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Igor Kuzma, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Tomaž Žagar, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia GIS Portal – dissemination of geostatistics

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Presentation on theme: "Igor Kuzma, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Tomaž Žagar, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia GIS Portal – dissemination of geostatistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Igor Kuzma, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Tomaž Žagar, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia GIS Portal – dissemination of geostatistics

2  Overview  Dissemination system - data - spatial resolution - confidentiality & terms of use  KASPeR…  Perspectives & conclusions EFGS - Lisboa 2011 2

3 Overview  Geostatistics of higher resolution since Census 1971  Practically applicable since 1981 (Registers) - mostly point located - various methodologies - grid data  National grid system - D48/GK & D96/TM - smallest grid 100 m X 100 m EFGS - Lisboa 2011 3

4 Overview  National grid system - defined in D96(ETRS89)/TM - reprojected to D48/GK - linked by cell IDs EFGS - Lisboa 2011 4

5 Overview EFGS - Lisboa 2011 5

6 Overview x,y x,y - false coordinate - covering the same area - no overlapping problem - applicable to old datasets in D48/GK - regular square gird cell for data presentation EFGS - Lisboa 2011 6

7 Dissemination system - data  Population - number, sex, age groups, activity (yes/no), education (3 levels)  Households - number, size  Dwellings - number, area (classes)  Buildings - number, age (classes) EFGS - Lisboa 2011 7

8 Building an Interactive Mapping Atlas 8 Register of Spatial Units Register of Real Estate Tax Register Bussines Register Statistical Register of Employment Register of Dwellings Central Population Register Censuses Statistical surveys Dissemination system - data EFGS - Lisboa 2011 8

9 Dissemination system – spatial resolution  Administrative units - Cohesion regions (NUTS 2) - Statistical regions (NUTS 3) - Municipalities (LAU 2) - Settlements  Grids - 10km, 5km, 2.5km, 1km, 500m, 100m  Other - e.g. areas defined in municipial spatial plans EFGS - Lisboa 2011 9

10 Dissemination system – confidentiality & terms of use  no suppression for current variables  free access and download  source should be acknowledged  high spatial resolution friendly data suppression  grid dissemination rules applied to „other areas“ EFGS - Lisboa 2011 10

11 KASPeR Web mapping application for visualization of (statistical) data by selecting spatial units in combination with various cartographic layers from the Google Maps tool. EFGS - Lisboa 2011 11

12 KASPeR - features Powered by Google Google maps cartographic layers Google maps search feature... EFGS - Lisboa 2011 12

13 KASPeR - features Spatial levels Automatic zoom option Extendable (new levels can easily be added) Input file formats: –ESRI Shapefiles *.shp –Google Earth *.kml –Geography Markup Language (*.gml)... EFGS - Lisboa 2011 13

14 Kasper - features Content Extandable menu Input file formats: –ESRI shape files (*.dbf) –PC-Axis (*.px) –Comma-separated values (*.csv)... (spatial units – defined in spatial levels file – have to be reffered by variables to be shown on the map) EFGS - Lisboa 2011 14

15 KASPeR - features individual values for selected variables are obtained by moving the mouse over the spatial unit EFGS - Lisboa 2011 15

16 KASPeR - features Adjustable legend classes EFGS - Lisboa 2011 16

17 KASPeR - features Adjustable transparency of the data layer EFGS - Lisboa 2011 17

18 KASPeR - features Charts are shown when clicked on the spatial unit. EFGS - Lisboa 2011 18

19 KASPeR - features Explanatory data can be added to individual variables and/or to group of variables. EFGS - Lisboa 2011 19

20 KASPeR - features Screen data can be exported to PDF. EFGS - Lisboa 2011 20

21 Dissemination system in practise KASPeR - background EFGS - Lisboa 2011 21

22 Perspectives & conclusions  KASPeR - time slider - optional view function - automatic upload & update from SI-STAT database (*.px files) - various colour schemes in the legend - classification scheme - „hide“ navigational/info window EFGS - Lisboa 2011 22

23 Perspectives & conclusions  User response - foreign users prefer administrative units - decision makers prefer grids to support various strategic plans (spatial patterns, clusters) - municipial spatial planners use 100m grid or areas defined in municipial spatial plans - media & conferences EFGS - Lisboa 2011 23

24 Perspectives & conclusions  INSPIRE - INSPIRE grid - metadata etc. EFGS - Lisboa 2011 24

25 Thank you! EFGS - Lisboa 2011 25

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