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PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY Purchasing Card Program Coach’s Card Athletics Department Revised 02/2012.

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1 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY Purchasing Card Program Coach’s Card Athletics Department Revised 02/2012

2 Cardholder Training Introduction Cardholder Responsibilities Authorized purchases list Exceptions procedure Disputes/lost or stolen card procedure Documentation requirements Contact information

3 What is a “Coach’s Card”? A “Coach’s Card” is part of the Purchasing Card program. It is a MasterCard tailored specifically to the needs of the Plymouth State University Athletic Department. The card is available to both full-time and part-time coaches upon recommendation/approval by the Athletics Department. The card is intended for use by coaches while traveling. As in the past, at-home purchases will be made by the Athletics Business Manager or Head Coach.

4 Cardholder Responsibilities Protect your card by keeping it in a safe place at all times Comply with policy & procedures – USNH, PSU and departmental The Pcard is for your use only – do not loan your card or account number to anyone else to use, including others in your department or your supervisor. Stay within the established card limits and within the allocated departmental budget It is a violation to split a purchase into more than one transaction to allow a purchase that is greater than your card limit.

5 Cardholder Responsibilities (Cont’d) Submit documentation to your Account Manager in a timely manner as determined by the Athletics Business Manager. Review transactions via email daily. Notification of purchases will be received usually within 2-3 days of the transaction. A transaction that you do not recognize immediately may be the first indication that your account number has been compromised.

6 Disputes/Lost or Stolen Cards Try to resolve a dispute with the vendor directly. Often the problem can be resolved with just a phone call. If unsuccessful, call JPMorgan Chase Customer Service at 1-800-316-6056. We highly recommend that you input this phone number into your cell phone for emergency usage/reporting. Answer any questions and fill out all required forms. Notify your Account Manager, who will then report details to the Campus Card Administrator.

7 Disputes/Lost or Stolen Cards (Cont’d) When a dispute is lodged, your account will be credited the full amount immediately. Please keep in mind that your department may still be responsible for the charge, pending the outcome of the bank investigation. Lost or stolen cards or account numbers must be reported to JPMorgan Chase IMMEDIATELY, by the CARDHOLDER.

8 Disputes/Lost or Stolen Cards (Cont’d) The number to call to report a lost/stolen card is 1-800-316-6056 This number is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Unlike a personal account where the cardholder has little, if any, responsibility for a loss – a corporate account holder is responsible for ALL CHARGES up until the time the loss is reported to the bank. It is the responsibility of the CARDHOLDER to make this call IMMEDIATELY.

9 Authorized Purchases Lodging – the actual cost of the hotel rooms, including taxes, can be charges on your Coach’s Card. Any expenses other than room and tax MUST be billed separately and paid for personally. These unauthorized charges might include, but are not limited to: room service, food, drinks, spas, movie rentals, etc. Gasoline – for rental vehicles or Plymouth State fleet vehicles ONLY. When a personal vehicle is used, please process the on-line travel expense voucher to receive reimbursement.

10 Authorized Purchases (Cont’d) Supplies – to include incidental team needs while traveling. The Athletics Business Manager/Head Coach will continue to purchase necessary supplies for all teams. The purchase of replacement items or equipment that has been damaged, misplaced, lost etc. is authorized. Repair services are not allowed on the Pcard.

11 Authorized Purchases (Cont’d) Team Meals – At home, including team banquets, as well as while traveling. All receipts must be itemized; there is no authorization for alcohol purchases–Also included is the purchase of grocery items for those teams that prefer to prepare their own meals. Recruiting meal expenses are NOT allowed on the Pcard. Miscellaneous travel expenses – parking fees and other transportation expenses such as shuttle service, bus or taxi from airport to and from hotel. Limousine service is NOT authorized

12 Authorized Purchases (Cont’d) Vehicle Rental – when available, use Enterprise or Merchants Van and Truck rentals, our contracted rental agencies. ◦ When traveling and using other rental agencies, the (coach) cardholder must be listed as the primary driver. The cardholder and those designated in the vehicle rental contract as additional authorized drivers are covered by Primary Collision/Damage Insurance. Add’l driver’s names must be on contract. ◦ The cardholder MUST sign the rental agreement in order for the MasterCard insurance to be in affect if needed. ◦ When the rental is charged to a Pcard, USNH employees should decline the vehicle rental insurance coverage offered by the agency.

13 Authorized Purchases (Cont’d) Our agreement with MasterCard provides for basic insurance in all cases except the following The rental period exceeds 31 days, or The rental vehicle is a 9-passenger van or larger, or When traveling outside the US in a country not covered by MasterCard In the above instances, insurance coverage is provided for non owned or hired vehicles through an insurance policy with Acadia held by USNH

14 Authorized Purchases (Cont’d) USNH policy limits the number of passengers, including the driver, to 10 people – regardless of the seating capacity of the vehicle. Also see additional information in the MasterCard “Guide to Benefits” publication included in this training.

15 Policy Exceptions If you need to make a purchase of an item that is not authorized, please talk to your Account Manager and obtain an exception on your card. Your Account Manager will request a Pcard exception via email, and justify the exception request with business details. Remember, the exception is not in effect until you receive written approval – request your exception in advance of purchase.

16 Documentation Requirements Provide the original itemized invoice or sales slip to your Account Manager as soon as possible. The “5-Ws” – Who, What, When, Where, Why – must be included in all documentation. Add details to receipts as necessary. The business purpose for EVERY transaction must be clearly stated. Accounts Payable will review all accounts periodically – your Account Manager needs all documentation PRIOR to the scheduled review.

17 Contact Information If you have a question or problem and your Account Manager is not available, please contact the Campus Card Administrator for assistance: Mary-Ellen Godville, Ext 5-2252 To report lost or stolen cards, call JPMorgan Chase Customer Service 1-800-316-6056

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