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Mitosis: the process by which cells reproduce themselves, resulting in daughter cells that contain the same amount of genetic material as the parent cell.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis: the process by which cells reproduce themselves, resulting in daughter cells that contain the same amount of genetic material as the parent cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitosis: the process by which cells reproduce themselves, resulting in daughter cells that contain the same amount of genetic material as the parent cell. Simply put…how one cell becomes two

2 Cell Division refers to the ENTIRE process Mitosis is a phase of the cell cycle Mitosis, itself, has four phases (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase)

3 Animated Mitosis Cycle Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

4 Cell TypeLife Cycle (how often they go through Mitosis) Intestine liningEvery 2-3 days Stomach liningEvery 5 days Skin cellsEvery 28 days Liver cellsEvery 42 days Bone cellsEvery 90 days Red blood cellsEvery 120 days


6 The Cell Cycle (aka Cell Division and Mitosis) is how we make new body cells. Our body cells are called “somatic” (SO-mat-TICK) All cells in our body (somatic cells) reproduce through MITOSIS, except our GAMETES (or sex cells)—meaning sperm or eggs. Sperm and eggs reproduce through MEIOSIS

7  Has 3 phases  G1 (growth)  S (DNA synthesis, DNA replication)  G2 (growth)  A cell spends 75% (3/4) of its life in Interphase

8 Chromosomes are copied (# doubles) Chromosomes appear as threadlike coils ( chromatin ) at the start, but each chromosome and its copy( sister chromosome) change to sister chromatids at end of this phase CELL MEMBRANE Nucleus Cytoplasm

9 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

10 Mitosis begins (cell PREPARES to divide) Centrioles (or poles) appear and begin to move to opposite end of the cell. Sister Chromatids become visible. Centrioles Sister chromatids Spindle fibers

11 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from: Spindle fibers Centrioles

12 Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) attach to the spindle fibers in the MIDDLE of the cell. Centrioles Spindle fibers

13 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

14 Chromatids (or pairs of chromosomes) separate and begin to move to opposite ends of the cell. Chromatids pull APART Centrioles Spindle fibers

15 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

16 Two new nuclei form. Chromosomes appear as chromatin (threads rather than rods). Mitosis ends. Nuclei Chromatin

17 Animal Cell Plant Cell Photographs from:

18 Cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter cells – each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes.

19 Animal Mitosis -- Review Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

20 Plant Mitosis -- Review Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

21 21

22 I I nterphase P P rophase M M etaphase A A naphase T T elophase C C ytokinesis IPMATC I Pray M ore At T he Church

23 23 - Cell Division 23

24 Count the number of cells in each stage StagePercent time in each stage Interphase Prophase Prometaphase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

25 It’s important that cells have a cycle of growth and death. Some cells fail to die and continually divide (Mitosis) Cells that continually divide and continue to build up. This is called a tumor A malignant tumors is cancerous. A benign tumor is non-cancerous.

26 If cells do not die, cancer is likely to develop (as the result tumors) So, if cells continue to divide (undergo Mitosis), tumors and cancer will develop. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is necessary. A person’s health could be a stake if there is an error in Mitosis and cells fail to die.

27 These images are examples of tumors. Cancer can take place on any part of the body. The entire body is made of cells, and cancer starts with cells Raise Cancer Awareness!

28 Genetics (heredity): some cancers are passed along family lines (breast cancer, prostate cancer) Diet and obesity: colon cancer is caused by those who consume a diet high in fat Environmental factors: 2 nd hand smoking-those who do not smoke can also get cancer because of those who smoke around them Sun/UV rays: extended exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer (melanoma)

29 Watch the animation! See how one cell divides into two!

30 Males make sperm; females make eggs Males go through meiosis until they are in their 70s (men make sperm until they are elderly) Ladies are born with the number of eggs they will have until menopause

31 Meiosis is how the body makes more gametes (sex cells). Meiosis is NOT sexual reproduction. Simply put, Meiosis is how we make sperm or eggs


33 MitosisMeiosis # of daughter cells24 # of divisions12 (Meiosis I & II) Chromosome numberDiploid (2n). Daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell Haploid (n). Daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes as parent cell. # of phases4-P, M, A, T8-11, Interphase, P1, M1, A1, T1, P2, M2, A2, T2 Type of cells producedSomatic (body cells)Gametes (sex cells)

34  Mitosis – diploid (2n)  Cells that divide and reproduce by MITOSIS are diploid.  They have the same # of chromosomes as the parent cell  Ex. If my liver cell has 46 chromosomes, the daughter cells will have 46  Meiosis – Haploid (n) Cells that divide and reproduce by MEIOSIS are HAPLOID.  They have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.  Ex. If an egg cell with 46 chromosomes goes through meiosis, the daughter cells will have 23 chromosomes

35  Cells that are diploid reproduce by Mitosis.  Example: a Liver cell that is reproducing through mitosis has 46 chromosomes. After Mitosis, the new daughter cells have 46 chromosomes.  Cells that are haploid reproduce by Meiosis.  Example: A man’s sperm has 46 chromosomes. After it goes through Meiosis, the daughter cells have 23  Gametes (sex cells) are HAPLOID (half)

36  Somatic = body cell  Mitosis  Diploid (2n)  Gamete = sex cell  Meiosis  Haploid (n) OrganismSomatic Cell (Mitosis/Diploid) 2n Gamete (Meiosis/Haploid) n Human4623 Garden pea147 Fruit fly84 Tomato2412 Dog7839 Chimpanzee4824 Leopard frog2613 Corn2010

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