to enhance common language and to bridge the gap between the practise and guidance policy development Development and implementation of interdisciplinary guidance practise and policies

6 ? ? ? ? Time dimension - learning path Questions to promote the cycle of strategic learning Dimensions of guidance Policy dimension Contextual dimension Organizational dimension Responsibility dimension Division of labour dimension Content dimension Methodological dimension Strenghts Development needs Reformative activitiesFlexible activities Revision of the activities on the basis of client feedback Actions and continuous learning Analysis and evaluation Visios, strategies, development goals Communication and commitment Bottom up Top down Systemic levels of guidance I Public policies in guidance Strategic design and evaluation Services visible to clients II Guidance provision (I and II Theories related to organizational development, management, leadership, networks and systemic thinking) III Guidance services visible to clients (Theories of career development and guidance) A systemic model for interdisciplinary guidance networks (Nyk ä nen, Karjalainen, Vuorinen & P ö yli ö 2007)

7 Some nice pictures… The role of counceling; ”traditional” view

8 Some nice pictures… Basic questions The role of counceling; ”traditional” view

9 Some nice pictures… ”suppeat” kysymykset Basic & additional questions + questions to complete regional strategy The role of counceling; ”traditional” view

10 When promoting outcome focused evidence based practise and policy development the focus should be on all levels of the previous model. In addition of navigating in networks the practitioners need competences to enhance interdisciplinary sustainable forums Need for consistency in the leadership and management of interdisciplinary networks on all levels of the model. A systemic model for interdisciplinary guidance networks - Conclusions

11 National level; Coordination project. (800 000€) + others (7M€) Aluetaso; alueelliset Opin ovet Practise; guidance & counceling in working life etc. 1.Creating the strategy 2.Creating the Network 3.New measures in practise Aluetaso; alueelliset Opin ovet Regional level; regional Learning doors (18 M€) (Networking inside and between the regions) 1.Coordination & follow-up 2.Support & guidance 3.Documentation & dissemination 4.Securing the continuity Shared result: securing the availability of skilled labour.

12 ”I can only show you the learning door. You're the one that has to walk through it” -Morpheus to Neo in the movie The Matrix (1999)

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