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Ch 39 – The Resurgence of Conservatism
Essential Questions: What were the reasons for the resurgence of conservative values? What were the major goals of the New Right? What was the New Coalition? What was the Reagan Revolution?
Goals of the Conservative Movement
Shrink the size of the Federal Government and reduce spending Promote family values and patriotic ideas Stimulate business by reducing government regulations and lowering taxes Strengthen the national defense
Sunbelt & Suburban Conservatism
Americans in the sunbelt opposed high taxes and regulations Westerners resented regulations Middle class voters supported tax cuts
Anti-Affirmative Action/Reverse Discrimination
The New Right Pro- Life School Prayer Anti-Affirmative Action/Reverse Discrimination Blocked the ERA Personal Responsibility
The Conservative Coalition
An Alliance of: Business Leaders Middle class voters Disaffected Democrats Fundamentalist Christian Groups/Evangelical Christians
Ronald Reagan Pres. Screen Actors Guild/ Friendly Witness (HUAC) Elected CA Governor 1966 Election of 1980 elected Pres Attempted Assassination 1981 Re-Elected in 1984
Reagan Road the White House
Pres. Screen Actors Guild/ Friendly Witness (HUAC) Movie Actor 1940’s MC for the opening of Disney land 1955 Elected CA Governor 1966 Election of 1980 elected Pres Attempted Assassination 1981
Reaganomics- Supply side Economics
Essential Questions What was Reaganomics? What changes occurred on the Supreme Court? What were the results of deregulation in the Savings and Loan industry? Who supported Conservatives Reagan and Bush in the 1984 and 1988 elections?
Reaganomics Takes Over
Reagan wanted to reduce the size and influence of the Federal Government Deep Cuts in Social Programs – Urban Mass Transit, Food Stamps, welfare benefits, job-training, Medicaid, school lunches and student loans. Supply-side economics – Tax cuts by 25 %, money saved would be reinvested to improve business and productivity, lowering price. Increased Defense Spending – MX Missile, B-1 Bomber, and SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
Recession, Recovery, and the National Debt
Severe Recession – July Nov. 1982 Tax Cuts and the 1983 Consumer Spending Spree sparked the economy Stocks surged, unemployment declined, and GNP went up 10%. ( Stocks crash 1987 then rebounded) Federal Spending still exceeded Federal revenue due to the tax cuts. By 1984 the National Debt almost doubled.
Deregulating the Economy
Deregulation – The cutting back of Federal regulation of industry. ( Increased competition and resulted in lower prices for consumers) Savings and Loan Scandal Budget Cuts for the EPA resulted in more mining, logging of forests and more oil and gas drilling. Environmental risk?
Conservative Coalition 1984/88
Businesspeople – wanted a deregulated econ. Southerners – Welcomed limits of Federal Power + Fundamentalist Christian Groups Westerners – resented federal controls on mining and grazing Reagan Democrats- agreed with limited gov. and felt the Democratic party had drifted too far left.
Conservative Supreme Court
Sandra Day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, and a new Chief Justice William Rehnquist
Reagan Renews the Cold War
Essential Questions: What changed in the Communist world that ended the Cold War? What did the US do to influence Central American and Caribbean affairs? What was the Iran-Contra Scandal? How and Why was the US involved in the Persian Gulf War?
The Cold War Ends March 1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev became General Secretary of the USSR Glasnost – “Openness” Criticism of the USSR Freedom of the Press Perestrokia – Restructuring of The Soviet Economy
Relations with the US Summits with President Reagan
INF Treaty –Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) Eliminated two classes of weapon and allowed on site inspections
Troubles Abroad - Peace through Strength
Reagan Doctrine- The US should support guerrilla groups who were fighting to overthrow Communist governments. (1.5 trillon dollars in Military Build-up) Libya Afghanistan Nicaragua Grenada
Nicaragua US Marines left in 1933, but left a dictator Anastasio Somoza in power Between The Sandinistas take control Reagan viewed the Sandinistas as a communist threat The US supported the Contras with CIA training and weapons The Boland Amendment banned aid to the Contras for two years
Grenada In 1983 Reagan sent in 2,000 US Marines to overthrow a Pro-Cuban government and rescue US citizens 18 US solders were killed
Round 2 for Reagan Election of 1984
Reagan (R) vs. Walter Mondale (D) VP under Carter Landslide for Reagan Geraldine Ferraro of NY Mondale’s VP candidate was the first women on a major party’s Presidential ticket.
Iran-Contra Scandal In 1985 seven Americans were taken hostage in Lebanon by Pro- Iranian group President Reagan approved the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for the hostages release National Security Council Aid Colonel Oliver North had diverted millions in profits from the arms sale to the Anti- communist Contras fighting in Nicaragua
Oliver North – American Dad to explain the Iran Contra Scandal
The Moral Majority Televangelist Preachers
Life in the Eighties Yuppies Wall-Mart Cable TV
Sony Walkman, Heavy Metal, Rap CD VCR Pong, Pac-Man, Space Invaders
Life in the 1980’s – Social Concerns
AIDS Drug Abuse Abortion Education
Essential Questions: What were the national concerns about education, drug use, health issues and urban problems? What political, economic, and social gains were achieved by women? How did conservative policies affect minority groups?
Health Issues 1980’s AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Abortion – Roe v Wade 1973 Pro-life Pro-choice Webster v Reproductive Health Care Services (States had the right to impose restrictions on abortion.)
Drug Abuse War on Drugs Nancy Reagan’s anti- drug campaign
“Just Say no!” to drugs “This is your brain on drugs.”
Education 1980’s A Federal Commission issued a report in 1983 called A Nation at Risk 23 million Americans could fill out a job application or follow an instruction manual School Vouchers were introduced “America 2000”
Urban Crisis Flight to the suburbs hurt the inner city
High Unemployment Homelessness Crumbling Infrastructure Lack of health services Deteriorating Schools Drugs (Crack) Gangs (Crips & Bloods)
LA Riots 1992 Rodney King was beaten by four white police officers after a car chase Officers were found not guilty South Central rioted for five days, 53 killed
Equal Rights 1980’s ERA failed ratification in 1982
47 women were elected to the HOR in 1992 6 women in the US Senate 2 women in Reagan’s cabinet Pay Equality was fought for by women’s organizations
Fight for Rights African American Mayors of many big cities
(Ex. Philadelphia –Mayor Wilson Goode) 1992 L. Douglas Wilder became the Governor of VA Jesse Jackson ran for President in 1984 and 1988
Gains for Latinos 1988 Lauro Cavazos was appointed Sec. of Ed.
1990 Dr. Antonia Coello Novello was appointed Surgeon General
Native Americans Speak Out
Aid was slashed to Native Americans for health, education and other services Native American campaigned for gambling casinos as a source of revenue
Asian American Population
They were the second fastest growing minority population in the US By 1992 the Asian American Population was 8.3 million.
Advances in Gay Rights In the 1980’s gay rights groups fought for civil rights Direct Action groups called for an end to anti-gay discrimination. By 1993, 7 states and 110 communities outlawed anti-gay discrimination
Election of 1988 George HW Bush (R) vs. Michael Dukakis ( D)
Moral Majority, comfortable economy, no reason to change. Bush “Read my Lips: no new Taxes!”
Collapse of Communisim
Nov. 9th , 1989 East Germany opened the Berlin Wall Oct., 1990 Germany united Czechoslovakia divided, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania became independent Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania transitioned from communism Yugoslavia collapsed, igniting a brutal war among Muslims, Orthodox Serbs, and Catholic Croats
Decline of the USSR In Dec republics declared independence from the USSR Gorbachev lost power , the USSR ended CIS (Common Wealth of Independent States) was established Boris Yeltsin new leader of Russia, START II signed
Tiananmen Square Student in China demanded freedom of speech and a voice in gov. April 1989, Students held marches in Beijing and other cities The PLA under the order of Li Peng crushed the protestors
Panama In 1989 Pres. Bush sent 20,000 soilders to overthrow and arrest General Manuel Noriega on charges of international drug-trafficking
The Persian Gulf War On Aug. 2nd, 1990 Iraq led by Saddam Hussein invaded the oil rich nation of Kuwait Saddam then looked to Saudi Arabia Pres. Bush organized an international coalition and with the support of the UN and Congress launched Operation Desert Storm On Jan 16th, 1991 the air war began, in February the ground war began Kuwait was liberated, Iraq was weakened Less than 400 American casualties, but Gulf War Syndrome?
Domestic Challenges for HW Bush #41
The Economy Slows- Cold war ended, and some companies downsized Gridlock in Government – capital gains tax was perceived to help the rich and was defeated by Congress “It’s the economy stupid…” James Carville ( Aid to Bill Clinton)
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