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Half-Day Professional Development November 9, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Half-Day Professional Development November 9, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Half-Day Professional Development November 9, 2012

2 Norms: Start/end on time All technology is on-task Hold each other accountable Dive in to make this your own: no acting Stop and ask your burning questions as we go

3 Goals and Agenda for Today O Reflect and Learn Pilot O School-Wide RIT Analysis O Understanding by Design Stage 1: Desired Results

4 We made it! 3 more Quarters to go!

5 Strategic Priorities 5 Common Core: By SY 2014-15 all students will have access to high quality Common Core- aligned curricula as defined by CPS Framework for Content Standards in literacy and mathematics. Framework for Teaching: By SY 2012- 13 all educators will be supported by a clear vision for effective instruction as defined by the CPS Framework for Teaching. Full School Day: By SY 2012-13 all students will have time to access core academics, intervention, and enrichment

6 Reflect and Learn Pilot

7 Henry UbD Implementation Plan SY 2012-2013 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation O Component 1d: Designing Coherent Instruction Elements: O Unit/Lesson design that incorporates knowledge of students and student needs O Unit/Lesson Alignment of standards-based objectives, assessments, and learning tasks O Use of a variety of complex texts, materials, and resources, including technology O Instructional groups O Access for diverse learners

8 What is your comfort level of Understanding by Design? Novice Apprentice Expert (Self) Expert (Others)

9 Henry UbD Theme

10 Stage 1: Clarifying Desired Results O Transfer O Learned in one context and can use it in another Students will be able to independently use their learning to… What kinds of long-term independent accomplishments are desired?

11 Stage 1: Clarifying Desired Results O Meaning O “Theory” – the result of inference O Developing and testing the ides by learners, with teacher assistance, culminating in an idea that seems useful and illustrative to the learner O Understandings O Students will understand that… O (What specifically do you want students to understand? What inferences should they make?) O Essential Questions O Students will keep considering… O (What thought-provoking questions will foster inquiry, meaning-making, and transfer?)

12 Stage 1: Clarifying Desired Results O Acquisition O Necessary tools O The key declarative knowledge (factual information, vocabulary, and basic concepts) and procedural knowledge (basic know-how or discrete skills) you want your students to learn by the unit’s end. O Students will know... O (What facts and basic concepts should students know and be able to recall?) O Students will be skilled at… O (What discrete skills and processes should students be able to use?)

13 Stage 1: Clarifying Desired Results O Established Goals O Common Core State Standards O “Unpack” the standards

14 The standards are necessary but not sufficient, that knowledge and skill are means to understanding ends, and that the essential question(s) are central to any work focused on meaning making and TRANSFER.

15 NWEA RIT Bands How do we connect assessment data to unit planning?

16 Remember, Small Steps...

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