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Condor Project Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Advanced Condor mechanisms CERN Feb 14 2011.

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1 Condor Project Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Advanced Condor mechanisms CERN Feb 14 2011

2 2 a better title… “Condor Potpourri” › Igor feedback “Could be useful to people, but not Monday” › If not of interest, new topic in 1 minute

3 3 Central Manager Failover › Condor Central Manager has two services › condor_collector  Now a list of collectors is supported › condor_negotiator (matchmaker)  If fails, election process, another takes over  Contributed technology from Technion

4 4 Submit node robustness: Job Progress continues if connection is interrupted › Condor supports reestablishment of the connection between the submitting and executing machines.  If network outage between execute and submit machine  If submit machine restarts › To take advantage of this feature, put the following line into their job’s submit description file: JobLeaseDuration = For example: job_lease_duration = 1200

5 5 Submit node robustness: Job Progress continues if submit machine fails Automatic Schedd Failover Condor can support a submit machine “hot spare”  If your submit machine A is down for longer than N minutes, a second machine B can take over  Requires shared filesystem (or just DRBD*?) between machines A and B *Distributed Replicated Block Device –

6 6 DRBD

7 7 Interactive Debugging › Why is my job still running? Is it stuck accessing a file? Is it in an infinite loop? › condor_ssh_to_job  Interactive debugging in UNIX  Use ps, top, gdb, strace, lsof, …  Forward ports, X, transfer files, etc.

8 8 condor_ssh_to_job Example % condor_q -- Submitter: : : ID OWNER SUBMITTED RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD 1.0 einstein 4/15 06:52 1+12:10:05 R 0 10.0 cosmos 1 jobs; 0 idle, 1 running, 0 held % condor_ssh_to_job 1.0 Welcome to! Your condor job is running with pid(s) 15603. $ gdb –p 15603 …

9 9 How it works › ssh keys created for each invocation › ssh  Uses OpenSSH ProxyCommand to use connection created by ssh_to_job › sshd  runs as same user id as job  receives connection in inetd mode So nothing new listening on network Works with CCB and shared_port

10 10 What?? Ssh to my worker nodes?? › Why would any sysadmin allow this? › Because the process tree is managed  Cleanup at end of job  Cleanup at logout › Can be disabled by nonbelievers

11 11 Concurrency Limits › Limit job execution based on admin- defined consumable resources  E.g. licenses › Can have many different limits › Jobs say what resources they need › Negotiator enforces limits pool-wide 11

12 12 Concurrency Example › Negotiator config file  MATLAB_LIMIT = 5  NFS_LIMIT = 20 › Job submit file  concurrency_limits = matlab,nfs:3  This requests 1 Matlab token and 3 NFS tokens 12

13 13 Green Computing › The startd has the ability to place a machine into a low power state. (Standby, Hibernate, Soft-Off, etc.)  HIBERNATE, HIBERNATE_CHECK_INTERVAL  If all slots return non-zero, then the machine can powered down via condor_power hook  A final acked classad is sent to the collector that contains wake-up information › Machines ads in “Offline State”  Stored persistently to disk  Ad updated with “demand” information: if this machine was around, would it be matched?

14 14 Now what?

15 15 condor_rooster › Periodically wake up based on ClassAd expression (Rooster_UnHibernate) › Throttling controls › Hook callouts make for interesting possibilities…

16 16 Job Router › Automated way to let jobs run on a wider array of resources  Transform jobs into different forms  Reroute jobs to different destinations 16

17 17 What is “job routing”? 17 Universe = “vanilla” Executable = “sim” Arguments = “seed=345” Output = “stdout.345” Error = “stderr.345” ShouldTransferFiles = True WhenToTransferOutput = “ON_EXIT” Universe = “grid” GridType = “gt2” GridResource = \ “” Executable = “sim” Arguments = “seed=345” Output = “stdout” Error = “stderr” ShouldTransferFiles = True WhenToTransferOutput = “ON_EXIT” JobRouter Routing Table: Site 1 … Site 2 … final status routed (grid) joboriginal (vanilla) job

18 18 Routing is just site-level matchmaking › With feedback from job queue number of jobs currently routed to site X number of idle jobs routed to site X rate of recent success/failure at site X › And with power to modify job ad change attribute values (e.g. Universe) insert new attributes (e.g. GridResource) add a “portal” grid proxy if desired 18

19 19 Condor-G Matchmaking › Use Condor’s match-making to select sites to send grid universe jobs to › You must create the “machine” ads yourself using condor_advertise › No claiming protocol › Each machine ad can match to multiple jobs

20 20 Dynamic Slot Partitioning › Divide slots into chunks sized for matched jobs › Readvertise remaining resources › Partitionable resources are cpus, memory, and disk › See Matt Farrellee’s talk 20

21 21 Dynamic Partitioning Caveats › Cannot preempt original slot or group of sub-slots  Potential starvation of jobs with large resource requirements › Partitioning happens once per slot each negotiation cycle  Scheduling of large slots may be slow 21

22 22 High Throughput Parallel Computing › Parallel jobs that run on a single machine  Today 8-16 cores, tomorrow 32+ cores › Use whatever parallel software you want  It ships with the job  MPI, OpenMP, your own scripts  Optimize for on-board memory access

23 23 Configuring Condor for HTPC › Two strategies:  Suspend/drain jobs to open HTPC slots  Hold empty cores until HTPC slot is open › We have a recipe for the former on the Condor Wiki  › User accounting enabled by Condor’s notion of “Slot Weights”

24 24 CPU Affinity Four core Machine running four jobs w/o affinity j1j2 j3j4 j3aj3bj3cj3d core1core2core3core4


26 26 Four core Machine running four jobs w/affinity j1j2 j3j4 j3a j3b j3c j3d core1core2core3core4

27 27 Condor + Hadoop FS (HDFS)  Condor+HDFS = 2 + 2 = 5 !!!  A Synergy exists (next slide) Hadoop as distributed storage system Condor as cluster management system  Large number of distributed disks in a compute cluster Managing disk as a resource

28 28 condor_hdfs daemon › Main integration point of HDFS within Condor › Configures HDFS cluster based on existing condor_config files › Runs under condor_master and can be controlled by existing Condor utilities › Publish interesting parameters to Collector e.g IP address, node type, disk activity › Currently deployed at UW-Madison

29 29 Condor + HDFS : Next Steps? › Integrate with File Transfer Mechanism › FileNode Failover › Management of HDFS › What about HDFS in a GlideIn environment?? › Online transparent access to HDFS??

30 30 Remote I/O Socket › Job can request that the condor_starter process on the execute machine create a Remote I/O Socket › Used for online access of file on submit machine – without Standard Universe.  Use in Vanilla, Java, … › Libraries provided for Java and for C, e.g. : Java: FileInputStream -> ChirpInputStream C : open() -> chirp_open() › Or use Parrot!

31 31 Job Fork startershadow Home File System I/O Library I/O ServerI/O Proxy Secure Remote I/O Local System Calls Local I/O (Chirp) Execution Site Submission Site

32 32

33 33 DMTCP › Written at Northeastern U. and MIT › User-level process checkpoint/restart library › Fewer restrictions than Condor’s Standard Universe  Handles threads and multiple processes  No re-link of executable › DMTCP and Condor Vanilla Universe integration exists via a job wrapper script

34 34 Questions? Thank You!

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