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Good Day This is your 30-Second $ Asset Development $ Training ENJOY Click here to begin.

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2 Good Day This is your 30-Second $ Asset Development $ Training ENJOY Click here to begin

3 What is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)? A credit card that can be used to pay your taxes. Money that you can use to pay your bills. The EITC is a refundable federal tax credit for low- income INDIVIDUALs and families. The money you receive from your employer in exchange for your work.

4 Wrong… The Earned Income Tax Credit does have to do with your taxes, but it is not a credit card. Please try again. You can’t do this with EITC

5 The money you receive as a result of the EITC can be used to pay bills, but that does not explain what the Earned Income Tax Credit is, so keep trying… Close, but Not Quite…

6 Try Again…. The money you receive from your employer in exchange for the work you do is your income.

7 CORRECT!!! The EITC is the largest federal support program for low-income individuals and families. It is a refundable credit through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you qualify based on your income, even when you have no tax liability, you will receive a tax refund. In most cases, EITC payments will not be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), food stamps, low-income housing or most Temporary Assistance for Needy Families payments. To learn more about the Earned Income Tax Credit, visit:,,id=96406,00.html Thank you From “DPN NAME”, your Disability Program Navigator “Insert phone number & TTY” “Email address” 30-Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort Please contact your local DPN to add a friend or colleague to this list.

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