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Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Rushcliffe - UC Pilot David Mitchell Executive Manager, Communities & Shirley Woltman Customer Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Rushcliffe - UC Pilot David Mitchell Executive Manager, Communities & Shirley Woltman Customer Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Rushcliffe - UC Pilot David Mitchell Executive Manager, Communities & Shirley Woltman Customer Services Manager

2 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Welcome to Rushcliffe

3 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Key Stats Population 112,000 152 sq miles 75,500 working age 20,000 pensioners 6100 claim HB or CTS 1500 claim JSA 5.2% out of work Poor rural broadband

4 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Key aims of the pilot Moving claimants on-line Integrating better with partners Tackling vulnerability

5 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Integrating with partners Identifying the right partners Meetings at the start of the pilot – shared vision Commitment to work together Co-location with the aspiration to integrate services Partnership events in June and October

6 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Our partners Customer need Borough Council JCP DWP Citizens Advice Bureau Advice Network County Council RSL Central College Prob’n Service Notts Credit Union

7 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Co-location versus integration Up-skilling CSA’s in partners services Job Shadowing with partners Joint interventions Basic service delivery and signposting for more detailed queries

8 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Spreading the word

9 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Footfall Jan 2013 ‘Do it on line’ launched March 2013 Newsletter article and flyers in C.Tax bills May 2013 ‘More More More’ launched June 2013 Newsletter article Aug 2013 Letters to all claimants

10 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Partnership Agreements

11 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Lessons Learned Forming partnerships takes time and commitment Right mix of partners Effective IT facilities to enable partners to access their software Raising awareness is key – peaks in footfall after communication campaigns Common and effective signposting

12 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Case Studies A customer affected by the benefit cap and who wanted to work was helped by Jobcentre Plus, Central College Nottingham and Rushcliffe Borough Council colleagues in one interview. As a result the customer has secured work as a mid-day supervisor and the school has offered to support him through teaching assistant training so the college are helping him find the right course

13 Rushcliffe – great place, great lifestyle, great sport Case Studies A gentleman came to see the Jobcentre plus advisor. He hasn’t worked for 20 years due to ill health and was affected by the spare room subsidy. A holistic approach across partners meant that in one place the customer received help from Citizens Advice regarding his benefit entitlement, The Employment Support Advisor and the Jobcentre plus advisor to help him with his job search and Council advisors who were able to answer his query about Council Tax Support.

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