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FROZEN ENTANGLEMENT Grace Snider. SYNOPSIS OF FILM Our film is a cross over between Frozen and Tangled this new film will be entitled, Frozen Entanglement.

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2 SYNOPSIS OF FILM Our film is a cross over between Frozen and Tangled this new film will be entitled, Frozen Entanglement. We will be using the same loved characters from Frozen and Tangled however they will have to defeat new enemies. Rapunzel, who is Anna and Elsa’s cousin, and Flynn journey to Erindale to celebrate the countries 100 th anniversary. Hans, Elsa and Anna’s old enemy, is planning a coupe with his brothers, capitalizing on the distraction of the celebration he frames Rapunzel and Flynn to make it appear that they are there to take over Erindale. Hans pride was stung by Elsa previously defeating him so he went out and was granted magical fire powers by an evil troll. Hans is secretly working with some of Rapunzel’s ambitious advisors unbeknownst to Rapunzel. The cousins who were once dear friends begin to distrust each other as Hans begins to politically sway more people in Erindale. The cousins must learn to trust each other and join forces if they want to save the kingdom from Hans and his power hungry family. With the power of love, friendship, and a little magic they will defeat Hans’ dastardly plans.

3 THE DIRECTORS It will be directed by the Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, both the directors of the original Frozen.

4 WHY THESE DIRECTORS? They have impressive resumes including: Frozen Pocahontas The Little Mermaid Wreck-It Ralph Won 17 awards combined. There is a strong direct correlation between director awards and film awards, seeing as our directors have earned many awards in the past, their work on Frozen Entanglement will likely win many awards.

5 STAR Kristen Bell is the star of Frozen Entanglement Kristen Bell will be returning as her character Anna Costars include: Mandy Moore Zachery Levi Idina Menzel Josh Gad Jonathan Groff Santino Fontana Leonardo DiCaprio

6 WHY THIS STAR? Films she is known for: Veronica Mars Movie (2014)- gross: $3,319,109 Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)- gross: $62,877,175 Frozen (2013)- gross: $400,736,600 Average film gross: $155,644,294.66 Her high grossing average in her previous work may benefit the gross of our film.

7 GENRE Frozen Entanglement will be placed in the action genre, we are gearing the film towards adults with plot twists and high intensity action, while still keeping the sentimentality and heart of the characters so people of all ages can enjoy the film for years to come. Other Action films that have been successful: The Avengers- gross: $623,000,000 The Dark Knight- gross: $533,000,000 Guardians of the Galaxy- gross: $333,000,000 ACTION

8 GENRE MATH Action films are the second highest grossing genre with a mean of 240.53 million. Action appeals to the masses so this can help us appeal to males with the action content and females with the sentimental content as well as children with the classic heartfelt characters.


10 WHY RATING There is a significant main effect of rating on a film’s domestic gross. PG-13 rated films are the highest grossing rating earning 211.15 million on average, this may be due to the wide reaching audience, children can still see the film because there is a limit on inappropriate content, while it can appeal to adults with action and complex well developed characters.

11 BUDGET 200 million will be the budget for Frozen Entanglement. This budget may seem high, but the budget for Frozen was 150 million, while Tangled was 260 million. For a full length animated film this budget is realistic and necessary to produce a high quality film.

12 WHY THIS BUDGET? There is a strong positive correlation between a film’s budget and a film’s domestic gross. The higher the budget the higher grossing a film is, this could be due to the high quality a higher budget can provide.

13 RELEASE DATE Thursday, December 1, 2016 will be the release date of Frozen Entanglement. We are going to capitalize on the holiday spirit, as well as the school and work breaks in December for high movie sales. There are also excellent merchandising opportunities in the month of December as people are buying gifts for the holidays

14 WHY RELEASE DATE? We chose to release Frozen Entanglement because Frozen was released during the holidays and grossed over 400 million. There may not be a significant main effect of release month on domestic gross, December releases earn on average 243.83 million. If we had a larger data sample we may have higher significance.

15 WHAT WILL THIS FILM GROSS? We did a regression equation to predict what Frozen Entanglement will gross domestically. y= 67.942+.738 x1 +.117 x2 -.115 x3 -.069 x4 Y= Domestic gross x1= Film budget x2= Film genre x3= Month of release x4= Film’s content Rating Frozen Entanglement Film budget= 200 mil Film genre= 1 (Action) Month of release= 12 Film’s content rating = 3 (PG-13) Using these predicting factors Frozen Entanglement will earn at least 214.072 million domestically. We expect it do earn much more internationally as the original Frozen earned 1.2 Billion worldwide.

16 THE END As Hans and Elsa battle over the kingdom, Rapunzal, Flynn, and Kristoff fight to sway the kingdom back in the favor of Elsa and ruthlessly fight off Hans conspirators. Elsa and Hans use magic in an epic duel, Elsa jumps in front of Anna to block Hans’ magic from hitting Anna and shoots one last icicle into Hans chest. Hans and Elsa die fighting for the kingdom. Word quickly spreads throughout the kingdom of Elsa’s selfless sacrifice and the kingdom’s favor turns to Anna and Hans. Anna and Hans take over rule of the kingdom and rule with kindness and justice. The kind and selfless nature of Elsa lives on through her creation Olaf. The End.

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