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EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Ex post evaluation 2000-2006 Objectives 1 and 2 – state of play Kai Stryczynski, DG REGIO Evaluation Network June.

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Presentation on theme: "EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Ex post evaluation 2000-2006 Objectives 1 and 2 – state of play Kai Stryczynski, DG REGIO Evaluation Network June."— Presentation transcript:

1 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Ex post evaluation 2000-2006 Objectives 1 and 2 – state of play Kai Stryczynski, DG REGIO Evaluation Network June 2008

2 Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 2 WP PackageConsultant 1Coordination, analysis of strategies T 1: Macroeconomic situation, regional development – finished T 2: Financial data – interim report T 3: Strategies – draft T 4: MS overviews – drafts in July Applica (BE), wiiw (AT), ISMERI (IT) 2Data Feasibility Finished ADE (BE) 3Macroeconomic simulation Summer 2009 DG REGIO 4Structural change + globalisationDecision in June 08 5aTransport Start in July 08 Steer Davies Gleave (IT) 5bEnvironment + climate change Start in July 08 ADE (BE) Ex post Obj. 1 - 2 Ex post Obj. 1 - 2

3 Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION EN 3 WP PackageConsultant 6Productive environment, RTD, Innovation T 1: State of the art - draft Danish Technological Institut (DK) 7Gender + demography T 1: Literature review + selection of case studies Istituto per la ricerca sociale (IT) 8Transport – modelling Spring 09 Joint Research Center (Sevilla) 9Rural development T 1: Literature review, selection of case studies METIS (AT) 10Efficiency (major projects) Start in July 08 RGL (UK) 11Management and implementation T 1: MS overviews T 2-4: Preparation of field work European Policy Research Center (UK), METIS (AT) Ex post – state of play

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