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GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France.

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1 GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France

2 Organisation Thank you to everybody who made this event possible Organising Committee - Sophie Coutin-Faye (CNES) - Yves Menard (CNES) - Anne-Marie Laborde (CNES) - Carte-Blanche, in particular Dominique Brault and Marie Catoen - Kirsten Wilmer-Becker (GODAE Project Office) and many more…………………. GODAE Scientific Committee Pierre Bahurel, Fraser Davidson, Pierre De Mey, Craig Donlon, Lee-Lueng Fu, Ed Harrison, Harley Hurlburt, Masafumi Kamachi,Tony Lee, Yves, Menard, Nadia Pinardi, Ralph Rayner, Dean Roemmich, Neville Smith, Jacques Verron, Stan Wilson Session convenors

3 GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Yves was co-chair of the organizing committee. He was a strong support to GODAE and of its links with Jason and OSTST. We will all miss him a lot here. In memory of Yves Menard

4 GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Sponsors A big thank you to our sponsors for supporting the GODAE Final Symposium

5 GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France The GODAE Final Symposium Objectives: –celebrate and critically examine GODAE achievements –discuss future activities Organization: –Plenary sessions (multi-author invited presentations) –Posters –Ocean Briefings –Argo discussion on Thursday –Round table session on Saturday

6 GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Wednesday 12 November 2008 (Session 1) Plenary Session Athena Auditorium Session 1 – Introduction Conveners: Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Mike Bell 14:00 – 15:00Opening ceremony Welcome and thanks (10 min) GODAE Co-chairs Keynote speeches (50 min) ● Alain Ratier, Deputy Director General, Météo France ● Ming Ji, for Jack Hayes, Assistant Administrator, National Weather Service, NOAA ● Arno Kaschl, GMES Bureau, European Commission ● Neville Smith, Vice-chair of IOC for Patricio Bernal, Executive Secretary IOC 15:00 – 15:20History of GODAE Neville Smith, Bureau of Meteorology Michel Lefebvre 15:20 – 15:40 GODAE overview and the concept of the Symposium Mike Bell, Met Office Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Ifremer 15:40 – 16:00Coffee break 16:00 – 16:30 Real-time ocean brief Global and Indo Pacific International forecast team Chair: Gary Brassington Session 1: Introduction

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